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RE: Blockchain - World Goods Distribution to Benefit Hugely.

in #blockchain7 years ago

Interesting article! I don't have the knowledge to fully understand how blockchain tech can enhance supply chain efficiency, but I guess it could have to do with smart contracts that hedge against certain outcomes.

I'm thinking there might come a time when, rather than keeping an inventory of parts, they are printed on a 3D printer as they are needed. Or maybe the entire item is 3D printed rather than constructed from parts. And maybe everything is printed or constructed by nanobots right inside a box in our house. I think you wrote about something like this in the past on here!


Thank you Kenny. What a good memory. I did write about 3D printers. I agree, I think they will increasingly be popular for parts printing for many industries and services, particularly for things like prosthetic limbs.

There is always a downside. It is feared they will be used to print guns!

Mojo-3D-printer Engineer-removing-part Introduces Desktop Professional 3D Printer Mojo Make Parts Fast.jpg