You need to append "all the time" for that statement to be remotely true, because everything reported on tv in cases of escaped slaves is entirely true, and much worse not reported, just not in every case all the time. Minority exceptions do not disprove any general pattern.
Hollywood =/= Reality. Tell me next that you believe X-men are real and that the news sites are...objective
Virtually EVERY kidnapped person impressed into military work will suffer abuse you can call nothing else but torture.
many slaves were sold from Africa due to the fact that they had debts from their countries. they weren't all abducted. Actually we don't know exactly how it went since accounts are rare and no way to confirm them.
Abuse and suffering is always contextual. For example if everyone around you lives pretty good and you are not then the trauma will be massive. If everyone around you has lost a child then it is ok since it is nothing normal. Trauma comes from something abnormal in comparison to the rest of people. A wage slave will be devastated if most people around them had their own business.
context is everything. People in the future will compare our lifestyles and assume that we were abused as well based on your reasoning. You can only compare with effective parallelisms..and this is what I did in my text.