LeviarCoin 2.0.6 And New Blockchain Explorer - Vote to help dev-team

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

Introducing LeviarCoin

LeviarCoin is an open-source, secure, private and anonymous currency, based on CryptoNote technology.
Blockchain DRM management and in-app purchases libraries are builtin into the main client, allowing individuals and companies to get rid of fees and protect their games and applications.

Do you want to help the dev-team?

Upvote :)

Download wallets

https://leviarcoin.org Sources: https://github.com/leviarcoin/leviarcoin-src GUI Sources: https://github.com/leviarcoin/leviarcoin-gui-src

Windows x64: https://leviarcoin.org/dl/LeviarCoin2.0.6.exe

MacOS x64: https://leviarcoin.org/dl/LeviarCoin2.0.6.dmg Linux x64: https://leviarcoin.org/dl/leviarcoind-2.0.6

Blockchain Explorer


Useful Links

LeviarCoin Project explained on: https://leviarcoin.org/project Blog: https://medium.com/@leviarcoin_fdn BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1847322

Exchanges (soon)

C-CEX vote url: https://c-cex.com/?id=vote&coin=xlc Hitbtc (Pre-Launch): https://hitbtc.com/exchange/XLC-to-BTC Nova Exchange (Processing): https://novaexchange.com/addcoin/

Thank you