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RE: *Updated* Reigniting the MeshNets When We Need Them Most.

in #blockchain3 years ago

My community and I are working on a lora32 network. One camp has them set up in operation already, and those guys are advising us on ours here locally. It's a nationally community called Man Scouts, somewhat akin to the Freedom Cells. We actually work often with our local freedom cells and other similar communities. When MS has a local network ready to roll out, we're going to advise our local FC folks on rolling out their own. Through community cooperation, we can strengthen and decentralize our network and make the whole process easier on each other. They'll fill in gaps in our Network, and we'll all benefit from the infrastructure being in place.

Also, there's a router that runs on a raspberry pi that hosts a lot of degoogled stuff, a btc lightning node, an element server, and lots of other things on one little box with an external hard drive. It could fit in a pocket and is plug and play. I forget what it's called, but I think the potential of raspberry pi hardware is amazing.

Be buying Lora nodes and raspberry pis.

We need a place to buy such things with crypto... I'd love to roll blog earnings straight into these projects.


That is very interesting.

I don't know anything about lora32 networks, so I will have to do some homework.

Where are you located? I would be really interested in doing some media/ documentation with you about that.

Personally, I'm in Decatur, TX. About an hour north of Fort Worth.

Lora32 are the hardware for meshtastic networks, sorry, should've been more clear. You keep a personal node on you within Bluetooth range, and run the messaging app on your phone. Send a message through your phone app, which bluetooths it to your node, which puts it in the air as radio. In the US, they run on 915MHz band.

Your group/chat is encrypted, and only accessible if the creator of your network gives you access. Of course, the transmission can be "heard" by anyone with a receiver tuned to your radio frequency, but it can't be easily unencrypted. The idea is that you're setting up your own private text network that's encrypted.

Once you have a mesh set up,other folks can send messages on it that you can't read, and you can send on theirs too. It's pretty cool, I'm excited to be working on it. I'll make a post on it ßoon and try to remember to tag you so I can share. It's neat to have stumbled across someone else on here talking about this. :)

Very interesting. Yes, please tag me or whatever any time.

So, this lora32 is primarily for simple text?

What I'm thinking of with the meshnets I would like to try is mostly wireless nodes running on standard wireless bands using CJDNS to encrypt point to point comms. This could be a Raspberry Pi running a Nextcloud install that would seems like a very versatile tool.

These nodes could run a closed net or they could even share internet connections. Really, any network server or service could be run on them.

CJDNS is actually an overlay, so I'm supposing it could carry the net you are speaking of also.

I too am stoked to meet other like minded folks working on these things. I hope we can light a fire.