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RE: What is Tauchain & Why It Could Be One of The Greatest Inventions of All Time (Part 1: Introduction)

in #blockchain7 years ago

I did all surface "research" i could. Reddit. Agoras, the promotion video, reviews, specific claim paralels to existing tech, the drama over the split... Etc.
Mainly because you teased this for a while now. Read the review of someone that claims and seems to be well versed in the field that has talked to the main dev.
And he was sceptical in a reasonable way.

Just saying be careful...
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence..
In this case evidence being use case at a larger scale then the demo they offer. I for one hold the opinion that human progress is only limited by our imagination, so as @dana-edwards says i believe it "is doable", but from the inception of the idea to the realization there is a long road and this really looks like something a team of the size of google or apple could probably develop. A small indie team regardless of their prowess might just be biting off more then they could chew.