Diary of a Blockchain Fan – November 30th 2021

in #blockchain3 years ago

November’s End. How Did it Go?

Well, here we are, it’s the last day of the month. The bad news is, that doesn’t leave many days for me to work out what I am going to buy my wife for Christmas, but I’m setting that particular challenge aside for now. It will need some serious focus.

I decided to write a daily post about my journey through the world of the blockchain during the month of November for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to share the results of some of my researches. I’ve benefited greatly from the sharing of others, so it felt right to give a little something back in return. Secondly, I thought it would be interesting and maybe even amusing to be able to look back at what I’d written, the projects I’d spoken positively about and those I’d turned my nose up at, as well as the shear variety and volume of projects that have and continue to launch in what is, let’s be clear, an incredibly vibrant space.

Hopefully, some of my posts have been of interest to you. Maybe even one or two have amused you. I’m assuming I must have done something right because where I have received feedback it’s been positive. I won’t pretend that it’s been easy writing a daily post, especially as I really have tried to produce quality content that’s accurate and well-written. I’ve also tried to reflect my own personal thoughts and feelings in these posts, rather than rolling out a bland repetition of information already available elsewhere.

All of this, of course, takes time, perhaps the most precious commodity that we each possess, and I suppose it goes without saying that we never seem to have enough of that. Disappointingly, I haven’t yet been able to find a project in the DeFi space that allows me to trade some of my coins for time; perhaps there’s a big opportunity there for an enterprising team!

One positive of this daily posting that I hadn’t expected at the outset is that I’ve started making some new acquaintances in the world of the blockchain, people who’ve been good enough to exchange a comment or two off the back of a post. Then there have been the people who have helped me get to grips with the platforms I’ve been posting on, two of which were entirely new to me and not especially easy to learn. To you all, I say a big thank you.

So, now the end of the month is here, what happens next? The first part of my answer to that question is to say I won’t posting daily from now on, though I knew that from the outset. For one thing, it has diverted too much time away from my fiction writing, which has languished forlornly in a corner, feeling unloved and abandoned. Deadlines are deadlines and my readers won’t be amused if the next book is late in arriving.

However, I will now be posting on a weekly basis. The topics will be the same, reflecting my voyage of discovery through all things blockchain related, and I hope to maintain the personal spin I bring to my posts. It’s an utterly fascinating world out there right now and it’s a pleasure to have the chance to be a part of it, to be right in there, experiencing things first-hand. Where it will all end up, who knows? But I do intend to fully enjoy the ride while I have the chance to do so.

Until next time…

Renaissance Man

Why this Diary?

I thought it might be an interesting exercise, as much for myself as anyone else, to keep a diary of my interests and activities in the land of the blockchain and all things crypto, so I’m going to give it a go at writing a short diary entry each day for the current month, November 2021. It will give me something to look back on and assess and it might offer up some entertainment and topics of interest to anyone who happens to read it.

The Usual Disclaimer

Please don’t take any of the above as financial or investment advice. It is intended to be nothing other than a little entertainment and information sharing. Always, but always, do your own research before committing your money to anything.