Difference between Bazooka and other Gaming Platforms
- The bazooka gaming platform is a blockchain-based game platform
- The platform has its own native token for payment purpose
- Winning/all played game is easily verified on the blockchain
- Bazooka eliminates the fear of foul play
- Bazooka offers betting services for lovers of bet
- Bazooka platform can be accessed by anyone anywhere around the globe.
Why choose Bazooka

Bazooka offers gaming and p2p betting services
Bazooka pays for every game played on the platform instantly through Bazooka token
You can access the platform from the comfort of your home
As a gamer, you can develop and launch your own game on the Bazooka platform
Bazooka targets a multi-billion-dollar market at its infancy which shows there is profit to be made being an early adopter of the Bazooka platform.
For Inquiries
WEBSITE: https://baztoken.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/bazookians
WHITEPAPER: https://baztoken.io/bazwhitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/baztoken
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Baztoken
MEDIUM: http://medium.com/@Baztoken
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/BazToken