The Crypto Odyssey Continues
Welcome back to the continuation of my long form series titled "A Crypto Odyssey", where we explore the fundamental values possible with our usage of cryptocurrencies and the futures we could drive this system towards. At the bottom of this post I will like parts 2 & 3 for you so you can catch up on the other entries if you like to catch up. Either way each part of this series is a standalone entry so everyone can enjoy if your new to this.
Today I want to touch on ways we can improve our governmental systems through blockchain technologies. Some are current views that blockchain enthusiasts hope can stem peaceful fixes towards our current centralized governments. Other views are ideas that I have had along the journeys made personally with crypto that could hopefully stem discussions and ideals to factor in as we progress forward as pioneers of crypto. I want to stress these are mainly my personal beliefs of the current situations around us, I welcome both sides of any opinions in the comments on these posts so I hope you all will take part in the important discussions I feel is worth while to explore. With that said, let us ride into the hopeful future together.
White Paper of Nakamoto
If your new to crypto or just blind to the origins of Bitcoin itself we must explore the humble beginnings to understand the purpose of this system of a decentralized economy. It all began with a simple white paper created by a very mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto who to this day is a missing link in the booming cryptocurrency market as that person slipped into the dark of anonymity to never be heard from again. I view this to not be a huge factor in usage of cryptocurrency but to many the mysterious Nakamoto is a driving force for questions unanswered and a hunt some take on to seek out the master of cyrptocurrency daily. A journey I believe will never be sorted out, unless the creator presents himself fully one day.
Mr. Nakamoto could be a handle, a real name or just a group name, we will never know. During the economic hell that was going on in 2008 it was only clear that someone of this name gave a damn about the current state of the world economy and purposed a solution via a white paper in October of 2008 entitled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". You can view that very original white paper HERE. In it Nakamoto described how to create a self sustaining system of digital currency that would put in place a check and balances system in order to create a decentralized currency that also eliminated double spending and inflation chaos already rampant in our Federal Reserve system in the United States.
This white paper was then put into effect for a launch of such cryptocurrency called "BITCOIN", which was released to the public and a small group of enthusiasts in January 2009. After that the mysterious man or woman or whatever group faded into the night, leaving behind a legacy for Bitcoin open source development to go on as we see now still relevant here in 2017.
The Mysterious Nakamoto Paves the Way for Human Rights and Freedom
The biggest point in this background is this, it clearly appears to me that this genius had the world's best interest in mind. I don't even believe he created this with the notion in mind how far this technology could reach out into the world. I do however believe that his intentions were to start a true anarchic financial revolution in hopes it would stir change to take back individual rights throughout the world and give back financial freedom to the average world citizen.
Blockchain Enhanced
Due to the growth within this system, many new developers have come and gone with attempts to start their own blockchains. This has created a very open source world of ingenious new ideas and a platform for decentralized input to strike out and spread blockchains not only within economic reaches but also to enhance technologies all over the scope of the technological world.
From social media reform like we are seeing within this platform Steemit to how we host data, blockchain technology seems to have this endless possibility factor that is ever increasing towards avenues yet to be tapped. As we go forward and skillful minds get more involved, I suspect the blockchain will be such a norm and hidden task giver to most of the world systems that we may one day forget about it being a driving force only for economic reformatory systems.
Using Blockchain to Break the Old System of Governmental Enslavements - Anarchy without Chaos
Whether you face it our not, if you trade cryptocurrency or hold any form of it, you are technically viewed by governments as a factor of financial anarchy that they are ever increasing to fear. Well I suspect or or less not the actual government officials but the puppeteers behind the scenes in elite groups of secrecy that are slowly losing that secrecy cloak. There was a time when the US Federal Reserve was an idea formed by a small group of rich elites who gathered as a test in Jekyll Island, Georgia USA. These masterminds formed a proposal to toss at the US Government in hopes to enslave that system by taking over the financial system of that government. Through some trickery and hard pushes on the government, these guys won and have been secretly running the economic show.
This system created by them has a bad history of only working for themselves. The inflate to take from the poor and deflate to keep the common man from too much starvation and a rise against them. They have had a 100 years now to perfect their game on everyone and I truly believe they are the ones most fearful of blockchain's peaceful nature to overthrow their corrupted inhumane system.
Through Blockchain technology lets take a fantasy but realistic approach on how we can use that to free our enslaved world governments from the clutches of this broken system in place. I give you only two needed keys to this formula built within the blockchain that seems to overrule that power peacefully:
Through transparency that runs rampant in blockchain and decentralized platforms we have a key to give to our own governments to free them of the old system. Unlike many financial anarchists I do not view governments as the root to evil. There does need organization and a father figure to societies on some level but they should not have so much power and control either and a ton of accountability which we seem to have a serious lack of withing most world governments.
Transparency handed over to our governments would do so much good for us and here is how. First our voting systems are in the bowels of hell at this stage. Do you really know for yourself if your voting power for elected leaders is truly counted? How many recounts happen year after year due to that lack of individuals truly seeing where their voting system is at? Lets face it, most average citizens feel their vote doesn't count and why so many demands for recounts seem to grow.
I propose a blockchain based governance system in place to fix this issue. No more electorial college votes, no more unknown hidden systems to see where your true vote goes. How about a blockchain built system with our Social Security numbers encrypted so we can cast a vote to that system, see it in real time tally up with the rest of the countries votes and have the right to follow where that stands. Transparency here is needed, it would undivide ourselves, no more fight against one political party or the other because a nation will make decisions again on who is elected, no double spending votes will be enforces and we gain back our rights to see how our votes count. Equality will reign again and we put in place who we as a community want.
This could also flow into voting systems for important country wide decisions. If we want or do not want a wall surrounding our country, we cast a vote. If we want to put funds into a project, we cast a vote. If we want war or no war, we cast a vote...which I suspect less wars because lets face it who really wants that noise for our children in the first place.
Controlled Open Budget System
Another key is already happening around us. The blockchain is proving a more stable economy of prosperity within the space for ourselves. Enslavement right now on our system of governments is truly coming from Central Banks. Whether you believe that fact or not, a little digging and that becomes the only answer to the madness within our fiat systems world wide. People are fighting to survive due to this and war breaks out over it. Its really a tragedy and a thing we must get in check before we doom ourselves to nuclear war and environmental damages we can't undo.
Giving over a blockchain system to our governments to instead of print money through Central Banks, how about giving them a budget system on blockchain that is transparent and mathematically tweaked so no more crazy inflation of mass printing worthless money is done. We as citizens then can invest in our government as individuals and increase its wealth on our own terms vs a few secret insiders making it happen. Imagine if you would, government based coins on our exchanges. They have to give roadmaps, explain to us what they would like to do with funds and we buy and sell tokens to that effect so they can grow in only the most common sense ways of spending. I would bet this would encourage real work to be done on their side, to earn there keep for the people they govern but still grow a wealth needed for themselves and for their projected plans for their country.
Can we do this?
My goals to use cryptocurrency stems from an outrage at the atrocities going on in this world. The hunger, war, and lack of a say anymore to the system has had me for years lost and disappointed at the human race to be honest. When I found cryptocurrency though I found a spark left in humanity and a place that can be used peacefully as a tool to fix the broken cogs in this machine running amok. I am not on the in if there is a true elite evil running the show but I will say this, there is some force corrupting the world bad and its starting to overflow so strongly its clear right now we are hitting a tipping point. I rather see us work with our governments, they work with us and we help each other at this crossroads and begin a real path together to begin clearing up our issues and making this world safe for our children.
Will humanity ever be perfect? No its just not in the cards with the way our brains work to hold complete peaceful life. Through obstacles and issues we all learn so I suspect tests will always come on us as individuals and governmental entities of rule. The key though is to learn from mistakes and put common sense forward. I just don't see a lot of that lately and it needs to be put back in check fast. People are being made prisoners in their lives, either physically for minor crimes or crimes they didn't even commit, or down to the way we are enslaved as prisoners to the system of always falling short at financial freedoms we deserve for the hard works we do for society. That is the tragedy that I believe blockchain technology came to us to untangle.
Do I have all the answers, did Satoshi? No, even Satoshi probably made mistakes but its where your heart is that matters and a positive heart wanting better for others in the world is a good starting place to make positive change.
Here's to a hopeful future for everyone!
Love this. Your words really resonated with what I feel and I'm glad to know we're all in this together. Great ideas, keep them coming! :)
I am firmly passionate about turning the world around and fixing our systems that are not working, with the hopes it can be done peacefully before extremists take a lead to forcefully do it. Either way the system doesn't work anymore, everyone is waking up to that so I figure give a few ideas out there to start a process to work together vs against each other. Glad you see my view in that.
Oh by the way, if you want to join that chat I was telling you about, the link to join up is here, just put in your email, go to your inbox and confirm. The email may come from my buddy BRYAN D, he set up the autoinvite so his name maybe the sender. From there click on the link in the email and set up your account...then just get to know our little crowd and share your posts. Here is the link:
I agree, the world we live in and the system that is in place now is extremely self destructive and we've got to be proactive and come together concerning the largest issues at hand. Then work together to rebuild. It's difficult to have faith in humanity when there are powers that be trying to sway everyone one direction or another. If we could all come together and realize where our priorities line up then we have a fighting chance. Main reason why I love this community so much, lots of people on the same page.
Thank you for that link, I was going to ask you for it. Heading that way soon!
I see it this way. A long time ago the people under governments used to sit side by side with them at the same table, we all made decisions together and had a mutual respect working condition going on. Somewhere along the way, I suspect once we gave over control to the elites in the banking world power...that day was when we got put as citizens in another room at the kiddie table, the government is at the teenagers table, while the bankers are behind closed doors making decisions for everyone. The division is probably not even the governments doing, they really were tricked into that give up control system that JP Morgan and crew created. Sad thing is, I think citizens turned a blind eye so long that now we have been left with no choice but to face it or let it go on forever. So we are at that crossroads now and they are fighting back with underhanded power plays against even our own system that they created....scary if you really go deep into the situation we are all in.
On that note, lol....look forward to seeing you in our chat, you have issues getting in there let me know
Scary indeed, and you are on point Sir. Looking forward to meeting the crew, in without a hitch.
thanks for sharing
Flaherty, thank you for your article, I truly enjoyed reading it. This is the first from the Crypto Odyssey series I have read.
I am going to look into reading the Bitcoin WhitePaper as I had no idea there had been one!
Without asking too much, what secret group of elites do you believe is running the show? (If you dont want to answer that, you can perhaps leave something for me to decrypt :-P
And furthermore, on the topic of governments utilizing blockchains for the economic benefit of their societies... do you see the investments from individuals essentially as bonds? Minus the time stamped duration corresponding to their value
Keep working hard man, good things will keep coming!
Great questions. The elite side is really hard for even those close to the situation to know truly who is running the show...people in the government know its going on but they rule kind of behind the central banking system and do their manipulations very secretive. Bilderberg group is a key there and the families that created the Federal Reserve are another key like the Rockerfellers and JP Morgan's families. They are there but who is in what position is really unknown to the public.
Far as a governmental investment currency, maybe a bond system or just a currency like we have here in crypto but they only get value when citizens buy and sell it. Wall Street's system is too closed off and too corrupted if you ask me, they break so many companies of value hour on the hour and I think it should become a common citizen goal to upvote and budget our government like it used to be
Those would have been my first guesses. I've only recently learned of the Bilderberg group tbh... very interesting stuff.
I believe the goal would to allow the currency to grow with more stability mimicking current currencies. It would not be great for a community when a banana is worth $1 today and $2 tomorrow for example.
Tell you something to read that really enlightens people about the core of where the elite system was started, a book called: The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve .....that has to be the most enlightening book about what our central banking system really is and the nonsense that went on in creating it. It was designed from the start evil and just spit out evil ever since. Great education comes in that read I believe. I agree a fluctuating true competing economy with fairness is needed, crypto is that very thing
Thanks man I'm gonna add that to my list of 'to reads'. More to follow
Its a very interesting and factual book, really wakes you up some on why the world is the way it is