As far as I know, you are a genuine person and all your topics of writing are genuine and worth reading and considering. In this case, you are forced to do something which does not suite your norms. The reason for that is that maybe a few people have invested in the coin and now they are afraid of negativity being spread about the coin.@bunnychum,
Same thing had happened to me earlier, few years back, when I was threatened very badly when I also had brought the 'scam reality' of a coin. It was a havoc of morality at that time. I was abused verbally in various ways and was threatened being abused physically. I had started getting all sorts of dirty and fearful messages daily from thousands of people. When I showed the Facebook messages to my police friend, even he was shocked to read them.
These people who have invested in these coins have fear of price drop down and hence they take such steps because you very well know that Indians don't know how to work hard towards making things better. Like what @pkalra has mentioned. They are just trying to pull you down with 'threatening words'.
I am writing this comment to you because I want you to remain strong in whatever your views are. In future, you may write more about various topics and then again you will receive such threatening messages, that time, please remain BOLD, FIRM and ASSURED that you won't bow down to anything and anyone.
You have complete freedom to write what you think is good and correct. If others are making you feel wrong, then don't listen to them. Listen to yourself!
I am adding one more point here. Those who send you threatening messages on Facebook, you can report their profile mentioning that you are being threatened. You have a lot of options to stop them.
Another reality of bunny chum.

He is using bots to boost his articles.
Reality of BUNNYCHUM
He is charging 300 USD to write a article.
@amartya-singh, Nice move manipulating the audience, This chat was not with you but with Rishabh (@madovercoins). Everyone charges for the work they are getting appointed for. I am a freelance blogger and I review blockchain technologies time to time, mostly at my will and sometimes people hire me to do so, That's my job.
But something you forgot to mention here in the screenshot, which for your ease, I have uploaded below. We had a conversation where I clearly mention about the job I do to review blockchain technologies, but I also mentioned that I reserve the right for an honest opinion.
screenshot below:

In this case, I have reviewed Laxmicoin blockchain at my will as I was forced to, I wanted to know and let others know, what is the solution you guys are providing with your Blockchain and the result is my post.
Can you please explain and make some sensible arguments that would let me and others get interested in Laxmi Coin? because Laxmicoin that you have mentioned is not making any sense at least in my opinion.
If you read my post properly, I have not done any in-depth review but requested everyone to visit your website also read the whitepaper available to check themselves it this makes any sense to anyone. So, they can share their opinion too.
I don't think that you are a professional person. And there's is no sense talking to you, as you are still threatening me on Facebook by saying that I have made it personal for you, Here's another screenshot: