Cellarius Network, a blockchain based transmedia storyworld

in #blockchain6 years ago

Cellarius Network, a blockchain based transmedia storyworld

Hey everyone, this post somehow managed to be a lot wordier than orginally expected, combining recent studies of mine with a blockchain project I uncovered a few weeks ago. Hope you enjoy :)

So, what is Transmedia Storytelling?
Transmedia storytelling refers to a unique way of storytelling that merges multiple media platforms, using each separate platform to add a contribution to a non-linear narrative. Examples of these platforms include movies, television series, websites, video games, toys etc.

Transmedia stories normally have differing characteristics to standard narratives, for example transmedia narratives do not focus on individual characters or plots, but on complex fictional worlds which sustain multiple characters and narratives. Star Wars is a good example of this, with them releasing multiple ‘Star Wars Stories’ such as ‘Rogue One’ and ‘Solo’ which contribute to the overall universe without directly engaging with the original narratives.

Look at it this way, you don’t necessarily have to watch Rogue One to understand the rest of the Star Wars story, nor would you struggle to understand what is going on in Rogue One without seeing other films in the universe, but you would have a better understanding of the overall world if you engage with all the content. This is normally enough encouragement alone to spur people to see the new films, video games etc... I mean why not? You get more stories in a universe you already love. (in theory!)

(image source: https://filmtvmovingimage.wordpress.com/2017/02/26/transmedia-storytelling-as-symbiotic-feature-in-post-cinematic-cinema-eras/)

This new-found way of creating a story-world has changed how the audience engage with and experiences narratives, giving people more content to indulge across multiple platforms whilst also allowing them more freedom to produce and collaborate among themselves e.g. Fan fiction.

Henry Jenkins discusses this in his book Convergence Culture Where Old and New Media Collide, using the example of The Matrix universe to show how each separate piece of transmedia develops the surrounding collective universe in which the narrative takes place. For example, the three Matrix films were only the beginning of the universe, as an overarching story system emerged from them, including ‘12 animated shorts, 20 comic book stories and multiple video games which include an hour of original footage.’’

So Cellarius, Blockchain and Transmedia.

What is Cellarius
‘The Cellarius Universe (CX) is an original, transmedia cyberpunk franchise that leverages blockchain technology and user-generated assets to create a collaborative, fan-curated story’.

Basically, Cellarius aim to create a network which allows users to build and fill an empty universe alongside the Cellarius Team. This works by creators/users submitting content to something they call ‘The Commons’. The Commons as I understand is basically the central hub/library of everything Cellarius. You write a cool story about an adventure within the world, you can submit it there. If everyone loves it and it is of high quality, it can be voted to be ‘Core’ by other readers and creators. Basically, solidifying you work as canon within the Cellarius universe.

The core idea was to create and tell a global story that includes many different diverse perspectives and ideas. I wish I could start to paint a picture of the world they are building, and I could… Probably. It would just take me a few more thousand words. Instead I suggest you check out this trailer and other videos which give a lovely introduction to the world:

Also visit their site: https://cellarius.network/ where you can download an astoundingly detailed universe guide (70 pages!) which will tell you anything you dream to know about the world of Cellarius. From factions, to the economy, society, timelines, maps, EVERYTHING! (The only canon content currently in place is the text within the universe guide)
Cellarius have created the foundations of this world, it is just begging to be filled with content.

Why Blockchain?
Blockchain provides an opportunity to create a decentralized model of content creation and consumption. Cellarius embraces similar values to Blockchain tech and intend to create an open ethos with members that support and empower each other to create and engage with content.

Cellarius intends to use Blockchain to facilitate:
Fan Curation: The community will be able to vote on what content they want to be ‘Core’ canon via staking and voting mechanics.

Immutable Lore: If content gets voted as ‘Core’ by the community it will be hosted on the Ethereum blockchain, preventing disputes over what is canon or who owns what content.

Community Driven Story: Cellarius want to explore how a narrative can be created and grow without a centralized authority controlling the process. The blockchain allows people to tag their content, so you know who has published what, creating an immutable record of ownership.

(Digital) Object Permanence: Content will exist into perpetuity. Creators do not need to worry about providing evidence that content is theirs.

Personally, I think a big part of this projects success surrounds the effectiveness of their custom licensing, for they need to continue to champion open source and decentralized principles, whilst also allowing community and content creators to monetize their content.

The Cellarius license has two main clauses currently:
• ‘The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. This clause directly maps onto the immutability of blockchain technologies, this means content will forever be public from a storytelling perspective.

• If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. Therefore, work which extends upon the original work, by definition, must contain the same license of its parent.’

If what Cellarius are trying to do gathers traction, and they create an engaged online community, I could really see them shaking up how traditional stories could be told. For In modern days we see many issues surrounding fandom and content creators who often struggle to monetize their works due to copyright laws, blockchain solves this issue as Cellarius can use it to ensure works are not being plagiarized, and that creators are receiving proper rewards.

Therefore, people get to write about content they love without worrying about copyright infringement etc. This links in with another issue/solution surrounding how blockchain could solve many problems surrounding IP (Intellectual Property) within the creative industries, as It allows authors to make immutable proof of ownership of their content, and who they may have provided licensing to, all on the blockchain.

In Conclusion...

The Transmedia process has allowed the audience more opportunities for collaboration and creation and as a result, the content is constantly expanding and growing. In my opinion the most important component of transmedia is interactivity as it encourages the fans to engage with the transmedia across multiple platforms.

Cellarius offers interactivity in abundance, for they are merely the creators(in a sense) of a universe which needs to be filled by the content creators and fans. People must engage with the content to create new content, and the whole collective universe begs for collaboration.

Hopefully you can see how blockchain can change transmedia storytelling for the better. I mean, imagine being able collaborate with a friend to create an amazing story about a universe you already know and love, and being able to publish it without worries surrounding copyright, for blockchain makes it clear and transparent about what content you can and cannot use.

Thank you for reading my waffle and I hope I didn't get too sidetracked.
