Introducing PROFISH: Enhancing The Sport Fishing Industry Through The Use of Blockchain Technology

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Blockchain, a technology which was originally designed to run cryptocurrency, over the years has evolved to a point where it is being explored in different sectors of the world today.
With major industries like the Financial Institution, manufacturing industry, healthcare, insurance, transportation and a whole lot of others investing billions of dollars into this technology recently, there is no doubt that Blockchain is the technology for the future.
Satoshi Nakamoto designed Blockchain in 2008 to serve as a public transaction ledger for his cryptocurrency (Bitcoin), little did he know that his invention will become so vast to the point of being adopted into the Big League. Talking about the Big League, have you ever wondered how much blockchain will contibute if its being adopted into the major "Big League"?

Adopting Blockchain into the Big League

Today, the major Big League in our world today is no doubt the Sport Industry. In 2017, Sport generated a market revenue of over 90billion dollars to the world's economy. Source.
This aforementioned statistics is proof that this industry is no-joke and with the adoption of Blockchain Technology being harnessed in the sector, the Sporting Industry will not only become the leading indstry in the aspect of revenue generation, but it will also surpass other standard that has been set by others.

Modern Sport Fishing and its Influence on the Global Economy

Sport Fishing has taken a great leap forward over the years with recent statistics showing a breakthrough in this special sporting industry. This multi-billion dollar sporting industry as referred to by Forbes has a total economic impact of $115Billion in US alone owing to the fact that over 60million Americans spend an estimated $46million annually on sport fishing.
It is worthy to note that the influence of Sport fishing in the Sport industry generally has been tremendous and its prevalence in top regions of the world recently has been mind boggling.

Intoducing ProFish: Leveraging Blockchain Technology for the Benefit of Sport Fishing


What is Profish?

Profish is a multifunctional platform which leverages blockchain technology in order to improve Sport fishing. Profish doesn't just harness the benefits of blockchain technology, it creates an ecosystem whereby all parties involved will benefit immensely through its native token, FISH which will serve as a means of value transfer.
Profish also provides outstanding services to the Sport Fishing community through their Blockchain-powered decentralized platform.

Online Tournament

The online tournament is one concept that has been cherished by most sport fishing folks around the world over the years. The internet has made inter-country tournaments possible whereby sport fishing folks from different regions of the worldvcan compete and can get their reward via the internet. The online tournament is an integral part of sport fishing and is not a new concept to any enthusiast in the industry. Profish however, through the use of Blockchain technology will further modify this concept to suit the taste of every user. Users will enjoy the benefits of low transaction fees, swift and secured transactions, coupled with countless other benefits which will be made possible through this technology. Users get their reward in FISH token and have the liberty of sharing thier feats with friends and family through the Profish user-friendly platform designed in a pattern where users could link their profile with major social networking sites.

Online MarketPlaces:

Profish provides an online marketplace to allow vendors, retailers and fishermen to transact business using the FISH token or Ethereum on a secured and fast network. One cool thing about this concept is the fact that these transactions wouldn't have to rely on any third-party verification since all transactions are done on the blockchain network.

Reward System:

The reward system adopted by Profish to reward loyal customers is intriguing. With the help of this decentralised network, Profish makes it possible for loyal customers to redeem their reward pool with great convenience without any restrictions whatsoever, unlike the regular loyalty programs we have come to know.
Using the FISH token, Profish will work across marketplaces and platforms, uniting rewards programs and services, fortifying the sport fishing economy.


Sport Fishing has great potentials to become the driving force of the Sport Industry. With Blockchain technology I see the Sport Fishing Industry achieving this feat at the fastest possible time. We are in a world where our daily activities are being influenced by technological advancement and Profish understands this concept more than anyone that is why this special collaboration between Sport Fishing and Blockchain Technology has been put in a place not only for the benefit of the Sport Industry, but for the benefit of mankind generally.

Profish Roadmap


FISH Token Disribution


The Profish Team


For More Information and Resources:

Profish Website
Profish Whitepaper
Profish Telegram
Profish Medium
Profish Bitcointalk Thread

Author: mrrpiusz
Bitcointalk username: mrrpiusz
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=2290998 ANN Thread:

All unsourced Images and Stats were culled from the project's whitepaper


Satoshi Nakamoto really did a nice job.
It's always good to try something not minding the immediate effect .
Satoshi deserves to be given the Swiss award.

Yea, truly he does.
To develop a technology of that magnitude is truly the work of a genius!

It is only fair that the sports sector enjoys its fair share of the dividends of the multi-purpose, revolutionary blockchain technology and profish clearly understands this. Here is a truly introspective piece.

Thanks for your awesome review buddy.
The sport industry will experience a complete evolution, with blockchain technology.

I'm all for this project , particularly because it will not only improve sports fishing, but will also show other animal sports how beneficial the blockchain technology is to the industry. Well written buddy :)

Yea, the improvement this project will bring to animal sports generally will be tremendous.
Thanks for your review mate!

It's finally coming true: the incorporation of blockchain in every facet of life possible.

Nice write-up. It's worth every publicity it can get.

Thanks Buddy!
Blockchain adoption globally, will really change our world.
Its just a matter of time buddy.

I am happy blockchain technology is now solving so many problems in our world today, profish would really improve the sport fishing industry

Profish is a project that will revolutionalise the way sport fishing is done globally.
Profish is totally incredible!