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RE: Datum: Restoring User's Data Control Through Incentivized Systems.

in #blockchain7 years ago

I'm a huge fan of being in control of my data. We're seeing a large number of projects coming online now which promote this exact ideology, such as Medibloc and this one.

I think this is the right direction for society to move in, let's stop giving the big corporates the right to use our data as they see fit. They should pay us for the rights to access our data rather than them abuse it for their personal gain.

Nice write up mate, I'll do some more digging into the Datum white paper to learn more.


Fortunately, the world is steering in that direction and hopefully, we'll be in control much sooner than later . It's very sad that internet users have no privacy, from personal info even all the way down to private calls and direct messages . Let's hope Datum will salvage the current situation .
Thanks for sharing your thoughts bro, do have a splendid day and don't forget to tell someone about Datum :D