Hehehee couldn't really hold back my laughter while reading this. Funny to conclude that our toasters could be connected to the blockchain...lolz
You raised very valid points though because if really those below 15 and those above 65 don't use Facebook and also those found in the middle don't all use Facebook or are not active users ,then where did they get their statistics from? Could it be a hoax? Well, might not be far from it.
If this is a recent News then we have a problem. Lately, there has been a campaign for people to delete Facebook and join steemit and it's been trending all over Twitter, all thanks to @stephenkendal. So how come did the number of users increase even with the scandal and all? Phew.
I think what Issac Assimov said is finally coming to pass as i can relate with what you said concerning we being glued to our devices and letting it control us. People no longer have good facial chats. You sit beside someone for hours and he doesn't even know you are there. Ita crazy but that's the world we find ourselves in today....The jet age.
I loved the comic relief as well.
I’m 61. I just remembered that when I was a kid we called it... “the jet age”. I think today it’s got a more modern name like “the internet age”