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RE: Blockchain can Succeed Where the Congress Failed

in #blockchain7 years ago

Opiria sounds legit, specially given that its our data that is making social media giants rich, and mark zuckerberg the third richest guy in the world. Users don't get any benefit of that, what they get instead is a tool to waste their time and intellect on. Therefor making personal data worth something for an individual is a great idea, and therefore i like what opiria is trying to achieve.

But then to assess the success of this project or to check how realistic the goal is, one needs to look at what does this data are we talking about. I dont know what the case is but opiria needs access to data like facebook and google, from which one can tell behavior and personality. May be the user allows opiria to access their data on facebook and google and thus opiria has the whole history of individuals, or it takes time to understand individuals by accumulating data over a period of time. On top of that, it also needs to bundle data of many individuals. I dont know effective data of a small group is. The wider the net, the better. Also, may be they can benefit by developing the algo for matching ads to a group of users, rather than handing it over to the company, just like fb does.


You're mention of Mark's wealth actually brings to mind a point. A project like this can create greater wealth distribution as, instead of a few benefiting from everyone's data, everyone benefits from everyone's data.

Also, page 8 of the whitepaper provides a very detailed explanation of how the ecosystem eases data sale, and it goes far beyond the current categories of personal data being sold. A simplified explanation is that the app users download has all the features to monitor location, physical activity, internet activity, and more. It's up to the users to allow permission for the features they decide.