When I was young my father used to tell me story of two brothers. Two brothers were working in different cities. They used to send money to their old parent who were living in village.
One day one brother thought he may be sending more money then his other brother so why not reduce the amount. Gradually he reduced the amount and after few month he stopped sending money to parent.
The same thought came into mind of other brother. Gradually he also reduced the amonut and after few month stopped sending money.
The old parent in village dosnt have any source of income. They were dependent on money send by the brothers. Due to absance of money they dont have proper food , so they become week and fragile. After few month they died.
The moral of story at that time was, dont think about others while performing your duties. I was two young at that time to question the moral of the story and autharity of my father but certianly I was not convience about it.
The reasion behind for not beign convience was, its told to me that humans are one of the best creation of god and god cannot be wrong. God must have some thought before creating the human being and their behavoiur.
On my journey of knowledge I understand that the problem was not related to the duties , it was more related unavability of information which lead to halozination and breach of trust by brothers.
The brothers did not have any system to get the information about the duties performed by others or not. Even parent did not have any means to inform about the missdeed.
Above story is just one example. If we see around we can find more such stories. It was demand of time so the centeral regulatery institution like Bank , school , college etc started mushroming. All these institutions were establish to deal with specific missdeed.
You may be thinking how come the educational institution become a
Many systems were developed to solve these problem of mistrust but mostly they are centralise in nature. Due to their centralise nature they were not able to cope up to heavy
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