Radix started as a project to not only be highly scalable but to also make it easy for any developer to build decentralized applications with.
Staying true to this cause, we are releasing a series of developer tools starting with the single node emulator today; so you can start building now before the public betanet goes live.
The single-node emulator behaves like a fully functioning betanet, but on your local machine.
With it you will be able to:
-Create token types
-Mint tokens for token types, subject to permissions
-Burn tokens for token types, subject to permissions
-Transfer tokens for token types, subject to ownership
-Transfer encrypted and unencrypted messages
In addition, there is the ability in the betanet-emulator package to request XRD tokens from a "faucet" to facilitate experiments with the native token.
Follow this quick start guide to install it on your local machine:- https://docs.radixdlt.com/kb/develop/betanet-emulator
Then, use your choice of client library to start building your use-case:
And, you can use this latest Android wallet release to connect and interact with the betanet emulator.
If you have feedback/questions about the emulator, post them on our Node Runners Forum where one of the team members will help you. If you have library-specific questions, please post them in the Technical Forum.
Lastly, join the conversation with our community on Telegram and tell us what you are building!
Hi, how are you doing? I have some tasks on Github related to the marlians.com tribe. I wonder if you will have time to take a look and perhaps help to carry it out.
https://github.com/steem-engine-exchange/nitrous/issues/94 https://github.com/steem-engine-exchange/nitrous/issues/98 https://github.com/steem-engine-exchange/nitrous/issues/93
If you need to chat, you can find me here: https://discord.gg/Jjhrej3