Time’s Up! So, Who Beat the SCLock?

in #blockchain7 years ago

Find out if you’ll be claiming some bonus SCL Tokens!

It’s been an exciting few days for the Sociall community. We’ve watched so many supporters from around the world, show off their Sociall knowledge and try their luck against the SCLock.

There are plenty of SCL tokens up for grabs, however there can only be one winner per question. As promised, we selected the first correct answer for each.

Congratulations to the following participants!

@PetersKyron — You’ve won 150 SCL Tokens @supersin555 — You’ve won 100 SCL Tokens @MangCrypto — You’ve won 50 SCL Tokens @frankgarza1972 — You’ve won 50 SCL Tokens @urbanworkbench — You’ve won 100 SCL Tokens @XanderMeijering — You’ve won 100 SCL Tokens @arguser — You’ve won 150 SCL Tokens @MarivanUg — You’ve won 150 + 100 + 50 + 50 SCL Tokens @codyjflynn89 — You’ve won 150 SCL Tokens

To claim your SCL tokens, you’ll just need to DM us on Twitter with your Ethereum wallet address.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun with us on Twitter. If you didn’t win any tokens, we hope at least you learnt something new.

If you haven’t signed up for the closed beta, now is the time to jump onboard!
With such a great communitygrowing around Sociall, we’re in a good position to take over Facebook!

Plus, the Sociall open beta is only a few weeks away.

What is the most used feature within a social networking platform?

a) Instant Messaging
b) Notifications and News Feed
c) Search Bar
d) Login Page
@PetersKyron: a) Instant Messaging

Finish the sentence: Sociall is a secure and private #_______ social network for all
@supersin555: #Decentralised

Can you guess how many social media users there are globally?
@MangCrypto: first closest guess of 3 billion, to 3.03 billion

True or False: Sociall uses facial recognition technology.
@frankgarza1972: False

What function of Sociall are you most excited for?
@urbanworkbench: “A platform where your data is secure and isn’t getting sold to the highest bidder!”

What is the only part of the Sociall application that is visible to search engines?
@XanderMeijering: The Community Section

What functionality makes Sociall a self-governing platform?
@arguser: “Users on Sociall will be able to assist with keeping the platform clean and safe by removing spam and offensive posts and are will compensated in SCL.”

Can you guess what the most commonly posted food on social media is?
@MarivanUg: Pizza

What percentage of retail brands use a minimum of 2 social channels in the 21st century?
@MarivanUg: 91%

Which age group is more than twice as likely to engage with branded content on social media?

  • Gen Z
  • Millennials
  • Gen Y
  • Baby Boomers
    @codyjflynn89: Baby Boomers

What was the recent hashtag campaign against Facebook?
@MarivanUg: #DeleteFacebook

What up-and-coming feature of Sociall will give users full visibility into Sociall’s code base?
@MarivanUg: Open Source