How to earn Red Pills aridrops and about this company

Disclaimer/ICO Conditions
Red Pill Coin is not a security, a security is a tradable financial asset that is regulated by
the SEC in The United States, and government bodies in their respective countries. Purchas-
ing and owning Red Pill Coin does not in any way stipulate that the purchaser will receive
shares, liquidity, stocks, bonds or an investment agreement in any asset. Red Pill coin is a
decentralized crypto-currency. Supply and demand determine the value of Red Pill coin. The
purchaser may use Red Pill coins in legal manners, as stipulated in their country of
residence. Red Pill coin is a decentralized digital currency that exists on the Ethereum
blockchain. Anyone who purchases Red Pill coin must agree to these terms.ABSTRACT
The introduction of bitcoin was the beginning of the blockchainrevolution, and since then
blockchain technology has continued to grow into diverse areas of applicability. Ethereum,
the second most popular blockchain in the world today has revolutionized the entire com-
puting space with its use of thesmart contract in consonance with blockchain technology.
Red Pill coin is an Ethereum based digital cryptocurrency asset regulated by smart
contracts. It belongs to the subset of non-bitcoin cryptocurrencies referred to as Altcoins.
Like all cryptocurrencies, it makes use of decentralized distributed ledger framework in the
form of blockchain technology, in this case, the Ethereum blockchain.
It is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency which runs seamlessly on the Ethereum blockchain
network and is compatible with numerous cryptocurrency wallets. There is no central
control over transactions involving Red Pill coins thus giving Red Pill users greater control
and the ability to use their funds anonymously. Red Pill thrives on being more than just
another cryptocurrency variant but a community of people dedicated to exercising control
over their finances. This emphasis on the communal nature of Red Pills sets the tone for
what will make Red Pill be not only a form of currency for the Red Pill community but also
for the Ethereum network and the world wide community as a whole.Introduction
The 21st century has seen a remarkable increase in the transition towards an entirely
virtual world. Many aspects of human interaction are fast leaving the so-called “real plane”
into the virtual environment of computers. The financial services sector isn’t left out in this
revolution as seen by the emergence of cryptocurrencies as means of processing financial
Cryptocurrencies refer to the virtual currencies; digital cash. They are in many
ways, the digital counterpart of fiat currency like the US Dollar and the Euro. The name
“cryptocurrency” is derived from the utilization of cryptography in the process of encrypting
financial transactions. By way of definition, cryptocurrencies may be defined as a medium
that uses encryption to encrypt (secure) financial transactions.
All financial operations are characterized by the transfer of value from one entity to
another. For any financial transaction to be deemed valid, there must be a means of provid-
ing authorization and authentication of the transfer of value. For financial transactions
involving cryptocurrencies, this is achievedusing a blockchain. Every cryptocurrency utilizes
a blockchain with the Bitcoin and Ethereum block chains being the most popular.
Red Pillis built on the Ethereum blockchain which is a traditionalblock chain used by millions
of people. This provides robust network integrity for the Red Pill cryptocurrency. There are
some different digital wallets and support services provided by Ethereum for users of Red
Red Pill is a currency designed to enrich online communities. Red Pill can be used for
many different purposes. Communities can, for example, use Red Pill to reward their mem-
bers for everything from meeting certain milestones (e.g., making a certain number of posts
on a forum) or to reward them for their loyalty (e.g., awarding members pills for being
amember for a year). Red Pill can also be used to reward subscribers of a product or service.
Furthermore at Red Pill also makes a great tipBlockchain
A blockchain is a ledger of transactions that are distributed across the participating nodes in
a network. It is a decentralized database of the records of every single transaction that has
been executed, finalized and divided among the participants of the blockchainsystem.
Blockchains run on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks where there is no central server and all the
nodes (computers) in the network are responsible for maintaining node integrity [1].
Blockchain technology utilizes cryptography as a means to allow each participating node in
the P2P network to update the blockchain without the need for a central authority. Each
node maintains a list of the complete blockchain which is updated upon every completed
As stated earlier, Red Pillis built on the Ethereum blockchain which utilizes smart contracts.
Smart contracts are small computer programs that carry out computations which are repli-
cated and distributed within the Ethereum blockchain network. Just like the Bitcoin block-
chain, the Ethereum is also decentralized. However, the Ethereum protocol is more flexible
and adaptable than the Bitcoin protocol [2].
This flexibility and adaptability of Ethereum lend itself to being a programmable blockchain,
and as such, it is suitable for cryptocurrency applications like Red Pill. With Ethereum being
colloquially referred to as “world computer,”Red Pill is running on a platform that provides
robust functionality for all users and aspiring users.
Advantages of Blockchain Technology:
Since Red Pill runs on the Ethereum blockchain, it enjoys all the main benefits of the block-
chain applications of the distributed ledger technology. The main advantages are as follows:Immutability
One of the biggest selling points of blockchain technology is its logical immutability. This
means that transactions once completed and recorded in the blockchaincannot be altered
or deleted from the ledger. As the Ethereum blockchain grows in size, this immutability
becomes even more assured. Any changes made to pre-existing entries are viewed by the
entire blockchain and as such the possibility of successfully manipulating the system is zero
Trustless Encryption
Financial transactions can be carried out in a blockchain without the need of a central
oversight body providing authentication and authorization. This elimination of the third-
party significantly reduces risk and associated fees.
Transactions in the blockchain are completely anonymous and as such identities of the
participants are completely protected. Users are in complete control of their personal
information thus reducing the risk of identity theft.
Enhanced Security
Being decentralized, block chains do not have a central point of failure. There is no entry
point for malicious attacks, and this makes block chains durable and reliable.
Growth and Development of Blockchain Technology:
Blockchains, in essence, is just an underlying implementation of the full potential of the
distributed ledgers. The Ethereum blockchain represents a significant leap forward in the
growth and development of blockchain technology. By incorporating smart contracts within
the blockchain framework, the applicability of distributed ledgers is being expandedsub-
stantially.Smart contracts open up new vistas for blockchain technology. In addition to the primary
function of processing and validating transfer of digital assets, thesmart contract provides
opportunities for automated processing and enforcement of contracts between participat-
ing computer nodes.
There is a still a long way to go as far the block chains and distributed ledgers are
concerned, but the signs look positive. By the current digital landscape, a large percentage
of emerging technologies are going to be based on blockchain and its derivative protocols.
The fact that Governments and large Corporations the world over are investing resources
into developing more robust blockchain technology application solutions greatly enhances
the future of blockchain [1].
With all of this growth and development of the core technology, it is a safe bet to expect
the creation of a plethora of cryptocurrencies. As blockchain technology becomes more
popular in mainstream use, there will be renewed efforts in creating different cryptocurren-
cies by individuals and organizations looking to buy into the market. Red Pill is more than
just iteration in the ever-expanding cryptocurrency market [2].
Red Pill represents more than just a cryptocurrency; it is a community with a shared
philosophy for greater control and autonomy over its finances. It is not just another Altcoin
but rather, it is a representation of the freedom to use one’s funds anonymously. All of
these coreArchitecture Framework and
Content Technologies
Red Pill is an Ethereum blockchain based cryptocurrency regulated by smart contracts that
providing support for a plethora of financial transactions. The Ethereum blockchain
provides robust functionality that enables the efficient operations of Red Pill as a cryptocur-
rency. Red Pill financial transactions in the form of smart contracts are validated and
processed across the entire network. All the rules of implementation for Red Pill cryptocur-
rency protocols are compatible with the smart contract framework of the Ethereum block-
chain. The fact that Red Pill as a cryptocurrency is built on the Ethereum network also
provides an extra layer of security against malicious attacks on the Red Pill coin system [4].
All Red Pill transactions are processed, validated, recorded, stored and distributed on the
Ethereum blockchain. Red Pill coin users have the freedom to choose from a variety of
wallet options available to them to store their coins. These wallets come in both online and
cold storage options. Our favorite wallet option is MyEtherWallet which apart from provid-
ing online storage for Red Pill coins also gives users the opportunity to generate Paper
Wallets that can be used as offline storage options. These offline (cold) storage options
provide access to your Red Pill coins on the go. There are numerous ways users can access
their MyEtherWallets such as Ledger, Mnemonic Phrases, and UTC/JSON files.
Users are also free to store Red Pills on the official Ethereum Wallet; Mist. Mist is available
on is available for download on GitHub. Cloud provides advanced security for your Red Pill
coins with constant improvements and updates to the framework. It is used by millions of
cryptocurrency users in the Ethereum block chain network.
Transaction Security:
Red Pill operates on the philosophy of complete anonymity with regards to financial trans-
actions. As a decentralized cryptocurrency, there is a great emphasis placed on the security
and integrity of all transactions. The vision behind Red Pill stems from a community of
people with a justified shared distrust for mainstream financial institutions who want
greater autonomy and control over their finances. There is virtually no way to know who
owns a wallet [5].
Attacks on the Ethereum wallet will not provide information on the owner since the wallet
providers do not store hashes or any identifying information about the owners and creators
of the portfolio. The only way to obtain this information is if the owners and creators them-
selves divulge this information. Thus, Red Pill users can safely and securely send and
ReceiveRed Pills without fear of being tracked. The system employs robust cryptographic
encryption mechanisms that make it theoretically impossible for anyone to acquire another
user’s Red Pills. All Red Pill transactions require a private key or UTC/JSON file to be
processed and validated. As long as users keep their private keys secure, their Red Pillscan-
notbe tamperedwith.
Initial Distribution:
The target plan for the initial distribution of Red Pill coins begins with an Initial Coin Offering
(ICO) of 100 Million Coins. The total supply of Red Pill coins is 200 Million which means that
the ICO will account for 50% of the total supply. In subsequent years, 10 million coins will be
made available until the total currency amount is reached. The minimum bidding price for
the coin auction will be determined by the current market value of Red Pill coins as at the
time of the sale. Red Pill coins will be listed based on Ethereum upon release, with one eth
being equivalent to 5361 Red Pills [6].Setting Up Hardware Wallet for Red Pill Coins:
Hardware wallets offer an extra layer of security for your Red Pill coins than online and
paper wallets. While it is highly unlikely that online portfolio options can become vulnerable
to malicious attack, storing your valuable Red Pill coins more securely is certainly something
that should interest all Red Pill users. There are two popular Hardware wallet options
available: the TREZOR and the LEDGER Nano S. Red Pill coins are compatible with both of
these deviceportfolio options. They both provide passcode security functionality and are
incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is plug and play the hardware device on your
computer, enter your passcode and gain access to your Red Pill coins. The LEDGER Nano S is
considerably cheaper than the TREZOR so those on a tight budget can consider getting the
LEDGER Nano S. even To provide more security for your Red Pill coins, you can get both
options and split your coins halfway each between them. In this way, in the unlikely event
that something catastrophic happens to one wallet option, half of your funds are still kept
Transferring Red Pill Coins:
The process for sending Red Pill coins is simple and straightforward and follows the same
ground rules as other Ethereum based cryptocurrencies. If the receiver of the Red Pill coins
is a fellow member of the Red Pill community (i.e., the person has a Red Pill coin address),
all you need to do is log into your wallet and click on “send ether & tokens.” The next step is
to specify the number of coins while making sure that you have enough “Ether” (ETH) for
the transaction. Some coins being will determine the gas price for the purchase. Once all is
set, you can proceed with the transfer and the recipient will receive the coins almost instan-
If the recipient is not yet a member of the Red Pill community (i.e., the person does not
have a Red Pill coin address), as long as that person has an Ethereum address, you can still
send Red Pill coins. All that is required is informing the recipient of your desire to carry Red
Pill coins and requesting that the person sets up Red Pills on their wallet. Alternatively, you
can go ahead and send the Red Pills to the non-Red Pill coin Ethereum based user but
ensure the recipient knows to use the Red Pill coins contract address for the funds to show
up. By so doing, the recipient’s wallet becomes automatically set up to receive Red Pills.
Red Pill Roadmap
Launch Red Pill Coin ICO Round 1 October 1st 2017 – October 31st 2017
Launch Red Pill Coin ICO Round 2 December 1st 2017 – December 31st 2017
February 2018 – Launch Red Pill Chrome extension that allows Red Pill owners to
tip their favorite content creators on (YouTube, with support for twitter, and
Instagram planned).
April 2018 – Launch Red Pill Send And Receive Application for Android with IOS
version following in Fall 2018.
Red Pill will not be es-crowing any of the received funds. Funds will be used to develop red
pill product and services. Funds are released from the crowdsale contract to the Red Pill
team at the end of each ICO round. Of The 200 Million Red Pills created, 100 Million Red Pill
coins will be made available to buyers during the round 1 ICO. Any remaining coins will then
be made available during the Round 2 ICO. If no coins are remaining after the round 1 ICO
ends, then the Round 2 ICO will be cancelled.
50 Million Red Pill Coins will be kept for the Red Pill Team, while 20 Million were set aside
for Pre-sale buyers. The Remaining Red Pill coins will be sold yearly at market price.
The Red Pill development team are a group of developers whom have worked together
collectively to bring Red Pill to the public. Red Pill prides itself on facilitating the ability of
users to safely use Red Pills as they so choose to, while following all the laws, rules and
regulations, as stipulated in their respective countries.
Technical Implementation
Red Pill Coin is an ERC20 Compliant Token. This means that Red Pill can been stored and
traded on virtually any platform or wallet that supports the ERC20 standard. The purpose
of Red Pill is to support creators, empower fans, and also serve as a system of wealth
management/growth, for those that choose to invest in it.
This decision was made deliberately so that Red Pills could not be walled off into their own
closed ecosystem, and would remain accessible across multiple Ethereum platforms.
Stage 1:
The first stage of Red Pills technical implementation, was the development of the coin itself.
By making the coin ERC20 compliant, it is now capable of being stored and traded on multi-
ple platforms.
Stage 2:
The second stage of the technical implementation, is the development of a chrome exten-
tion and mobile apps, that will allow users to easily store and or send Red Pills to their
favorite content creators, bloggers ect.
The extension and apps works by allowing users to enter an Ethereum address of the
creator or person that they want to send funds to, or to search for verified users on the
platform, that will have, a little checkmark like on YouTube and twitter (next to a verified
creators name), verifying that they are the creators/public figures that they claim to be; this
will also make it easier for people to quickly send funds.
With millions of people likely to support and adopt the currency, Red Pill coins are uniquely
positioned to becoming the global cryptocurrency of choice. It is incredibly popular with
miners on the Ethereum network, and it is fast becoming the default currency of the
Ethereum network. Though it is still early days as Red Pill coins are concerned and the
entire blockchain space is still very niche, there are a lot of benefits attached to it as the
most promising emerging technology of this present time.
Red Pill coins can be exchanged on various cryptocurrency exchangers. Red Pills can also be
exchanged for bitcoins which can easily be converted to cash. Thus, it constitutes a safe and
secure means of storing wealth. Red Pills also functions as payment for products and
services just like mainstream fiat currency. Red Pills can also be used for a variety of online
payment processes such as tipping as well as on virtual platforms.
Red Pills are scalable and divisible up to 8 decimal places and with an estimated 200 million
total supply over the next 16 years; stability of the currency is assured. Red Pills are compat-
ible with numerous wallet options for secure storage of user coins as well as accessible for
transfer of coins. The Ethereum blockchain is known for its use of smart contracts and its
fast transaction time. By being built on the Ethereum blockchain, Red Pillscan provide
premium cryptocurrency services that are far superior to other players in the market.
The Red Pill community is an ever growing one with more people who are determined to
exercise greater control over their finances. For more information on the upcoming Red Pill
ICO and other inquiries, visit the Red Pill coin website.

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