In the past the future seemd different, super smart humans with abundance, but it seems it will be the opposite and the wealth will be even more concentrated.. can the blockchain save us?
In passato il futuro sembrava differente, umani super intelligenti e abbondanza, ma sembra che sarà l'opposto e la ricchezza sarà ancora più concentrata.. può salvarci la blockchain?
Automation and Robots
It didn't start yesterday, humans delegate boring or repetitive activities to machines. It started with calculators or vending machines, but now millions of jobs in trasportation and shipping will disapper because of self-driving cars and robots.
Non è iniziato ieri, gli umani delegano attività noiose o ripetitive alle macchine. è iniziato con le calcolatrici e le macchinette venditrici automatiche, ma ora milioni posti di lavoro nei trasporti e nelle spedizioni spariranno a causa di auto che si guidano da sole e robot.
USA / Huawei ban
If you depend on USA services, cloud or hardware products, You should be really worried. You could lose suddenly the access to AWS, Gmail, YouTube because your Country doesn't follow the USA sanctions
Amazon Japan stopped to sell Huawei products.
Se dipendi su un servizio Made in USA, cloud o prodotto hardware, dovresti essere proccupato. Potresti improvvisamente perdere l'accesso a AWS, Gmail, YouTube perchè il tuo Paese non segue le sanzioni USA. Amazon Giappone ha smesso di vendere prodotti Huawei.
Cost Efficiency vs Ecology
Currently it's possible to pick up the oranges in Sicily (Italy), make the juice in Germany and send back the fresh orange juice to Italy.
It's obvious we can't have high tech industries in every city, but is it good to have so many "moving foods" on the roads?
Attualmente è possibile raccogliere arance in Sicilia (Italia), fare il succo in Germania e rispedire il succo d'arance fresco in Italia. è ovvio che non si possono avere industrie di alta tecnologia in ogni città, ma è positivo avere così tanti cibi in viaggio sulle strade?
Separation between State / Religion / Money
Many countries have State and Religious power separated and Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies help to separate State from Money power.. But is it really a trend? Because in some countries the Politics think to do God will again.
Molti stati hanno il potere dello Stato e della Religione separati e Bitcoin e le criptovalute mirano a separare il potere dello Stato da quello dei Soldi.. Ma è veramente una tendenza? Perchè in alcuni Paesi la Politica pensa di nuovo di fare il volere di Dio.
I wish I could see some way through this age of disillusion, cynicism and apathy. It seems like wherever you turn, more and more people are becoming anxious about what is going on around them; the sense of insecurity brought about by the relentless march of technology. I'm not so sure how much the state's interest and god's will have in common, but I definitely agree that we have to take responsibility for ourselves like never before. We need to review our values, beliefs and restore high standards. We have a responsibility to ourselves and society not to accept everything; trends, behaviour or information in whatever way shape or form.
Thanks for your post.
Technology is very seductive, and it is certainly changing the way things are designed and made and taught. The problem is when technology has seduced you away from thinking about things as deeply as you should.