Let's have ourselves a campfire ghost story that twists and turns, but not in a layer cake or lock, stock and two smoking barrels blockbuster smash thriller movies type of way. This one is a bit more cut & dry, and is a sequel of sorts if you will.
You see its not so difficult to infiltrate this blockchain and it's chump change market value. We saw Mr. Sun easily do just that. But, lest we forget the founders and governance composed of circle jerking crony capitalists turned their backs on the tenet of crypto, and froze their new unwanted partner out of his rightful stake.(FUD) Well, we know how that went. And here we are with a cloned dpos sitting duck replica with the same fools running the same disproportionately, poorly distributed, and greedy economy that feeds the whales and starves the actual end user that is trying to survive by the lie they were sold to come here and get paid to be on social media.
Months and months of despair follow, low retention rates, and no new big investors staking, so hive sits idle. Too obscure and defamed to even catch a btc bull run. Where is the mass adoption? The tech is here and it's solid and ripe for the taking.
Opportunity knocks, in the form of a wave of disenfranchised social media users that have been abandoned by the big tech monopoly. Desperate and delusional hive is opportunistic and conniving so they rally behind the blockchain heroes that proclaim this as a golden chance to mass adopt the excrement that is now voiceless and unable to foment insurrections and convene around hate speech. So hive seeks to extend their open platform to these national security threats and offer them a safe haven. A place where they can organize, grow, flourish, create an economy and finance a revolution.
Problem is most of those buffoons aren't wealthy or tech savvy enough to pull the Sun takeover off , but you know who does have the ways and means? Yes, actual terrorists, with oil money, weapons and experience. Why aim for lowly disorganised fractured factions that are mostly weak and impotent, and most importantly broke and inexperienced.
Shoot for that moon shot! Let's get Al Qaeda or any finely tuned operatives with a big bank roll like the Iranians in on this free speech, censorship resistant platform that has very fast transfer capabilities and an option to create their own coin. With seasoned terrorists here, recruiting disillusioned poor people from all over the world, and dismantling the 'new rich' candy ass fraudulent and easy to locate physically witnesses, the hive price will soar. The jihad coin will be only accessible to loyalists to the cause. Same as hive because we know the biggest wallet here dictates the reward pool and to some extent the viewing of content if so desired. Clearly the old guard that welcomed free speakers to collaborate here on hive would have to run away and fork off to further obscurity and of course the NSA and CIA would be most interested to play their hand in this unprecedented level of stupidity and greed of a few stakeholders that reached out to the exiled online accounts.
It's definitely a great business model to have failed for years to find a niche in the market via terrorists and operatives. If the intelligence allowed this to grow and place agents within using uncle Sam's military funding boy would hive move up bigly. That pump could finally be the dump all these exit scammers that got duped by Dan, Ned, Justin, and even little old me have been waiting for. Now it could be seen as aiding and abetting terrorists and the propagation of hate speech which is rewarded by a digital asset that is funding terrorists attacks but that is movie stuff right? Just a cool story where a guy in a Muslim majority country meets with the right people and overnight there's a new investor that makes Justin's buy in look like chump change. But thank God decentralised platforms will be owning the institutions and war mongering imperialists. It's all about free speech and opposition of any and all censorship right?
It's not an insane way to add value and build the platform that bombs the free world at all and it could never get that far because the feds would shut it down immediately, or would they? They're pretty sly. Only stupid people think that police and the feds are stupid. It's all probably worth it for the press and the pump though. I doubt they would seize and freeze all the accounts here by using some of that 740 billion to make the world a safer place. Nah this is all too much. Let's just keep pimping out the tech here to the people that want to kill vice presidents and bipoc people. Maybe when they come the whales can welcome them with censorship and stealing their rewards. That's a great plan. I say go for it. Meanwhile I've gotta a coffee date with a guy that's interested in helping his boss wash 250 million and they don't really like westernized capitalistic punks so it should be interesting.  .
Interesting and thoughtful post mate. One which, such as in the way things are going during these days, the first one I read with a pretty different but also very feasible perspective.
So, let me contribute with a couple of videos with some great tutorials to make things easier.
I think these two will be enough to accelerate the success of the campaign. Whether that be to recruit and onboard the target people in mass or discourage them as quickly and as soon as possible. };)
I'll look into thx, I just don't consort with filth and this place is a hive of disgusting individuals I'd spit on irl and they wouldn't do shit about it. My heresy has gone to the realm of dangerously dissident. All the imbeciles here that can't see my allegory can step into the firing line.
Oh! I can envision a good heap around here that easily can step into the firing line.