This stuff is so amazing i didnt even know how to put good title for this. Got ideas? Leave below.
For me this is mind blowing.
From now on company Bext360 pays farmers directly for their fresh coffee beans on blockchain, automatically and you can verify beans you buy on blockchain too if they are fresh and such!
This time its not Bitcoin or Ethereum used but Stellar.
Stellar is not your daily PnD coin, they have some real use cases and big clients..
Stellar Market Data
Back to Bext360
They get paid for each coffee export directly on blockchain, and they tag there their coffees with date and such. This way end customer can see his coffee date on blockchain and farmers will make more because all the banking system and invoice system is skipped, so company can actually pay them more on things they saved due to blockchain.
But.. its even more automated than this. This is like watching sci-fi movie - but this happens right now.
People who know me are aware i love coffee and people who dont know me just from reading my blog can know i love blockchain and technology.
steemy coffee :))
What a great use of blockchain technology. Outstanding. I will drink (my coffee) to that!
It does however make me wonder if their manual grading personnel was replaced by machines on a performance basis... probably because their caffeine intake was too low to perform up to standards LOL
Just kidding!
Surely its gonna need some adjusting but looks great
Wow!!! This is so powerful!
I guess I would have giving it a title such as "Digital Growth Ground Zero" or something like this. The world of crypto-currencies will be propelled on a roots level and explode all over the world through this. I can't wait to see the results of this paradigm shattering event. Thank you so very much for sharing!
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
hmm...kind of like my life. I get paid by bots on steemit and my wife decides what I should buy with it. We're all under the influence of something all of the time LOL!!
I buy from Kickapoo... No robots, they don't buy from wholesalers only from cooperative farms that grow organic coffee. Their prices are competitive...Not sure how I feel about robocoffee!
Yet another job replaced by automation!
Indeed. But somebody had to make the automation - that was the job created ;)
I see nothing wrong with Job disappearing, society's will have to rethink the current economic slavery model.
yes, the money made by robot must be redistributed to people or a big crisis will arrive
People must adapt to the changes. If there is going to be a dramatic increase in automation, than there must be must be changes in society to counter the decrease in jobs.
Having "fun" will be the new job. Let the bots toil.
Exactly, or doing something valuable for society instead of moving boxes or whatever.I think its a good thing if people can actually pursue things that enrich their lives.
Sounds like the resource based economy. Jacque Fresco
Good utilisation of blockchain. For traceability in some years maybe all food producer would use something like that
Actually just posted about this a couple of hours ago as well :) Really cool use of blockchain and hope to see it spread into more industries.
will have a read later on, good spotting!
Yeah awesome idea I already posted about before you did lol, have some header ideas
Greetings from Djerba and Happy Easter
not all coffee farmers get paid as they had hoped
Interesting! Will definitely check this out!
Very nice ~.~ thank you for sharing
Does anyone else see this as wildly impractical? An electrified kiosk in a rural coffee-growing area that must be visited and emptied every time a farmer loads 70 pounds of beans? This is supposed to be an improvement over existing Fair Trade practices? Which stakeholders in the coffee value chain want this?
tack för bra inläg
du är välkommen men kanske använda engelska
I'm a Swede, but this looks like a bot saying "thank you" all day long and avoiding scrutiny by mixing in a foreign language
yeah i assumed so too, but he (it) was so fast to comment after post was made i didnt want to scare people from commenting by flagging it.
yet now its about time!
Flag? What flag? I don't see any flags on Only thumbs down. ;) Good call!