in #blockchain6 years ago

Curaizon is a UK-based company that has developed CuraServe, a soluton to improve drug adherence
and bring game-changing benefts to patents and healthcare providers. Our soluton works with patents,
their families and healthcare providers to ensure that patents take their medicatons as prescribed through a
series of outreach tools, supported by predictve modeling tools and behavioral analysis, to increase the rate
of drug adherence. As our CuraServe soluton helps patents, it’s also generatng a vast amount of patent
data which is then anonymized and made available through our CuraData platorm. Companies, academics
and non-profts can access this data by purchasing our CuraTokens.

Curaizon is unique because our CuraServe soluton generates the informaton that drives the value of
our CuraData platorm. We’re not simply ofering another way of storing, sharing or mining data. Our data
is the frst-of-its-kind insight into real-tme patent behaviour and adherence. Through our collaboratons
with research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies, we shall create one of the
most powerful and valuable data sources in healthcare. We will become a centre for excellence within the
community of healthcare and pharmaceutcal industries. Our data and analytcs will fnally give the health
and pharmaceutcal industries the tools they have been looking for to bring about the change patents
need. Our value-based approach to a simple, accessible, yet valuable exchange of data and analysis will
revolutonise the healthcare landscape. Leveraging our contracts with healthcare providers, we can quickly
build an ecosystem of mutually benefcial stakeholders within the value chain

Utlity Tokens
CuraToken (“CTKN”) is an EIP-20 Ethereum-based utlity token which can be used to access medical
adherence data via Curaizon’s CuraData platorm. This data is of interest to research insttutons, natonal
health services and biotech companies. Blockchain technology will be used to store the patent permissions
and ensure transparency and anonymity. Through the smart contracts and embedded API calls, access is
given to the underlying big data. Through this technology, CuraToken (CTKN) will become a unique soluton
to build a win-win-win situaton for token holders, patents and medical insttutons. The data grows over
tme and constantly increases in utlity and consequently value. Our reward program encourages data
collaboraton, thus increasing the overall value and atractveness of our data. Our CuraCharity platorm
donates to worthy causes that are leading the way in research and beter treatment in the healthcare sector.

Value Of The Soluton
Our unique data will be able to lower the direct cost of drug non-adherence which is estmated to be more
than $700 billion per year.
In additon, pharmaceutcal companies lose more than $630 billion in revenue
annually to patent non-adherence and the amount lost is increasing by 13% per year. Our data will be
indispensable in helping drug companies improve revenues by ensuring patents are taking the drugs they are
supposed to. This represents a win-win as higher adherence rates equal higher revenues for pharmaceutcal
companies, beter outcomes for patents and considerable savings for healthcare providers.

Platorm Value
The total number of potental users of our platorm include all of the patents covered by natonal health
services across the world. This is a total of 1.4 billion patents and growing.
The reason that this data is so valuable is that it simply doesn’t exist anywhere else. There is no accurate,
real-tme adherence data for patents taking medicatons today. There are examples of people selling
personal data for as much as $100 per month, however, basic health records can be purchased for between
$7-$25. These, however, have no capacity to predict future behaviour, or inform best practce or optmize
drug prescribing protocols.

Cost Model
Because CuraData™ is expected to grow and contain more valuable data over tme, we antcipate that the
cost to access the data will be periodically adjusted based on its value in the market. The price for data access
will be set in fat currency (USD). The value will be a functon of the number of patents using the system,
the tme period they have been using the system, and the complexity of our AI & machine learning neural
networks (which will dictate the quality and quantty of analytcs).
There are several levels of access to the underlying data. The more informaton a token holder requires, the
greater cost and therefore number of tokens that will be necessary to access that data.

Our 2 + 1 Cost Model
On a use by use basis - The more complex the data requirement, in terms of number of records and complexity
of search query (age, gender, drug, etc.), the greater the number of Curaizon’s™ utlity token are needed to
provide access and analyze that data.
By tme - We provide unlimited queries to our underlying informaton for a fxed period tme for a pre-arranged
number of tokens.
Including Partner Data - Access to Curaizon’s™ data will be enhanced by augmented data provided by
additonal partners. This will be an additonal cost opton that will be available for both a “use by use” and
“by tme” basis.
For example. A pharmaceutcal researcher completes a shallow sweep through our data to look for
epidemiological trends and correlatons. They then enhance their research to include our partner’s data. On
identfying a signifcant trend of interest, they would then pay for a fxed amount of tme to complete a full
in-depth data set sweep (including partners) as part of a new drug discovery or validaton (by tme).

Charitable Donatons
As per our philosophy 10% of our profts will be paid in fat currency to CuraCharity™ and given to the
charites chosen by the patents whose records Curaizon’s™ platorm has utlized. This gives patents even
greater reason to engage with the technology. Research indicates that people are far more likely to engage
with a company where there is a charitable element present.

Token Propertes
• NO new tokens will be created afer the token sale ends
• 50% of tokens will be available for sale to reach our hard-cap of $25 million during our Token Sale.


For more information:

Website: Ann: Whitepaper: Litepaper: Telegram: Twitter: Facebook:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbacBitcointalk:;u=1917269