
but how do I get the coins to a wallet ?

There is wallet on the site that the transfer to it automatically and you will be able to withdraw the token to your erc20 wallet or exchange at the end of June

I am using a ledger wallet - is it possible to get them to an extern wallet ? Or will there be transfer-fees from the online-wallet ?

When the token withdraw open you will be able to send your token to any wallet you want as for the fee it depends on the Dev team and you will an email about withdraw details at the end of June

thanks a lot - I will recommend it in my hackerspace and want to be prepared if they ask a hole in my belly ;-)

PS you should enclose Majestic12 thats a real decentral search engine that could need a little more developement ...

Okay thanks

There are now many crypto backed search engine.. don't know which is real and who to trust

Majestic12 is one of the first or maybe the first of them all and works a little like SETI - this was before the blockchain became mainstream - you can run an own node for majestic12 - and read a lot about them, there is a lot about it on the net !