Diary of a Blockchain Fan – November 23rd 2021

in #blockchain3 years ago


A wonderful tale to be told today. I’m such a happy chappy.

I mentioned briefly in an earlier post how frustrating it has been to find one IDO launchpad after another living and operating on Ethereum. Not that I have anything against Ethereum as a whole, since it’s done wonders for the blockchain world, but those gas fees are just appalling. I simply don’t do business there at present.

Having been an investor for several decades and having focused on small and start-up companies for the last few years, I’m a natural for launchpads in blockchain land. This means it has been horribly frustrating for me to find myself hemmed in by ETH gas fees.

This problem has come about both because of Ethereum’s leading position, which gives it such scale, and its use of smart contracts, which underpin these IDOs. There has been little choice for all concerned other than to use Ethereum.

That is, until recently. I am delighted to say that in the last few days I have bumped into not one, but two launchpads that don’t rely entirely on Ethereum, Huge cheer! Today I’m going to say something about Moonstarter and tomorrow Thorstarter.


Moonstarter has been launched with a view to addressing the problem of existing launchpads being blockchain specific, which limits the options for both projects looking to raise funds and for investors looking to participate.

Built on the Binance Smart Chain, they initially supported the BSC and Ethereum blockchains, but have already started extending this to include Cardano, Solana and Polkadot, with Cosmos and Tron following later on. (Since I’m a fan of both Polkadot and Cosmos this is especially good news. It’s also worth noting, given my updates in previous posts about the ongoing Polkadot auctions, that they see Moonbeam as central to their future growth).

Participants need to hold a minimum of 1,000 of Moonstarter’s MNST coins to participate in IDOs on a lottery basis or 10,000 to get a guaranteed allocation. The project being new and the price of MNST relatively low makes it a more affordable entry price point than for many other launch platforms.

Proposed IDO launches are vetted and help offered by the Moonstarter team for those projects that want it. Moonstarter will also control the liquidity lock built into each IDO, so the project teams do not have control of this themselves, a nice safety feature to reduce the chances of a rug pull.

Of course, any launchpad is only as good as the projects it helps launch and, being new, Moonstarter needs to build up a track record, but there are IDOs already available, including interesting looking ones from Mine Network and Blockpad, so they’ve not been tardy in getting things moving.

Moonstarter looks ideal for me. Covering multiple blockchains, with an affordable entry price point and what looks like a well thought out approach, I’m up for this one and will be mopping up some MNST soon.

Take a look here if you would like to know more.

Until tomorrow…

Renaissance Man
Presearch – Earn free PRE crypto when you search.

Why this Diary?

I thought it might be an interesting exercise, as much for myself as anyone else, to keep a diary of my interests and activities in the land of the blockchain and all things crypto, so I’m going to give it a go at writing a short diary entry each day for the current month, November 2021. It will give me something to look back on and assess and it might offer up some entertainment and topics of interest to anyone who happens to read it.

The Usual Disclaimer

Please don’t take any of the above as financial or investment advice. It is intended to be nothing other than a little entertainment and information sharing. Always, but always, do your own research before committing your money to anything.