Quantum Broadband Antenna (Part 3 of..)

in #blockchain7 years ago

The Nature article, 28 Oct. 2010, Vol. 467, pages 1084-1087, Detecting excitation and magnetization of individual dopants in a semiconductor by Alexander A. Khajetoorians relates to the magnetic atom doped iron-cladded metal box springs and the double dome oval loop quantum gravity surface-dopants embedded with in a two-double-deck dimensional electron helium-4 gas confined to an indium antimonide 110 surface X Mn—GaAs plate on lower deck #63 results, as shown on page 1084 FIG. 1 (a), depicts the oval loop quantum gravity connection electrode of Fe double overlapping atoms surrounding InSb 110 surface FIG. 10. FIG. 10 is the core in the embodiment, specifications, and claims in the invention as is applied to all FIG. 10's noted in this invention. As stated in Nature article, Vol. 468, 11 Nov. 2010, pages 184-185, Mind the pseudogap, by Chandra Verma, and the Letter article, Vol. 468, 11 Nov. 2010, pages 283-285, Hidden magnetic excitation in the pseudogap phase of a high-Tc superconductor by Yuan Li, that on pages 184 and 283 of these issues, Li, et al., reports observing a special kind of intense collective electronic fluctuation in the most mysterious phrase of matter exhibited by high-temperature superconducting copper-oxides materials. As shown in FIG. 1, page 184, phase diagram of the cuprates depicts the strange-metal region of a quantum critical point of sectorial zoning areas between antiferromagnetic metamaterials materials and neighboring spin points in opposite directions. This is depicted in the invention FIG. 10, #121, #124 and between the crossover at #123. This crossover line in FIG. 10, #123, is a combinational transitional phase connecting all three unified field designs to produce the electric holding of the incoming incident wave that is being directed by the Saint Andrew's cross light-sensitive energy phase across the surface of the light sensitive crystal plate and down on to the metal box springs and on to the quantum oval loop shown in FIG. 10, # 122 and coupling to the lower deck of the quantum electrical vertical loop connection in FIG. 10, #123 and # 126. This gap transition is a gradual crossover between all quantum oval loops of thermodynamic and electric transport properties. As stated in this invention, the yttrium barium in which the quantum critical point is cladded on to the top dome of the oval, creating a double overlapping in which to create a loop dome-shaped superconducting design region of this phase, as depicted in FIG. 10, #122. This dome extension point placed on the loop region would produce a zero temperature and would involve a change in symmetry expansion of the material's electronic structure as shown in FIG. 10, #119 through to #126. Because the high-Tc superconductor is determined by the materials collective electronic excitations combinations in the non-superconducting state which is the constance coupling of electrons downward into the connective design to this excitation in the strange metal region which is the connection to the metal box springs and the quantum oval loop connecting to electron current vertical loop as shown in FIG. 10, #119, #120, #126, # 125. This produces a long-range order phase in which pairs of electron current vertical loops flow within each of the materials unit cells or upper and lower deck which is called quantum oval loop connection to the electron current vertical loop and produces a pair of oppositely directed magnetic movements, as shown in FIG. 4, # 80 and #84 which is the lower deck crossover. The change of symmetry is indicated in the metal box springs ability for expansion movement; therefore these modes of fluctuations from these design metamaterials across the sectorial zoning of opposite magnetic flow in nature are being controlled by the energy of Saint Andrews finite movement across the quantum oval loop and lower deck current quantum electrical vertical loop order, as shown in FIG. 4, # 76, #79 overlapping #80. As shown the Chandra Varma, et. al., article, FIG. 2, loop-current electronic order unit cell shows a negative one side and a positive on the other side on each end of the cell. This is also shown in the quantum oval loop showing a negative Venn diagram overlapping connection shown in FIG. 10, #121 and a positive Venn diagram overlapping connection shown in FIG. 10, #124. Both the article diagram and this invention's diagram are one and the same, showing the connection of the complex copper oxide CuO material onto the metal box springs overlapping the quantum oval loop depicted in the overall design of FIG. 10 and the electron current vertical loop shown in FIG. 10, #126. This overlapping double on the oval loop quantum gravity, as shown in FIG. 10, that this oval effect due to protrusion expanse surrounded by circular depression which is the coupling up and down of the electric effect on to antiferromagnetic complex oxides and onto the superconductors that will compress the connection between both decks and surface incident beam through the use of these commercial n-doped In Sb single crystals in this doubling oval shaped electrodes into double Lorentzian amplitude. These complex oxides in this invention are all iron-based superconductors, antiferromagnetic, and paramagnetic in nature, sharing the layered structure. The article, Iron in the mix, by Gwyneth Dickey, et al., physicist Johnpierre Paglione at the University of Maryland in College Park, Md., In Science News Nov. 6, 2010, pages 18-21 states that it is always the layer with the iron that does the electron shuttling that connects each complex oxide that is connecting to the metal box springs design pattern. The other layers provide some structural support and keep unneeded electrons out of the way. The very top surface plate separates the white light into its color prismatic perspective of the rediffracted color forms down into the metal box springs waveguide system. The surface incident wave will cover the entire 20 mmx3 mm and 1 mm thick surface and will travel down to the nanowidth size of the wire design in which the light gravity vibration bounces on the metal box springs circuit wire system which gives the quantum play on Einstein's theory of space-time continuum as the floating wire design grid interacts with the multi-ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic complex oxide superconductor crystal. This new metamaterial matter in a unique left-handed metamaterial way separates and disentangles, holds and folds the incoming light wave signal that will tell each entangled frequency where to go according to the metamaterial geometrical dual design substrate being implemented in this broadband antenna receiver system. As discussed in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 28 Aug. 2009, pages 1-4, Radiation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Eigenmodes at the Corrugated Interface of a Left-Handed Material by Mauro Cuevas, this novel electromagnetic surface waves at a periodically corrugated interface between a conventional and a negatively refracting left-handed material that this surface polaritons radiate on both sides of this dual deck metal box springs rough interface along which they propagate. This unusual phenomena is characteristic of electromagnetic wave propagation in left-handed materials, such as negative refraction or backward refluxtivity wave propagation. The boundary separations between the sectorial zoning metamaterials and the metal box springs parallel complex oxide strip layerings help to create this electromagnetically impenetrable nonconventional process which exhibit a real negative electric permittivity—related to metals or plasmas frequency in these metamaterials which show their capacity to allow competing frequencies to guide along surfaces of plasmon polariton unimpeded to glide in opposite directions along their boundary separations lines. This metamaterial guidance property is also shared by separation of transparent materials with negative refractive indexes that allow the unintangled frequencies to modulate without interference. The boundaries areas in this metal box springs has multi-detailed separating layering of waveguides which have both negative electric permittivity and magnetic permeability materials which are characterized by an unusual negative refraction. The incoming incident wave and refracted beams at the surface interface between the negative refractive index and ordinary media lie on the same side of the split beam to the interface that creates a perfect lens with Hertzian sine cosine subwavelength waveguide resolution that has memory capabilities. In this same article in the diagrams depicted on page 2 (a) (b) and page 3 (a) (b) show the waveguides metal box springs design flux lines moving backward which is called refluxtivity in this new metamaterial process. The design of this new antenna takes total advantage of its perfect design and distance and multiple variations in nanosize that produces coherence out of incoherence of the traveling multiple radio light waves and incoming gravity waves coupling to this metal box springs formation design is related to three Physical Review Letters articles. The first is Physical Review Letter, Vol. 103, 13 Nov. 2009, pages 1-4, Edge-State Velocity and Coherence in a Quantum Hall Fabry-Pérot Interferometer by Yiming Zhang. This article relates to the idea of Coulomb blockade with a checkerboard like design conductance oscillations that utilizes a perpendicular magnet field on the edge-state velocities of the dual use of the wire waveguide. As stated in Physical Review Letter, Vol. 100, 25 Apr. 2008, pages 1-4, Nonlinear {hacek over (C)}erenkov Radiation in Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Waveguides by Y. Zhang, article and this invention of a metal box springs is an example of a nonlinear {hacek over (C)}erenkov radiation generated from a nonlinear photonic crystal waveguide where the nonlinear susceptibility tensor is modulated by the ferroelectric domain, as shown in FIG. 1, #5, #6. These wire waveguides and metamaterial substrate design particles which will be traveling faster than the speed of light can drive the medium to emit coherent light called {hacek over (C)}erenkov radiation. In such a process the coherent radiation is observable at a conical wave front defined by the {hacek over (C)}erenkov angle. This metal box springs invention is a nonlinear polarization driven by an incident light field which will emit coherently harmonic waves at new frequencies along the direction of the {hacek over (C)}erenkov angles which are shown in FIG. 2, #51 in sequential repetitive Hertzian wave quantum electrical vertical loop mode. This sinusoidal wave line waveguide shape of oscillations seen in this article suggests that coherent transportation is dominated by two trajectories that differ in length by one transversal of a hole perimeter. On page 4 of the same article the pattern design function is identical and gives conclusive proof that the metal box spring device being presented for a patent application is true. The article in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 13 Nov. 2009, pages 1-4, Crossover Induced by Spin-Density-Wave Interference in the Coherence of Singlet Electron pairs in Cr by J. W. A. Robinson, is being introduced because the metal box spring design uses antiferromagnet substrates of Nb—Cr—Nb Josephson junctions and coupling is achieved across this antiferromagnetic crystal substrate that is a 250 nm thermal oxide layer on the entire surface deck of the metal box springs FIG. 2, #50. The last article in this series concerning coherent broadband radiation in the form of Rabi sidebands appears in the Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 13 Nov. 2009, pages 1-4, Observation of Broadband Time-Dependent Rabi Shifting in Microplasmas by Ryan Compton. Also in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 27 Mar. 2009, pages 1-4, Experimental Observation of Rabi Oscillations in Photonic Lattices by Ksenia Shandarova: these articles are typical examples of a two-level atomic system, where an electromagnetic wave whose frequency is tuned to the energy gap between the two states causes periodic population exchanges accompanied by emission and reabsorption of a photon which in this article is called an indirect Rabi oscillation which in this invention is called refluxtivity. The Rabi sidebands and the Hertzian sine cosine metal box springs quantum line wire are one and the same as shown in FIG. 1, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, # 16, #17, #18, #19, # 23, #24, #26, #28, # 30, #31, #32, #33, from left west to right east producing mobile atomic transitions of a coherent and turnable radiation source phenomena. In this article on page 1, FIG. 1, the dynamic drawing indicating the state energy level scheme for a two-level system is being used in this invention of the metal box springs design. As in this article, this invention uses in the metal box springs multiple wave complex oxides along the sidebands which give rise to bandwidths on the order of 200 meV. The coherence is maintained across this spectral range and the light could be shaped and manipulated for this new metamaterial application for this new metal box springs design. It is true that the high degree of superposition will create the necessary coherence for the separation of the entangled radio sine waves that are being received by this new refluxtivity process. According to nonlinear science Series A, Vol. 31, Synchronization in Coupled Chaotic Circuits and Systems by Chai Woh Wu, World Scientific Publication, the wave mechanics of refluxtivity in the design form of this invention is generally associated with on-the-faster-you-move-the-more-distance-contracted basis of the Lorentz Fitzgerald contraction and Einstein's special theory of relativity. The reason for this is the electrical current is being applied on to a superconductive material which causes a Lorentz invariance that postulates that all observers measure exactly the same speed of light in a vacuum of photon speed with energy on the direction of its motion associated with Einstein's special theory of relativity of a body warping the space of center of gravity's magnetic formation design. The reason for this warping in this invention is brought down into electrical current passing through complex oxide superconductors. These new metamaterial and complex oxides will become the abstract core in this new antennae. This Hertzian sine cosine metal box springs is an Abelian-gauge transformation in combination with invariance of Maxwell's equation under an Abelian-gauge transformation is the metal box springs symmetry in this two-stack design which is equal to the invariance of Einstein's equation under local arbitrary coordinate transformation and general covariance. This proved that Maxwell's equations are virtually the only equations that are both Abelian-gauge and Lorentz invariant. In this metal box springs design symmetry becomes what these men produced in physics which now becomes an antenna between general covariance and gauge invariance which is the key to the unifying electromagnetism with gravity in this miniature nano unified field universal design. Therefore, the gauge transformation together with Lorentz transformation of special relativity determined Maxwell' s equations. The conclusion is that the metal box springs moves from global to local invariance in quantum mechanics and is the equivalent to the existence of the classical electromagnetic field described by Maxwell. Specifically, this design feature in the metal box springs is directly related to the Dirac confined process the radiation in a box. This metal box springs is the box associated with Dirac energy that crisscrosses diagonally in Maxwell's theory which gives the radiation as a superposition of countability. This superposition layered wiring of complex oxides modes is the layered superconducting Hertzian sine cosine metal box springs mode design and is equivalent to a vibrating harmonic oscillator which is controlled by this metal box springs vibration cushion from the force that gravity placed on to this surface of a Lorentz's universal matrix. Each vibrating harmonic oscillator can be quantized, according to Schroedinger' s equation or Heisenberg's equivalent approach. The quantized field, then, is the flat multi-dimensional superposition of countability of many flat horizontal layered complex oxide crystal superconductor. This quantum oscillator produces a phrased transition on each crystal fold traveling from west to east which produces the new refluxtivity folding and holding antenna. This process of refluxtivity motion phase is the folding back in upon its dual deck stacked layering on the nano metal box springs, according to P. Dirac's idea. The crystal complex oxides contains a second derivatives of empty space between its lines symmetry of Hertzian sine cosine symmetry and the miniature nano size wire in order to produce a chemical reaction between complex oxides and the incoming signal and the different chemical complex oxide spacing. As shown in FIG. 1, the entire design diagram and in FIG. 10 shows this metal box springs design function of the traveling of the coupling constance down to distance scales much shorter than can be accessed experimentally. This traveling of the coupling constance waveguides in the energy movement in this band gap across the wire design and plane wave wire layer of superconductor is being shown as the coupling constance to this metal box springs design shown in FIG. 10, which are called interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #119-#126. In the middle of these continuous oval loop quantum gravity the Saint Andrews X matrix energy movement breaks diagonally, crossing the metal box springs symmetry alongside the coupling constance on the top surface crystal connecting both the metal box springs and the oval loop quantum gravity as shown in FIG. 1, #29, center oval loop quantum gravity and all loop quantum gravity in the rectangle box grid. In Physical Review E, Vol. 62, #3, September, pages 4189-4245, the article by A. Bourbier, Dynamics of a charged particle in a circularly polarized traveling electromagnetic wave, proves and states the reality dynamics of charged particle in a transverse circularly polarized electromagnetic wave based on Hamiltonian system. In this article and in this invention antenna design is negative index of refraction is a unity of synchronous metal box springs. The light wave is synchronized on the surface deck that connects the energy movement across this rectangle space in this metal box springs connection of the coupling constance to the loop quantum gravity under pinning and holding the top surface of the metal box springs together in FIG. 1, # 29 which is a zero order rediffracted controlling beam guide. This connective beam is shown in FIG. 4, #80, # 81, #82, #83, #84, FIG. 5, # 86, FIG. 9, #117, #118, FIG. 10, and is called an interdigital electrode and oval loop quantum gravity structure. As shown in FIG. 10, #122 and #123 connect the lower deck to the center of the oval loop quantum gravity design wave energy that produces the coupling constance down to distance scales much shorter than can be accessed experimentally. The coupling constance wave connection propagation on to the two decks produces a scanning selecting process geometrically in a parallel diagonal X across the top deck of the crystal surface window. As specifically shown in the article on page 4241 top diagrams (a) (b) (c) (d), the line crossing the loop quantum gravity is a Fourier transformation as shown in FIG. 10. As stated in Physical Review E, 19 May 1999, Vol. 59, No. 5, pages, 5862-5870, Electrostriction of a near-critical fluid in microgravity, by G. A. Zimmerli, the metal box springs design is the same low gravity environment in the electrostriction fringe patterns that change the optical path length of a wave passing through fluid which is calculated by integrating the density increase along the light path, using the Lorentz relation to relate the change in fluid density to a change in index of refraction. And as stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 104, 12 Mar. 2010, Subwavelength Plasmonic Lattice Solitons in Arrays of Metallic Nanowires, by F. Ye, stable subwavelength plasmonic lattice solitons are formed in nanowires as shown in FIG. 1, #5, antenna directivity diagram grid combined with a strong nonlinearity induced by enhanced field at the metal surface as shown in FIG. 2, # 37 which is the frequency division on the lower stack that is a frequency doubter that provides the main coupling physical mechanism for balancing the wave diffraction and the formation of the plasmonic lattice solitons as shown also in FIG. 4, #82, FIG. 5 #89, FIG. 9, #116, FIG. 10, combine to the interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity structure, # 126 in this subwavelength nanophotonics which will optically manipulate with nanometer accuracy the power flow in ultracompact photonic system such as in this metal box springs design. The article Solitons by Claudio Rebi in Scientific American, illustrates where the lower deck Hertzian sine quantum electrical vertical loop wire system as shown in FIG. 2, #37 is a repetitive pattern of solitons that hold the refluxtivity in a folded position in this rectangular antenna. The article in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 6 Nov. 2009, pages 1-4, Spin Hall Drag in Electronic Bilayers by S. M. Badalyan predicts a new effect in electronic bilayers in the spin Hall drag effect. Both this article and in this invention this double layer structure consists of two parallel quantum wells separated by a potential barrier which is on a nanoscale electronic process scale. Each edge of the rectangle on the surface layer has 36 empty holes with 36 springs hooked holding the metal box spring structure grid. The same article on page 2 diagrams A, B, and C indicates that the edge of the metal box springs rectangle is comprised of ten empty holes on the north area of the rectangle and the south top layer is comprised of ten empty holes which are negative in the metal box springs rectangle square plate frame area. In the metal box springs are ten empty holes in the north side of the rectangle as shown in FIG. 1, #2, and are all positive Coulomb drag current modulators. Also in the south end of the metal box springs design are ten empty holes that are all negative, causing electron opposite spin orientation. In diagram B of the same article cited above, on the west side of the rectangle of the metal box springs are eight empty holes indicating a downward spin interaction through the empty holes and on the east side of the rectangle of the Hertzian sine cosine metal box springs is eight empty holes of the spin orbit interaction going up. FIG. 1, #29 is the quantum oval loop connected to the horizontal repetitive box springs wave guide and FIG. 2, #36 is the vertical incoming light signal on a zero order rediffracted beam. This is the universal gravity drag of this miniature universe that has been created for frequency relay folding and frequency scanning holding to occur on the first incident of the light wave hitting the surface of the antenna. The entire light beam spreads across the entire directivity diagram rectangle grid for frequency modulation and frequency divider that produces the white light into color prismatic separation of all incoming entangled radio waves to bounce into the center of the metal box springs when the movement travels from the south to north of the electromagnetic force field that separates the frequency relay system to scan it through to the calcite opal crystal in order to do a separation collection frequency scan. In this active region where wave-shaping circuits phase modulation occur in this nano-scale that traverses the 20 mmx30 mm inch rectangle and penetrates into the 1 mm thick wafer. As this continuous coupling constant multi-scale transverses distance and size of said waveguides is equal to or is smaller than the wave guide but the distance it travels within the 20 mmx30 mm square now becomes a small universe which is essential for retrodiction refluxtivity mode amplitudes which start from the unconjugated form of the Lorentz reciprocity theorem. This layered gas and solid state stacked antenna directivity diagram grid in combinations soliton with the amplitudes are independent of the vertical energy wave, shown in FIG. 10 # between #126, which become staggered and staggered soliton on the lower deck but on the top deck connection becomes staggered and become refluxtivity movement backwards hooks the phrase process parallel complex oxide stripes fringe on all bandwidths of the complex oxides that the frequency scanner glides along the antenna phase array for selection process. This also takes into account the valley current collection in this multi-state quantum-confinement of this metal box springs device which will not turn off or trap the current completely when they are off-resonance. Since this device hooks and holds the backward movement that produces an on-and-off phrase state in this antenna, the coupling constance will be clearly distinguishable because the circuit architecture in this metal box springs is built to be tolerant of this potential sensitivity of the peak-to-valley current ratio that will be as large as possible within the distance of nano meter length and width of the parallel complex oxide stripes fringe of this large scaled level of multiple ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic layerings. In this nano-miniature unified field universal design, as stated in Overview of Nanoelectronic Devices by David Golghaber-Gordon April 1997, The proceedings of the IEEE pages 10-13, the exchange in fringe order at a lateral distance between nanosize and the complete distance of the nano wire has to travel the full square of 20 mmx30 mm in a micro-macro scale. As stated in the above-mentioned IEEE article as well as in the Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, 17 Apr. 2009, pages 1-4, Cross Conversion between Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Quasicylidrical Waves by X. Y. Yang, transparent metallic surfaces that are nano-textured play a central role in the emerging field of plasmonics as nano-micro-and-macro collective optical properties are governed by two distinct elementary waves that are excited by individual nano-shaped objects and then propagate on the surface, before eventually interacting electro-optically with nearby nano-particle objects. The well-known surface Plasmon polariton surface mode and a residual quasiclindrical wave are acted upon by the use of metamaterials of said electromagnetic fields with radiative and evanescent components that persists along the surface over a few wavelength propagation distances. Many complex oxides will be layered in this metal box springs fringe parallel striped design in order to equally excite and divide at visible frequencies at a longer wave length which is associated with nano-size widths and 20 mmx30 mm distances and 1 mm thickness of this surface antenna which provides an unique folding phase refluxtivity of the hundred meter light wave bunching that occurs on a nano-scale level of the incoming light wave. The size, the distance, the thickness and multiple parallel complex oxide fringe stripes creates the volume of the surrounding space of the photon which occupies a well-defined chemical frequency by the use of specially prepared crystals which converts the light wave separation and bunching up of the incoming and connective electromagnetic field that corresponds to the lower deck wire design and the nano-size single photon which is a thousand times higher inside the cavity than outside. As a result the photon is worked by the dual phase folding refluxtivity in the antenna surface and cavity stacked plates for a smooth interacting guiding coupling constance along the wire pathways that separate and selects the frequency into the refluxtivity phase folding and refluxtivity holding position. The distance between the peaks of the wave is related to the particle's speed and broadband process. The smaller the distance from the peak to peak, the faster the particle is going; the wave's frequency is proportional to the energy of the particle. In fact, the particle's energy is exactly equal to the frequency times Plancks. The Kirchoff law of electrical circuits in relation to currents at a junction of the metal box springs and the quantum electrical vertical loop lower-deck voltage wrap around the oval loop quantum gravity design function as shown in FIG. 10. The Physics of Waves, by William C. Elmore, page 347, depicts a comparable aperture of the metal box springs invention of a flat rectangular aperture of 20 mmx30 mm in dimension which the surface plane screen is like a Cartesian coordinate system with its oval loop quantum gravity origin at the center of the aperture located in FIG. 1, # 23 through #29 and FIG. 2, #36 is the connective incoming light wave but is also related to the Reimann hypothesis of the critical line and the mystical ley line running through the landscape which is creating the coupling constance in this metal box springs design at a zeta function zero order rediffracted beam in a repetitive form. The electrical current suppression on to the superconductor materials and the resulting vibration are the inverse square factor of a full Kirchhoff integral. This will also encompass Lenz's law which is a form of the law of conservation of energy. Since it states that a change cannot propagate itself, the coupling constance between electrical and gravity movement change is the motion of conduction through the magnetic field and the induced current must be in such a direction as in this invention design produces a force opposing the motion produces the wave phase line in the direction as opposed to the change is the phase folding refluxtivity holding the signal in place. The Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, 6 Jun. 2008, pages 1-4, Anti-crossing of Spin-Split Subbands in Quasi-One-Dimensional Wires by A. C. Grahams confirms the varied and complex physics of the quantum Hall ferromagnetic-a 2D electron and hole system tuned to bring two Landau levels into coincidence which depend delicately on interaction strength, carrier density, and the forms of the wave function and the interaction of the spin in the two-deck levels. This design process of quantum Hall ferromagnetic in this metal box springs is a Zeeman-split sub-band conductance structure, in this invention of a metal box springs antenna is the finite duration of the wave train traveling with a photon, causing a natural line width which waves can always be superposed on one another. The reason for this is that the Hertzian sine and the cosine curves for various parameters can be chemically activated upon one another. The duration of the wave train coupling constance is related to the lifetime of the two atomic energy states. These two atomic states are connected with the emission of the photon. Hence light waves passing a point in a Hertzian sine cosine wave field from such as quasi-monochromatic source retain a reasonably definite phase and amplitude, known as analogs, which have the same temperature dependencies crossing at zero. These definite phases, with an abrupt change in the magnetic polarization of the quantum wire of this anti-crossing magnetic phase transition, as specifically shown on page 2 in the Graham article cited above in a real-time diagram depict the visual reality truth of this new antenna directivity diagram grid in this Hall system. This spin-orbit coupling will play a role in the multiple parallel layering of complex oxide stripes cladded alongside of each wave wire on the metal box springs design that will be made of many cladded north and south randomly placed layering of GaAs on the south side of the metal box springs shown in FIG. 4, #85. This produces a unified field design effect transistor amplifiers waveguide and modulators selectors in the metal box spring crystal Hertzian formation. The GaAs layerings will be separated but cladded so that the electron energy in different orbits cannot be arbitrarily close because of the fixed wave length separating the wave function's crests; changing the energy slightly causes the wave to crest, to go out of synch. The metal box springs will hold the energy in a finite amount in order to ensure that the crests fall on crests again. As reported in Guided-Wave Optics in Scientific American, January 1979, by Amnon Yariv, Whenever a light wave traveling through one material strikes a flat interface separating it from another material that has a lower refractive index, the discontinuity in the refractive index causes part of the wave to be reflected back into the first material which is the refluxtivity fold and hold. The rest of the beam is refracted, transmitted at an angle into the second metamaterial substrate cavity. The critical angle of incidence is measured from a line perpendicular to the interface. The phase folding refracted wave will emerge parallel to the interface and at a great angle of incidence cutting along the edge. The phenomenon of total internal reflection takes place only if the double negative refractive index of light is reconnecting in a perfect match. This metal box springs embodiment, specifications and core claims that said broadband antenna will not disconnect from the incoming signal which will reverse the Mossbauer effect which is now being corrected through the use of unnatural manmade sectorial zoning of metamaterials and complex oxide superconductors embedded into the metamaterials substrates sandwiched between helium-4 gas which is converted into a solid. The substrate superfinely selectively tuned frequencies for emission and absorption of light into this receptive metamaterial is reconnecting nature's abnormality in the process traveling of the frequencies. The metamaterial atoms emit and absorb light differently near the frequencies in the quantum matter being developed in this invention using metamaterials. The light is emitted and absorbed not at fixed and precise frequencies, but in frequency intervals of separation finite width which is now being trapped by the sectorial zoning of the metamaterials and complex oxides to produce the reconnection holding and phase folding of said interval of the incoming light signal. In the Mossbauer effect, emission and absorption happens not at the single atom but the entire cavity of the crystal which in this invention produces this effect and goes a step further to re-correct, connect and reconnect the separation emission and absorption on the entire crystal structure's sectorial zoning of the metamaterials which corrects nature's natural gap in the frequency mismatch. The light emitting crystal and an absorbing one of the same type are position at different broken altitudes, thus, general relativity comes into play plus the negative refractive indexing of metamaterials. Time progresses differently for the emitting crystal than it does for the absorbing one, causing a frequency mismatch disconnection in the light that reaches the absorbing crystal in nature. But the re-construction of sectorial zoning created by a manmade optical metamaterial to re-connect to the emitting broken mismatch for reconnecting and holding of said light signal in place. This also re-connects to the absorbing sectorial zoning to this reversal of this natural mismatch connection that completes the light that passes into the absorbing crystal. This mismatch is now corrected through the unnatural metamaterials sectorial zoning on the crystal optical media re-reversing done by the metamaterials' opposite which is now its reconstruction and re-connection to this altitude mismatch. The correction re-connection to the separation in the negative left-handed refraction reversal is now connecting to nature's mismatch that was preventing the light signal from being absorbed and held correctly into the middle cavity which is made of helium-4 gas vacuum. The completion of the traveling coupling constance in this dual deck of the metal box springs and the lower deck emission and absorption process occurs in different states in continuous traveling mode through all the transparent crystal cavity layerings. This simple fact between nature's dysfunction and manmade unnatural metamaterials corrects this disconnect to reconnect, hold, and reverse this mismatch which is by the use of left-handed negative refracted sectorial zoning metamaterials, solving the frequency mismatch by which the light wave signal can be re-connected to the light signal that absorbs, holds and never disconnects from the device such as a cell phone. The light-conducting metamaterial is greater than that of the adjacent transparent material. As stated above, this transparent metamaterial slab waveguide, GaAs, is grown on a thin crystalline layer of gallium aluminum arsenide which is Ga1-xAl xAs. This layer is surmounted by a thin layer of pure gallium arsenide which is in turn surmounted by another layer of gallium aluminum arsenide. The index of refraction of gallium arsenide is greater than that of the gallium-aluminum arsenide, and so light can be guided in the intermediate gallium arsenide layer as shown in FIG. 3, #63, #64, #65, #66. In this phenomenon known as electrical-optical effect of wave guiding properties, these layered metamaterial depend strongly on the index of refraction. The application of an electric field on to a transparent waveguide can drastically modify the nature of the propagated light beam. This electro-optic control method is used in this metal box springs design to harness the rapidly modulating, switching and coupling Hertzian sine cosine sine light beams. This waveguide is the process call antenna directivity diagram coupling grid. The basic effect here involves eight parallel horizontal waveguides which is the reconnective dysfunction that the metamaterials correct which are not close enough to each other for the outlying portions as shown in FIG. 1, #11 through #33 of the light propagating in one waveguide to reach across to the other waveguide and vice versa. Under these conditions a wave propagating in one waveguide will gradually leak into the second waveguide, provided the velocity of the Hertzian sine cosine waves in both waveguides is the same as long as both crests fall on crests again, even if the design crest is flat and perpendicular to the quantum electrical vertical loop crest, as shown in FIG. 4 dash lines #76 and #79 and FIG. 5 #91, #92, #93, #86, #87, and #89. The equality of the wave velocities ensures that the excitation of the waveguide's leaky field of waveguides is in the exact pulse phase with the wave propagation in metal box springs waveguide. The north and south layerings on the metal box springs design will be comprised of many microcrystalline complex oxides that will align themselves parallel. The different crystal layerings such as the layering of the south side of the metal box springs wire will be composed of multiferroic system combination of RuSr2 Nd0.9Y00.2Ce0.9Cu2O10 layerings, as shown in FIG. 1, #20. This edge brings the two decks together on a proper high fidelity and high selectivity before the mechanical manipulation of the dual design folding and holding process. The oval loop quantum gravity position is a circular boundary frequency attractor that pulls and pushes the incoming signal down through the coupling constance system of the metal box springs. This set of complex oxides, RbFe (MoO4)2, KFe(M oO4)2, ZnCr2O4, Na 24Si136, Cs8Na136, Rb8Na 16Si136, YBaFe2O5, is at 1 nm thickness each is sequentially layered parallel cladded alongside in no particular order of the south side of the metal box springs waveguide. These complex oxides mentioned above are the thermal transport charge carriers in conjunction with what is stated in Physical Review Letters, 104, 8 Jan. 2010, pages 1-4, “ Intrinsic Electrical and Thermal Properties from Single Crystals of Na24Si136” by M. Beekman and the wave striped layerings will be used in the metal box springs quantum design conductivity. This is the reason for the repetitive Hertzian symmetry of the complex oxides, as shown in FIG. 1, #6. This is due to crystal inversion asymmetry to chemically and electrically alter, change, and guide each mode frequency process. The article, Guided-Wave Optics, Scientific American by Amnon Yariv, page 126, depicts in the diagram the string displacement which is exactly FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity design, shown in the top view of FIG. 10, #119 through #126. Also Yarvi's article, on page 127, shows the diagram depicting mode frequencies connections of the Saint Andrew's Cross and the oval loop quantum gravity as shown in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #24. This design couples the waveguides through the use of this magnetic oval loop quantum gravity resonators as stated in Nature, Vol. 440, 23 Mar. 2006, Channel plasmon subwavelength components including interferometers and ring resonators by Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi. The use of photonic components are superior to electronic ones in terms of operational bandwidth of this miniaturization high-density integration of optical circuits called metal box springs, as shown in FIG. 1, #29. This is a zero order rediffracted beam, as shown on Bozhevolnyi's pages 509-510 in the diagram, depicting the resonating metal box springs and oval loop quantum gravity that both designs—is in this article and in this invention—are one and the same. As stated in Bozhevolnyi's article, the Zeeman effect 1 depends on the square of the field strength and is of two kinds, first result from second order terms, the second from the diamagnetic reaction of the electron when revolving in large orbit. 2. inverse rotation of plane-polarized light by matter situated in the magnetic field associated with the Faradays effect. This will also involve the Paschen-Back effect on spectral lines obtained when light sources are placed in a very strong magnetic field. And the design will overall have a pyroelectrical broadband cavity mode spectrum span potential. This metal box springs design is on a line wire nanosize form which connects to the surface of a phone device, radio signal device or any receiving device which uses an antenna is attached on to the outside surface of devices such as phones, radios, TVs. The metal box springs design magnetically and electrically pulls the incoming radio wave and then the magnetic center of gravity traps and couples the incoherent sine Hertzian sine cosine light wave and sinks under its own weight and pulls towards the center as it bends the metal box spring. This coupling constance forces the light wave in a natural curved line which now glides on to the Hertzian sine cosine wave frequencies without disconnecting its connective reception from a refluxtivity folding backwards hooking and holding at the edge of each crystal plate phase, as shown in FIG. 1, # 27. The other side of the wave guide travels from right to left and the shape of the wave has been turned left to right of a side band which starts at FIG. 1 #27 at #26 arrow through the entire device. The critical line of the incoming light signal is passing through the center loop quantum gravity oval and all repetitive ovals on this design at #29. This zero order rediffracted beam coming out horizontally at #14 and #27 and all numbered listings #11 through # 33 substrate underneath the space area that creates a broader substrate wave line wire band which is called refluxtivity sectorial zoning of metamaterials that guides and holds the incoming wave. This strong coupling for the electronic carrier moves slowly enough for it to become self-trapped in the sectorial zoning area of the metamaterials substrate and held in the center of gravity at FIG. 1, #29 and all looped quantum gravity ovals on this metal box spring. The north and south direction of this flat rectangular antenna, as shown in FIG. 1, #1, #2, # 3, #4, #20, FIG. 4, #77, FIG. 5, #86, #97, #98, FIG. 6, # 100, #101, FIG. 7, #107, FIG. 8, # 108 are the chiral metal springs connective link between the north, south, east and west into the 36 empty holes holding the metal frame to the metal box springs grid. These 36 empty holes are toroidal dipolar magnetic holes used to produce toroidal rotation symmetry to rotate polarization of the incoming light signal, coupling constance connection of negative index of refraction, interacting between electrical currents producing toroidal monopoles in the 36 empty holes on the frame of the metal box springs grid that now is connected to and by the 36 spring hooks. This was reported in the Science article, “Toroidal Dipolar Response in a Metamaterial by T. Kaelberer, 10 Dec. 2010, Vol. 330, pages 1510-1512. The article on page 1510 specifically depicts the empty hole in FIGS. 1, A, B and C. The wave function of the coupling constance connects loosely between the metal frame and 36 empty holes and 36 hooking chiral springs to the metal box springs grid. As stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, 17 Apr. 2009, Coherent time Evolution of a Single-Electron Wave Function by M. Kataoka, the connective moving quantum empty hole as shown in drawing FIG. 1, #2 and FIG. 6, #104 are defined by surface acoustic waves. When the light wave passes between this region of circular holes confinement, the electron is excited into a superposition of states and oscillates unitarily from side to side through this static gate-defined circuit connecting to the springs chirial movement as shown in this article on page 2 illustration (c). This wave frequency travels through this design hole and carries through its spring wave frequency relay to the spring transport direction because the direction north to south is much stronger than the confinement by the springs alone. In Physics of Wave by William C. Elmore, on page 91, in the chapter Helical Springs, Elmore states that a helical spring can be used either as a linear elastic member, which generates an axial restoring force proportional within limits to the amount of stretch, or as a torsional electric member, which generates an axial restoring torque proportional within limits to the angle of the twist. This design spring and hole connector have a greater purpose in this invention of a metal box springs antenna because of the quieted acoustically zero reduction vibration that now produces less friction. Also as stated in Solitons in Scientific American by Claudio Rebbi and as shown in a diagram on page 126, concerning helicity movement, the top diagram shows movement arrows from the left to the right and the bottom diagram shows arrows right to left. This depicts the corkscrew springs that are shown in FIG. 1 north and south and the larger broadband springs that are from left to right as indicated in #27. Both of these corkscrew designs help to fold the incoming wave signal between the top deck into the lower cavity deck of this nano technology flat layered antenna. Also in Physics of Waves by William C. Elmore, page 228, the chapter Elastic Waves and Solids indicates that in this metal box springs invention, or longitudinal, waves involve a vibration in only one direction, and are said to possess one degree of freedom. Solenoidal, or transvers, waves can vibrate independently in two directions of polarizations and therefore possess two degrees of freedom. Longitudinal and transvers waves have different velocities in an elastic medium as being used in this new metal box springs design. In Geometry and Light by Leonhardt, pages 128-129, is an explanation of the chirial springs as shown in FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8 that creates the coupling constance movement of this transparent wire chirial spring in an embedded liquid substrate. Because of the nano size it appears as a flat space but in truth it is a chiral four-dimensional design embedded in metamaterial medium and because of its expanding ability it appears to become linearly flat. And also as depicted in Leonhardt, et al., page 179, chiral springs tiling of the expanse and reposition of the relaxed position of these electric field vector of gravity movement are induced by the incoming light wave and gravity force field. These mass springs oscillators are being used in FIG. 1, #4 and in FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, #100 for stretched moment shown in #100 and #107; the compressed mode is #108 and the relaxed mode is for the frequency independent amplitude. Almost All About Waves by John R. Pierce, page 91, states that the springs supply restoring forces so that the masses oscillate independently with the frequency and the moving force of momentum of the wave generated or absorbed sets up the wave for process into the metal box springs system. This system's momentum requires that the wave exert a longitudinal force in this metal box springs design. Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics by Leonard K. Nash on page 87 in the chapter Internal Degrees of Freedom concerning Vibration of a Diatomic Molecule compares the design concept of the metal box springs to the so-called harmonic oscillator. Imagine a weightless spring, with relaxed length, which obeys Hooke's law. This spring mechanism when stretched or compressed to some length resists further stretching or compression with a force proportional to the force constant of the spring which controls the massive gravity vibration of millions of light waves hitting the metal box springs at the same time which creates a frictionless horizontal surface linked by the springs relaxed stretched and compressed movement in the metal box springs design grid. Science, Vol. 323, 13 Mar. 2009, Inducing Chirality with Circularly Polarized Light by Robert J. Cave states how the shape and symmetry size distance connection affects that the use of right versus left which involves electron transfer will depend on the width and height of the barrier between the empty holes hooks and plate distance between the sites that are loosely connected, as shown in FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, called vibrational medium bridges and are located to the north and south of this rectangle aperture design. As in this metal box springs model of atoms on a hole hook shown in FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, #106 excitation with circularly polarized light yields equal electron density at each empty hole ring site. These 36 empty holes are toroidal dipolar magnetic holes used to produce toroidal rotation symmetry to rotate polarization of the incoming light signal, coupling constance connection of negative index of refraction, interacting between electrical currents producing toroidal monopoles in the 36 empty holes on the frame of the metal box springs grid that now is connected to and by the spring hooks. This was reported in the Science article, “Toroidal Dipolar Response in a Metamaterial by T. Kaelberer, 10 Dec. 2010, Vol. 330, pages 1510-1512. The article on page 1510 specifically depicts the empty hole in FIGS. 1, A, B and C. Then reversing the polarization of the light reverses the direction from the hole ring to the hook to the springs shown in FIG. 6, 7, 8, #100, #107, # 108. This becomes a helical bridge. As stated in Physics Today. October 2010, Shaping optical space with metamaterials by Martin Wegener, pages 32-36, shown on page 32, FIG. 1c, and in this patent in FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, is a three-dimensional metal helix. Eugene Hecht's famous textbook, Optics, uses chiral metal helices as a model for explaining optical activity on a classical basis that shows a three-dimensional helices such as those shown in FIG. 1c and in the box springs. These bridges are made of metamaterials. The article in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, 20 Mar. 2009, pages 1-4, Metamaterials: Optical Activity without Chirality by E. Plum states that chirality is a contradiction in design and materials but in this metal box springs both are utilized to rotate the polarization state of light. This is an oval loop quantum gravity design that controls wave propagation direction of multiple frequencies in a two-deck metamaterial molecular system, manifesting resonant circular negative refraction of sectorial zoning of polarized electromagnetic waves. As discussed in Geometry and Light by Leonhardt in the chapter, Negative Refraction and Perfect Lenses, Pendry, et al., and depicted in this invention for an antenna, discusses a perfect image by the use of negative refraction being applied to a Cartesian coordinate transformation in this invention design as shown on page 217, in FIG. 5.5. Inside this fold and in this invention the beveled edges become negatively refractive as they flow into the coordinate system of the metal box spring that changes the folding handedness. The electromagnetic left-handedness of the negative-index metamaterial transports through a transformation to a left-handed coordinate system in the metal box springs. The layering-deck plates are vertically separated by frictionless liquid helium-4 which gives the standard folding line of negative refraction and folding on the horizontal negative edges of this physical space that will be folded under each plate in virtual space starting along the beveled edges. As stated by Pendry, 2000, physical space seems to run backwards inside the negatively refracting medium which is called in this invention refluxtivity folding, as shown in FIG. 1, #27 horizontally and FIG. 2, #36, vertically and from the beveled edges north to south folding under and into the next crystal edge for backwards refluxtivity, shown in FIG. 3, #58 through #70. This refluxtivity folding under is effectively implemented by the chemical oxide crystal layerings of sub-wavelength sheets of transparent silver mirror crystal plates combined with a substrate sheet of highly polished gold metamaterials, as shown in FIG. 3, #70. The bottom of line #64 is made of transparent gold oxide and the top of line of #69 is also made of transparent gold oxide and top of line of #61 is made of a transparent silver oxide sheet. Also, as stated in Leonhardt, pages 255-257, the folds of the silver and gold plates in space-time have become reflective in this multi-valued antenna, as illustrated by the Penrose diagrams 5.18 and 5.19 on pages 256 and 257, physical space-time seems to be cut into two distinct regions of this dual deck antenna. Because the waves are confined to either one of the two sides they would never interact with each other but, since this invention is using transparent crystals, both of these dual decks are electro-optic and magnetically unified for frequency gathering and holding the signal in place. In locally co-moving frames the wave would oscillate with negative frequencies. The complex waves with positive frequencies are always shadowed by negative-frequency waves. Therefore in this metal box springs rectangle there are reflective waves bouncing between the multiple plates. The oval loop quantum gravity design in this invention has a conversion from positive-to-negative frequency waves in the classical way behind the spontaneous movement of energy movement across the quanta horizons as stated by Hawking. This point overflow of radiation, shown in FIG. 1, #29, is a zero order diagonally rediffracted beam across the plate surface of two polar regions of the oval loop quantum gravity design as shown in FIG. 10, #122. The unusual design and sectorial zoning of the application of metamaterials and complex oxides related to size and distance in this antenna produces the waveguide structures to hold in place the broadband frequencies. The oscillating magnetic and optical-electric dipoles emit electromagnetic waves of the same polarization that propagate along the direction of the incident wave. Both Babinet's principle and the use of metamaterial, which are complementary structure to the now multi-layered superconductors oxides wires that are a Hertzian repetitive parallel fringe pattern that will work together in the strangeness of nano distance of this miniature universe to produce a frequency chemical reaction upon the incident wave. This 36-springs device helps to modulate the bad vibration that causes entanglements of incoming light waves on a configurationally gravitational bounce on to all oval loop quantum gravity movement continuously across the surface of the crystal plate.


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