I think the main driver of what you're speaking of has been cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin in particular causing the hype. People saw this 'thing' that they could buy and make a fortune on in a very short time-frame, a sort of get rich quick scheme. People then did a little more research into the underlying technology, and now everyone wants a blockchain.
It has been compared to the dot-com craze at the turn of the century, and the comparison is apt in many ways. People are jumping on the bandwagon without adequate research and understanding of why they should be doing so.
There's a huge misconception of Blockchain = Cryptocurrency. I will not deny that I have been speaking of blockchain in the terms of the public.
I also agree that this is a bubble, but a bubble that drives innovation. It is not without risk, but also not without rewards. You'll just need to find the Diamond hidden within the bubble :)