
in #blockchain7 years ago

Cardstack and its way to make apps decentralized

We can’t imagine our life without gadgets and apps inside them, which brings us a lot of opportunities. Cardstack project came to solve all problems in this turf once and forever.

The problem definition

We live in a world of internet and mobile gadgets are our providers which brings an access to this area. People probably forced to use a lot of different apps just because every single one offers something special. As the result, it brings the spirit of competition – developers always should make efforts to keep the position. In many cases, the only one way to win the race is cheating. Anyway, the situation brings problems and inconvenience to users:
we should choose apps through the searching for the best offers in this developer’s war;
all inventions are hidden inside apps and as the result it brings regress;
every single app depends on certain data (sometimes it include account’s information, passwords etc.) – it brings problems of access.
When all problems were mentioned. Cardstack team decided to offer own decision.

What Cardstack may offer

The main Cardstack solution is to make a union of all apps inside just one platform. It would be something like one wide app which can provide all the functions people use in their favorite apps. Here are some advantages which such approach will bring:

  • List item
  • time economy;
  • better security;
  • opportunity to unite best functions in one place (it would be
    available to mix all of them just like a constructor).

enter image description here
It would be effective way to decentralize all apps inside one and keep all effective functions at hand. By the way, the framework will include special tools for developers with a goal to offer them a new era of apps creation.

Future with Cardstack

In case if we will try to imagine future with Cardstack, it would be interesting to realize that the world of apps was transformed. There are a lot of changes, but here is the most interesting of them:

  • It is impossible to hear from someone complaints about not effective
    options of their new app. In case if someone doesn’t like one, it
    would be always possible to replace it with another that fits.
  • Problems with security are ruined. The union which was created by
    common platform offered an opportunity to use every single app as a
    layer of protection. It means that it would be impossible to steal
    information or password because all the data and access are on the
  • Rewards brought best developers which created new apps with a goal to
    make customer’s life easier - the new approach to opportunities which
    simple gadgets can provide.
    enter image description here
    Cardstack will change the world by their unique ideas about decentralization in app’s world.

So, Cardstack project deserves attention. It is an ultimate new approach which offers effective ways in very important questions.


Autor:;u=16.. My Telegram : @ivanushka95