I'm very new to the game so I'm not avoiding moving up to silver, I'm just slowly building. That said, I got a match the other day against the account Proelite with a rating at the time about 1k above mine (1800 vs 850) and a power very nearly 50x mine (415,000 vs 8,200). If that's what I have to look forward to in advancing I will take my time and play for the leader board in bronze. I just cant see myself dropping that kinda $$$ on boosting cards only to run into someone way OP but underrated. I get that rating should indicate a lack of talent when they have a power of over 400,000 but the odds of just getting stomped by level deficiency seems pretty high.
Again, I'm pretty new, so my sample size is pretty limited but how often in silver 3 should I expect to run into someone with ridiculously high power? Is it just a lack of available matchups that results in imbalanced matchups?