
Well, it's the way "group mind" works

Nice post!
Consensus was very popular in Control theory (electrical engineering) several years ago, so popular that everything on synchronization was published under consensus terminology.

My standpoint on crypto and blockchain is "middlesociety" and "math management"

"Hive mind" is a very problematical term. It seems that most people associate it with a hierarchical (if not dictatorial) control structure like the Borg rather than the peer-to-peer structure of a beehive where the queen has physical advantages (with commensurate costs) but no real command-and-control abilities.

Indeed, note also that the term "mind" is what Marvin Minsky would call a "suitcase word" in that contains many different meanings that need to be "unpacked" before it is useful.

Yes I do see your point here, though if you really wanted to you could define just about any word as a "suitcase word".

I think there may be a consensus around a common understanding of mind. IE the thing that controls actions of a "body" <-- pack your bags it's suitcases all the way down ;)

What I find interesting about this idea is that it's an attempt to understand an organism greater than ourselves. It's almost like cells in our own body discussing the nature of the body.