Know About Decentralization of Workflow and Nodes Events

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Decentralized Workflow Automation

The Automation procedures of Live Contracts which contains actions to be executed by both system and human from LTO Network as help the uses of decentralization of workflow.

Actions are validated by every parties participating in the live contrast with a well secured data submissions. The parties can now participate through their won node enabled by LTO Network through the organization of B2B-Workflow in a decentralized way using block chain technology.
With this the next stage for effect processes has been unlocked with burst the hype bubble of LTO Networks.

Miniature private blockchains
Horizontally scalable
The nodes can now spin up more VMS to handle any bigger load which can simultaneously hold and handle different kind of Live Contracts. This will be coming from private chian.

Data Privacy and GDPR

Every workflow related data can be erased, if that is permitted or in accordance with the law because access of any particular private chain is a process from the nodes of the participant.
Peer-to-Peer Communication

There is now reduction in the way complexity and latency are reduced in which anchoring and ensuring immutable proof of existence are used via the public permissionless chain. Thereby the nodes sending event directly to each other, rather than sending broadcast events to the whole network.

Event Validation

Not all action will be accepted in any of the events. Participants can reject actions that are not allowed. Terms, rules and conditions will stands as a definition for workflow to validate any event.

Summary Blocks

After nodes might have been deleted on the individuals transactions there will be a summary block in generated each day. Therefore synchronizing form genesis may costs days where other pubic blockhchains will require high disk space