ONSTELLAR - Token Sale | The Esoteric SMT Project And Why You Should Be Interested

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

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ONSTELLAR – Why You Should Participate

The marriage of blockchain and a subject-specific social media platform is a revolutionary idea! Steemit is building the platform for this with their Smart Media Tokens. ONSTELLAR is making use of this new opportunity for esoteric topics.


1. ONSTELLAR summarized

ONSTELLAR is a new blockchain-powered social media network built as the first platform designed exclusively for the enlightened community.

From the paranormal to the metaphysical, the unexplained lives here.

Powered by the blockchain, the ONSTELLAR ecosystem is tailored to introduce members to the exciting world of cryptocurrency, while at the same time providing opportunities to earn income, meet new people, engage with industry professionals and gain access to amazing products, services and events - all while enjoying a world-class user experience.


2. What problems are we solving?

The modern social platforms excel at attracting more users by offering ever-expanding services, which are free of charge. But there is a real cost to our participation and growing dependency upon these platforms:

  • Our privacy is constantly being assaulted.
  • Censorship is on the rise in dramatic fashion
  • Major platforms have been caught in creepy social engineering experiments
  • Billions of social media users generate substantial revenue for the industry, but don’t receive a fair share of the profits and value creation.

But that’s not all. Most platforms are very generically targeting the mainstream, which leaves many special interest groups out in the cold. ONSTELLAR wants to change that:

  • Tribal behavior of mainstream social media users discourages free thought
  • Fans of the paranormal, the unexplained, the metaphysical and conspiracy theories don’t have a place to connect, collaborate and earn together
  • Web marketing and digital expertise is hard to master, creating a lack of opportunity for lay-people to break in
  • Professionals seek to grow their audience but must expend significant resources to find new fans across the vast digital expanse

Our one-of-a-kind platform brings together the best of modern technology and subject-specific resources into one place to dramatically change the paradigm.


3. What is our solution?

ONSTELLAR is the next critical step in combining social media with cryptocurrency. Designed for a growing enlightened global community and focused exclusively on the extraordinary, profound and metaphysical, ONSTELLAR will be the first platform of its kind to focus on connecting like-minded individuals with a revolutionary and unique experience. By offering a transparent, open marketplace for its members, ONSTELLAR promises to be the heartbeat and nexus for expanding knowledge in our wondrous world.

The ONSTELLAR ecosystem is tailored to engage members in the exciting world of cryptocurrency, while at the same time providing opportunities to earn income, meet new people, engage with industry professionals and gain access to singular products, services and events. While enjoying a world-class user experience, our members will have access to the largest publicly-available digital archive of curiosity-quenching audio, video, publications, images, newspaper clippings and investigative documents.

What are the technology hurdles you must overcome to launch ONSTELLAR?

Very few actually. The ONSTELLAR technology is based on the well-established Steem blockchain. By operating our ecosystem from the Steem blockchain, we are able to safely implement our business model, including many of the features on the roadmap while also enjoying a robust, tested and proven infrastructure.

Additionally, we are User Interface / User Experience experts. This means we know how to integrate the best of existing social media platforms in a efficient and easy-to-use fashion in order to deliver our members with a world class experience.

How is the community receiving ONSTELLAR?

Everyone is very excited! Just look at our testimonials that come from many of the biggest names in the industry.




What makes you capable of executing on this opportunity?

Our team brings a set of skills to cover all aspects of the business. They have solid experience in business administration, finance, business development, social media, blockchain, cryptocurrency, marketing and promotion of unique projects. Our key contributors and advisors are the top names in the industry encompassing everything from the paranormal to the metaphysical.

How are you different than other social platforms in the market?

There is no other social platform targeting this market and certainly no collective of individuals that comes anywhere close to our team. This is truly a very unique opportunity.


5. The Market

As total worldwide social media users approach 3 billion, it’s safe to say that the social media industry is huge, and still growing. When people think of social media, Facebook immediately comes to mind. Indeed, the Nielsen Group says Internet users within the United States spend more time on Facebook than any other website. But there are many social media companies worldwide, focusing on content-sharing, interaction and collaboration across different communities of people or coworkers. The most popular include:

  • Facebook - widely-used free social networking site that allows users to upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues
  • Twitter - free microblogging service where registered members share short posts called tweets; members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets through multiple platforms and devices
  • Instagram - free image-sharing application that encourages users to share pictures and videos with approved followers or the public
  • LinkedIn - a social networking site designed for business and professional engagement, featuring coworker and employer peer reviews
  • Steemit - a social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and promoted by site members, Steemit is revolutionary in its revenue-sharing approach

All of this online activity is memorialized, synthesized, analyzed and monetized along with billions of other people, real value creation is happening. Indeed, as of mid-2017, the top 6 social networks had a combined enterprise value totaling just under $600 Billion USD.

Addressable market for our community

Put aside any personal reservations about our target community and take a look at a sample of relevant statistics:

  • 16% of Americans believe in Bigfoot.
  • Over 75% of UK citizens believe in the paranormal.
  • 47% of Americans believe in aliens.
  • 77% of Malaysians believe in the Jinn
  • 68% of UK citizens believe UFOs are somehow connected with the Paranormal.
  • 31% of Americans believe in Telepathy.
  • 59% of Russians believe people can cast harmful spells
  • 39% of Americans believe aliens are visiting earth.
  • 28% of Jordanians wear talismans to protect them from evil.
  • 75% of Christians have paranormal beliefs.
  • 27% of Americans claim they know someone who has seen a UFO.
  • 25% of Americans believe aliens are friendly.
  • 75% of people believe in Premonitions.
  • 42% of Americans believe in Demonic Possession.
  • 69% of Indonesians believe in Witchcraft.
  • 20% of Americans believe in Reincarnation.
  • 25.3% of Americans believe aliens want to colonize earth.
  • 35% of people believe in Levitation.
  • 47.9% of Americans believe aliens are interested in human anatomy.
  • 85% of people believe they have experienced Deja-Vu.
  • 36.5% of Americans believe aliens are here to perform medical experiments.
  • 32% of people believe in Auras.
  • 41% of Pakistanis wear a talisman to protect against Evil.
  • 73.5% of Americans believe it would be terrifying to be abducted by aliens.
  • 27.9% of Americans believe it would be entertaining to be abducted by aliens.
  • 19.3% of Americans believe it could be deadly to be abducted by aliens.
  • 90% of people believe they have had at least one paranormal experience.
  • 55% of Americans believe Atlantis once existed.
  • 48% of Thai use religious healers
  • UK citizens believe more in Auras than anywhere else in the world.
  • 52% of Americans believe in hauntings.
  • 66% of non-Christians have paranormal beliefs.
  • 35% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth in our ancient past.
  • Australians believe more in telepathy than anywhere else in the world.
  • 48% of Ethiopians have witnessed an Exorcism.
  • 26% of Americans believe aliens have come to earth in modern times.
  • People over 35 years of age have more paranormal experiences than any other.
  • 25% of Americans believe that some people can move objects with their mind.
  • 41% of Americans believe in ESP.
  • 69% of Turks believe in the Evil Eye.
  • 26% of Americans believe in Clairvoyance.
  • 25% of Americans believe in Astrology.

Information taken from: 20th Century Fox Survey - 2017 Chapman University Survey USA - 2017 Gallup News Survey - 2001 Psychic Revolution Internet Survey - 2011 Roper Poll Survey - 1991 YouGo Survey – 2015

It’s safe to say that our target market is very large. They are also very dedicated.
ONSTELLAR is a new type of platform. One that not only provides a premium user interface and experience, but also offers an entirely new business model designed to completely align members’ interests with the platform itself. This is a completely new paradigm powered by the latest in blockchain technology.


6. Business model

How much will the tokens be worth?

ONSTELLAR cannot make claims about the future value of its tokens. A good approximate guide and possible market model for what we are doing is what is happening with the STEEM tokens. ONSTELLAR will deploy a similar structure intended to create a U.S. Dollar peg.

How are you going to make money?

Just like other major platforms that are today very popular and profitable, ONSTELLAR will take time to build and new revenue sources will develop. Today, the platform is set up to earn revenue in multiple ways with the ONST token as the fundamental unit of exchange. Asides from traditional sources, our planned road map of functionality release will provide several new revenue opportunities:

  • Decentralized Exchange. Members are able to buy and sell, with order matching and completion performed automatically by the system.
  • Payments Through Escrow. The ONSTELLAR intends to provide a way for users to send tokens to each other with a third party designated as an escrow service. The member acting as the escrow service is able to determine if the terms of the agreement have been met, and either allow the funds to be released to the receiver or returned to the sender.
  • Discovery Mapping System. The ONSTELLAR Discovery Mapping System is a mobile app designed to reveal important sites near your physical location. In keeping with our commitment to privacy, ONSTELLAR will not share any member information without full permission to do so. Full details on the functionality, data requirements, and privacy will be provided at a later date.
  • Professional Connectivity Center. The professional connectivity center intends to provide members with a portal to submit their original works to industry professionals for production.
  • Stock Portal. We intend to design our Stock Portal is designed as a platform to connect members with visionary artists, graphic designers, photographers and videographers.
  • Freelancing Portal. This digital portal, based on our smart contract escrow system will enable ONSTELLAR members to post and search employment opportunities.
  • Portal for Sound and Music Creators. Visionary and gifted sound and music creators will be able to upload, promote, sell and license their originally-created content.
  • Learning Center. ONSTELLAR intends to offer a variety of subject-specific educational material, developed by experts in their respective fields. We are thrilled to integrate this curriculum with some of the leading tools available on the market today.
  • Academy and Events. The goal of the Academy will be to preserve the legacy of educational luminaries of the past and present, whose body of work made a significant contribution to alternative science, literature, arts, entertainment, education, enterprise, investigation and research. Events will connect members together in real-world settings for the richest experience possible.

How will we gather new members?

We have put together a world-class group of key influencers and opinion leaders in our community. This coupled with aggressive referral rewards and traditional marketing/advertising should contribute significant growth to our network. A viral effect will likely begin to occur with our membership at some point.

How scalable is your platform?

With the proven Steem blockchain as its foundation, ONSTELLAR is designed to be one of the fastest and most efficient social platforms in existence and is able to scale to support 10,000 or more transactions per second. Because the infrastructure is entirely through the generation of new tokens, there is no need to charge users a fee for powering the blockchain.

In order to place reasonable limits on the system use, each user is given a limited bandwidth based on their token balance. Large and active users carry more token balance and therefore can do more. Users can always increase their bandwidth allowance by getting additional ONSTELLAR tokens. Bandwidth limits adjust based on network use, so users have a higher bandwidth allowance when the network usage is low.

Whenever users perform blockchain operations such as token transfers, posting content, and voting, it uses up a portion of their bandwidth. If a user exceeds their bandwidth allowance, they must wait to perform additional actions until their bandwidth recharges.


7. Financials

Token Offering

The maximum number of tokens issued will be 67,500,000 as follows:

  • 74.1% will be sold during the crowdsale
  • 11.1% will be distributed to founders
  • 7.41% will be sold during the pre-sale
  • 5.2% will be awarded as bounties
  • 2.2% will be awarded to developers

Funds allocation

The allocation of funds received will be as follows:

  • 65% is allocated to platform development
  • 15% to operations and administration
  • 15% to marketing and business development
  • 5% to legal and accounting


The roadmap sets out the development that will be possible if targets are achieved, starting from $5 million and projected to $10 million.

Ensuring token liquidity

ONSTELLAR will have its own built in market that allows you to buy and sell ONST. The internal market has many benefits when it comes to trading. Among these benefits:

  • No Fees - Our blockchain doesn’t charge trading fees, but it will rate limit your account if you start consuming too much bandwidth. If you hit the bandwidth wall, you can always Power Up to get more access.
  • Highest Security - The internal exchange is secured by your account private key. This means you do not need to trust any third parties with your money.
  • Lowest Spread – ONSTELLAR intends to subsidize the internal market with liquidity rewards that create market competition to give you the best price possible. The spread can be lower because some of the risk is absorbed by the network.
  • Highest Liquidity - This is another side effect of liquidity rewards. Traders make more by trading on the internal exchange and therefore there is the greatest market depth.

8. Participation required

BTC and ETH will be accepted. The minimum purchase is 0.1 ETH.


ONSTELLAR should attract a large number of enthusiasts to its community as well as its token sale, setting up the platform for the future. We invite you to join us in our quest!
Stay tuned!


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There are 2 pages

Interesting. But why you got downvotes mainly from @transisto. Well I have always seen him leaving comments on posts when he flag the post but I can't see any on this particular post. Why? Is there something behind that we shouldn't know about?

From what I learned from one of my Appics post is that some whales are afraid that SMT's will be competitors to Steem and hence be bad for their investment. So they try to censor these posts or at least demonetize them.

I don't understand how smts a competitor to steem, I read it everywhere steem is fuel for SMT based apps.And they are the one telling us steem would be more valuable after the launch of SMTs

Come on man you know that's bogus.

First, SMTs need to exist... period!
Second, Appics is far from existing as the competitor to anything.
Thirdly, Anyone with a clue would know that it's nonsensical that an entity existing
ON the platfrom of another entity has a chance to dethrone the parent entity.

Name me one scenario where this has happened?

Shame. Shame from someone with a prominent role here.

I don't know why you get all personal here and trying to defame me. I have proof for my assumption that some whales have a negative feeling about SMT's: https://steemit.com/appics/@flauwy/appics-smt-two-more-weeks-to-the-first-steem-based-ico#@transisto/re-flauwy-re-aka8888-re-flauwy-appics-smt-two-more-weeks-to-the-first-steem-based-ico-20180313t000819500z

Sure, it is probably a form of interpretation what exactly was the motivation behind that comment. And when I posted quotes from the SMT whitepaper to underline my point there was no further reply. So, what I said in the comment above is NOT my personal opinion at all but merely the conclusion of observing reactions. I think SMT's will be beneficial for Steem which is why I write about them in the first place.

So it would be nice if you start coming back to the heartspace and don't get all patronizing on me.

Lot's of Love to you.

Well I wasn't referring to a specific event.
That conversation you had with ONE so called whale is not a measure of the overall view.

You've also told others on another comment that the APPICS token will be traded on exchanges... where do you get that from? I DO NOT believe it will be as there is nothing on their literature or coming directly from them indicating that this token will be traded on an exchange. If it will be then it is a VERY distant probability and one that I doubt anyone in the team has even pondered on with serious thought.

I am also NOT attacking you. Or directing this criticism at you personally. Although it seems it.
You are a prominent figure here, so I just think that some of them things coming from a figure such as yourself can make others act carelessly. SO many bottom dwellers on steemit hoping to invest in their first project: APPICS. They need to be looked after also.

That is why transisto has acted in the way he has. He is looking out for those here. Specially with the esoteric ICO. While I see your link to it, and respect that you are spiritual. You can't be so careless as to recommend it so positively without addressing the real issues. One, that it's got no guarantee of succeeding so people DO have a real chance to lose their investment.

And when are them damn SMTs out too?
I noticed you said "this year (hopefully)" on a previous post and this is worrysome.
You to be a not as optimistic and hint that they might NOT be out this year makes me think that struggle street is just around the corner around here. At least for projects which depend on their existence.

Communities at least you motherfuckers...


and yes profanity was necessary.

That was the best comment I have gotten on this post. I love your honesty about that and I agree that Steemit is really making this hard for us users and for the projects trying to build on the SMT idea. We are in a moment of uncertainty in and that is not good for Steem nor for SMTs.

And YES, communites and hard fork 20 are LONG overdue and they should finally deliver on that so that we all can finally overcome this cluster of unconnected content we find on Steemit.

I would love to get to know you a little bit better. Maybe we can chat on Discord soon.

Yeah I might criticize steemit a little too honestly in the eyes of some but I am equally as passionate about the success of the platform as any die hard is. I see it as a child who is going through a little rough patch and letting you down a little, but you know they are good, you know they have real potential.. and you are still optimistic... that this will eventuate in the near future.

So yeah, communities is probably the most anticipated addition to this platform. Even above SMTs, as... I've come to realize, that more exist here that have no clue what they will mean and be than there are those who get them and realize their importance for the platform.

It's what made reddit succesful as you can always find a niche where you belong.
Or create one if one doesn't exist. Steemit is in desperate need of this function.

What discord do you frequent? I'll pop in for a chat!
I'm not active much on there. I am on telegram mostly.

You're a good guy btw!
I AM interested in the OnStellar project,
So we will have more profound conversation in a future.

Like on our platform, content and creators will be at the mercy of the audience and the market. We will not censor. If people feel they need to downvote, that is their right. Unfortunately, I wish I knew why he'd downvote us. I think we're more on the same mission than we are not. But like I said, everyone has a right to express themselves how they see fit.

I truly understand that but you know I am right to be curious since it found it unusual.
Good luck for the project anyway.!

You got downvoted because you are really pushing for that money primarily.
Your pricing is ridiculously high for something which does not exist yet.
An SMT project.

You are making sure YOU are rewarded before the whole thing even has place in reality.
You know though... you are not stupid.

For the record, I love the project. Will definitely be on board once it's got legs.
It's shooting to be a garden of Eden in environment reminiscent of a swamp land.
You will not land a dragonfly here.. just pockets of mosquitoes and the odd fat frog.
(Not sure what that last statement means but I like it.. it stays!)

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Thanks for this information. I haven't understood many things about SMT yet but I have read many whales saying steem will rise to moon after the lunch of SMT since steem works as bandwidth for applications based on smt, now you told the opposite part, I just want to know how if you have some time to write.thanks

Very nice in depth review.. Thanks for sharing.

Of course! We'll be posting more content as we progress. Make sure to keep an eye out ;)

What a fantastic project! I have a spiritual steemit group already as well as a manifestation group, and will share the information with them. I'm guessing this is related to the esoteric SMT project Flauwy is a part of. Nice to see it advancing toward the ICO and not waiting on the completion of SMT technical development.

No, this is unrelated to my own project but since this is so good and progressed I have decided to support them instead of pushing mine forward. Just pure synchronicity. :)

what a coincidence :D

How amazing. That's what I thought when I found yours! Yes, there are beautiful synchronicities at work.

Ha! Here we go - same thoughts here! Sounds awesome! 🙏

Great to run into you here. Great minds gathering perhaps? 😃

Indeed! The project is destined to be a success with us 2 on board! 😀

#aaa content ! @blockchainbeta says light the way!

Wonderful @onstellar ...Where have you been my whole Steemit life...??? I'll be meditating upon the outcome. Regards @averageoutsider Have a peaceful day.

This means so much! We need all of the good vibes and energy supporting us - Think Goku Spirit Bomb. lol

nice project indeed.

Thanks so much. I'm glad you like it! I hope you'll join us @onstellar =]

instead of using Cryptocurrency as standart minimum contribution isn't it better to use USD, since Crypto price always fluctuate and i'm sure investor will like more if contribution was based on USD price.

Interestingly enough we've got those bases covered. Learn more by checking out our site or checking out our whitepaper
Screenshot-2018-3-17 ONS_Whitepaper_R1_V2 - onstellar-whitepaper pdf.png

Great article. I am totally interested in this project! I will inquire about having my services on the platform as well after it's development.

After reading about OnStellar's project and their collaboration with Steemit, I'm looking forward to more great concepts built with the Steemit platform.

We are uber excited about this too, especially when we can provide a home for your services to the world!

Great project. Finally an unlimited platform to share views and experience. I am genuinely interested in this project. Can I get your link for telegram ? I want to get updates

Thank you! Here is the telegram link : https://t.me/ONSTELLAR
Join our bounty campaign!

41% of Americans believe in ESP.This "ESP" stands for what?

I need a referral code to join ONSTELLAR.Can anyone help me to join?

Referral code.PNG

Hi, you do not need a referral code to join. Just leave it blank.

Okay.Thanks for your information.Please, help me to select one from following ESP(It's in your post)-


Wow!! Great and fascinating... I really appreciate your idea towards the development that will yield huge outcome if target and vision are achieved... The good news is I'm really ready to support the project.

What does @onstellar need to know to optimize the success of their project?


Break through roadblocks (8 of swords) by taking more action to contact people (2 of cups) for help, or enhance teamwork when you are feeling restricted. There is a certain sense of pride to figuring everything out yourself, and then there is also pride in meeting deadlines and getting things done (8 of pentacles).... in short, enhance the cooperation.

I really like your project. I can do a few more readings for ya'll at no charge whenever you guys would like. Just visit my page for ore info.


Wow, that is the nicest comment we have gotten on Steemit! This is very helpful and fits perfectly to ONSTELLAR. We will certainly work on cooperation with Steemit. We have already something in mind. :)

Keep your Tarot readings coming!

What an amazing idea.

I just started this Tarot blog on SteemIt where I am willing to do Tarot readings for free sometimes or in exchange for crypto.

This site looks perfect for me. Thank you for being visionary with this.

Yes, you seem perfect for the ONSTELLAR platform. Keep an eye open to our announcements.

Thank you! All over it.

dear your blog very nice and beautiful knowledgeable for peoples ,,
Please sir
Give me a votes follow me back , nothing will happen to you but I will get the benefit

I can see you're a newbie to steemit. You dont beg for upvote on steemit nor do u beg people to follow you. You just post and you use the right tag and people will follow you. I would have flagged you i just felt it will be too harsh for a new person on steemit like you....there are ways you will get upvotes if your post worth it...

Let them be.

Steemit has no reward for them so you are giving false hope.

The bottom dwellers do their thing... and the rest do theirs.

You are one of the best projects! It's nice to watch and especially participate in such steep and useful projects for the future of mankind! I believe in your luck!

I am happy to hear the word "No Fees" I think all of them would also agree! I hope to participate more with this project if my finances allow. Good luck

That is great news! So happy you'll be joining us. Make sure you get in touch with our Bounty Campaign manager if you have any questions! https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3143467.0

This post has received a 48.32 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @onstellar.

Well thanks for that. Noone here is complaining ;)

Awesome project. Congrats! :)

Thank you for the support, it truly means a lot!

You have received an upvote from @nicestbot. I am an automated curation bot trying to make minnows happy.

Are you sure that YOU are the NICEST bot? Either way, you've made me happy... Thanks

Great post
Thanks for post
Keep posting

We are working on it. We want to provide value in each piece. More content is on the way!!

Progetto molto interessante. Complimenti per il post 🇮🇹😉

I dont know what that says :'(

Thank you for the support though!!! I know what ;) is

You have the approval of jesuschristo @onstellar go on with this project and bring the esoteric world a currency like aquarian watterfalls.

Wow thanks! We look forward to developing this platform to users like you!

Nice post

Thanks a lot. We are trying to provide as much value in our posts as we can. Keep an eye out for more content, coming your way!!!

Great Post and nice picture..DQmZ7GAtJEmsiP5GW5cYFyVWW9KqjwVYZ1yJ9QQ4T8zP97C.jpeg

Thank you =] We have an amazing designer

incredible publication, it continues so you can see the effort brother. $$

It never ends. You guys never stop loving us so we dont intend to stop loving you. We will continue to put effort into providing you value. Thanks for the support.

Brilliant idea friend ,,

I love crypto and hate youtube <3

This platform looks nice, the fact you use UFO attracts me! 👽

Good initiative and project

interesting idea. I'm trying to develop that particular type of content on this platform, but distribution is lacking for minnows. very promising idea. I will follow and revisit this topic.

Very interesting project and mike noorey is also on board wow. Didn't know that these guys know about Steem Blockchain. Is there also a bounty programm like with APPICS where you can earn by promoting? And are they planning to do a Airdrop to Steempower holders?

Yes, we do have a bounty system on our website for Steemit and other platforms. An airdrop fro Steempower holders is currently not planned but we are discussing this idea.

Hahaha, amazing!!

The question is: are they going to deliver the SMT's?

That looks really great! I will inform my Team on telegram about this project. Hopefully we will get more projects with Steemit!

If you have any questions let us now on Telegram.

This is awesome! I'm excited to see a cool community-driven idea based on the STEEM blockchain. Count me in!

Great! We are looking forward to see you on ONSTELLAR.

friend good initiative in your post

Welcome to Steemit .I just followed you.. Please follow me back to continue on helping Steemit New Users.... Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! Welcome to the blockchain

Thanks for stopping by.
You may can visit & love me @steemit-helpers

Nyc project

exelente proyecto muchos exitos

hopefully it can make steemit forward for the better.

Awesome, resteem.


This is a very great project bro. I just joined telegram group chat. But cant the lowest investment be less than 0.1eth???

75% of Christians have paranormal beliefs.

Don't all Christians have paranormal beliefs?


Not going to give a detailed opinion on the merits of the project as I just don't see the point of ANY project announcing they will exist on a platform that does not yet have existence.

Given the track record of steemit I don't have much confidence of them SMTs becoming a reality before Q3. Until SMTs are real and have gone through the standard stress tests and bug corrections... anything seeking to depend on them is a hypothetical.

Well done for the ambition and presentation though.

The ONST tokens can be traded as ERC20 tokens like EOS. And Steemit is working hard on the SMTs.

Thank you for the compliment.

Great news, looks fantastic just what those of us who have enlightened minds so to speak. Seriously, it’s badly needed, not much interest or traction here. Looking forward to the sale and launch. Resteeming!

Thank you so much! We really appreciate your support.

When is SMT rollout?

I am a beginer, Please help me, vote my post and follow me.
Thank you.

hmm.. it's good project , i will consider to invest , now i have one project start on April 7th and website hacked list on ico tab. they value creativity.If you interesting ,maybe read my steem

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