Authpaper Coin – Deliver Secrets with Trust and Verify

in #blockchain6 years ago


Who would have thought that in the age of high technology issues of confidentiality and security of all data will be so hot and sore that people will be all the forces to solve this problem in the shortest possible time. Naturally someone to find a solution is extremely easy and justified, and someone to this day does not get to achieve the same reliability and confidentiality of all data.
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To be honest, in the age of digital technology, people initially sought to solve all of the above problems. But, as it turned out, many modern technologies, having an old centralized principle can not guarantee the same reliability and security of all data. And all because centralized servers are more prone than ever to frequent data leaks. Therefore, people are increasingly using the old methods of information transmission, using printed types of documents, sending them to the designated address of the courier delivery service or in any other way.

These methods can vary in nature, ranging from the most unprotected, increasing to the maximum level of protection of the transmitted data. But even here, no matter how reliable the security system is when transporting printed documents, anything can happen, from forgery of the original to their physical theft. What is natural in consequence can negatively affect both parties involved in the exchange of information.

Of course, you can offer or remember still such types of protection of documents and information as wet seals, wax stamps and other introductory signs. But, alas, they are also sometimes not enough to save your documents from the hands of criminals. As evidenced by all those multi-billion dollar losses of money due to forgery. To resolve this problem offers the team a new blockchain startup called Authpaper.
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About the project

If we talk about Authpaper more simply and concisely, this project is a peer-to-peer platform that combines various modern technologies, including blockchain. This ecosystem is built in such a way that all its users in the shortest possible time can send their digital data in the most reliable and safest way. Excluding all possible forgery or loss of their documents. Which I think is very necessary these days.

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The details and features of the project

In fact, the team of Authpaper specialists has put a lot of effort to bring their ideas to life and make it even with the same set of features and tools needed by both commercial and non-commercial users. To support all this work, a reliable and secure blockchain environment is intended, where absolutely every bit will be fixed, fixing possible changes that can later confirm or justify the immutability of the transmitted document from one side to the other.

Moreover, each perfect information will be permanently stored in the history of blocks and will be available for everyone to check.
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A clear advantage of the Authpaper system is its direct decentralized operation. Thanks to which users can send not only their documents, but also other certificates, pinning it all under the name of their e-mail. As well as ”sign” all possible contracts, protecting them with an authentication code.

In the competent and accurate implementation of all the above operations, the leading role is still played by the internal token of the AUPC system, on which lies the same service of payment and delivery of a document to the second party.

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For ease of use and further growth of the token, the developers of Authpaper chose the Ethereum blockchain system with its standard ERC-20 token. That in the future only the most positive impact on the internal token AUPC.

All for the ICO program founders Authpaper intend to produce 400 million of its own coins. It is important to note that in 2018, the project team has already carried out the sale of its token, which resulted in the collection of about 750 thousand dollars. Now the developers plan to raise the funds necessary for the full listing of their coins on a particular exchange.

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Project team

I would like to note the high level of professionalism and rich experience in such technological projects. Too to discuss in detail the merits of each of the team members I don't see the point, you can either do this personally and in the self-study white paper.

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Of course the full familiarization with ecosystem Authpaper not enough of my brief review. However, on the basis of it you will be able to identify all possible interesting directions and thoughts on which ultimately determine whether you are interested in this project or not. However, I still strongly recommend you to delve into the study of Authpaper system on its technical document, as it collected all the official information about Authpaper Coin.

Also, do not forget to follow the road map of the project, as it will tell you at what stage of development is Authpaper. Now it looks like this:
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Official links to projects Authpaper:


MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x90051516FC3451D7bF1b5e7D0A4486757FC81C32
UNIQUENESS - 100.00%;u=1238493


Thanks for the review! An interesting project, you will need to study it in more detail!

A little misunderstood me or do you need to study it in more detail?

Cool idea project, have not seen such! Thank you for the information, I will follow the project!

I was glad to show you something new and truly worthwhile!

I think this is a very good option for investment, which in the future will be a good return!

Let's hope so!

Nice review!

Insanely creative idea! I wish success to the team! Well, thank you for the review of the project!

I agree with you! the project really looks great!