Nine reasons why the Flux voting system will be great

in #blockchain9 years ago

More a celebration of democracy than a party

Really you’re the brains of this operation. Flux is the tool Australians can use to directly participate in parliament. Flux is a party come election time but once we have elected MP’s and senators that’s where the difference begins. Your Flux representatives give up their autonomy and vote according to the people. They cast their votes in line with the outcomes produced by the Flux ecosystem comprised of ordinary Aussies like you.

It’s still democracy, it’s just Governance 2.0

Flux will operate in the form of an app you can access right from your computer or smartphone. You’ll be given a vote on every bill put before Federal Parliament, and can use that vote immediately on the issue at hand, give it to a trusted third party to cast on your behalf, or save it for an issue you care more passionately about later. 

1. Empower specialists

Good policy is informed by policy expertise. Flux will enable specialists and experts, with the support of the Australian people, to meaningfully impact policy in their fields, in a way they never have before.

2. Built in progress through trade

Growing trade in resources is one of the main drivers of growing prosperity. Flux brings this logic to the political arena, by encouraging participants to focus on the areas of politics they're most passionate about.

3. Votes you can trust

Our voting system isn’t run from a central server at party HQ. It is distributed across a public network, much like how Bitcoin works. This is a public ledger where anyone can verify that every vote is above board.

4. Stops backroom deals

By distributing power away from brokers, middle men and party rooms, Flux makes backroom deals difficult and ineffective. Instead of convincing political operatives, lobbyists will have to convince us, the Australian people.

5. Better legislation

By harnessing the power of opportunity cost and comparitive advantage, specialists will be allowed to produce better legislation than generalists, like your local member. Our process makes it easier for good legislation, backed by Australia’s best and brightest, to rise to the top.

6. Empower voters

Flux lets passionate Australians become fully involved in the political process, and to focus on the issues they care most about, and are best suited to impact. This means ordinary Aussies can set about solving the problems in their own communities.

7. Encourages criticism and debate

Flux encourages a culture of criticism. Voters examine new policy before it's enacted. Our process demands that policy options can withstand rigorous criticism from many perspectives in society.

8. Ends corruption

Shadowy lobbyists for the big banks and corporations are going to hate Flux. Instead of wandering parliament corridors to win over Canberra insiders, they'll have to persuade ordinary people, the way it should be.

9. A launchpad for ideas

Flux encourages Australians to bring their great ideas for their communities to the political arena. You won’t have to be a powerful political organisation to innovate for Australia's benefit. 


The hard part will be getting a foothold in State or Federal parliaments. Unfortunately Australians have a tendency to support the major political parties the way they support their favourite sports teams without giving issues the thought they deserve.