Very good post. Wasn't the real revelation about Facebook recently that they make their money not with their users, but with meta data of users, which users have no control over? I mean, everyone can download his user file from FB and delete his account and therefore his user file. But all the connections to other users and information collected about user and non-users (like address information) are still with FB and stay there.
That is the real treasure: FB knowing stuff about people who aren't FB users in the first place. The reality of those 2.2 Billion could be that it is the number of people they have up-to-date information about regardless whether they have an account at FB or not.
@lisaliebeslust. Come on, you are so suspicious. facebook are a large reputable company. They would never lie to you. They would surely not store all your data after pretending to delete it? I mean, I trust them totally. Don’t you?
All this nonsense we read in the paper about hacking and selling of confidential information has just got to be a load of baloney from people who are paranoid.
I say you could even disclose where you live, who your friends are, and the password to your bank account, and write it on your wall, and I am sure that somewhere in that user agreement that nobody read, it will promise not to steal or store any of your private information, let alone, God forbid, sell it to complete strangers.
Yeah, perhaps you are right and it's time for me to take off my tinfoil hat... and also my top and take a couple of nude pictures to send them to Mark Zuckerberg so he can prevent them from spreading through the Internet :-)
Absolutely safe to do that in my opinion. And don’t forget to include your credit card information with pin numbers, so they can pay you for your contributions to Facebook.
Oh, sorry, I forgot. You don’t get paid on Facebook. Maybe there’s no point in sending him the photos after all, unless you want to marry a geek.
lol... me and Mark - I'm sure he knows already if we are a perfect match :-)
I guess you are right. If he hasn’t friended you on FB yet, there’s little chance of you becoming his FB friend, let alone his wife. Might as well find some loser who doesn’t spend too much time catfishing.
if only facebook put the blog in the database blockchain. Blockchain that generates Dollars that can be used by token users to get posts, find and comment on content that appeals daily facebook users will increase. hopefully there will be awards for Facebook users from Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. thank you
My hunch would be that FB is afraid they could lose the monopoly on their user information if it got stored in a publicly accessible blockchain...