#Blockchain Technology will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism
Mixed opinions, but please keep an open mind
I have been wanting to write this Blog for sometime now and publish it here on #Steemit.
I have decided that now is a great time to share it with you.
I am sure that this Blog will be met by mixed opinions, but please keep an open mind when reading it.
I look forward to reading what you think and please feel free to leave a comment.
Here goes...
Cracks in the 21st Century Capitalist System are already showing clear signs of failure
There is no denying it, but 21st Century Capitalism is facing an existential crisis and hopefully this Blog will help explain what is really happening, what is going to happen and how #Blockchain Technology will play a major role in the collapse of 21st Century Capitalism as we know it.
There are many factors that are driving the demise of the collapse in 21st Century Capitalism and it is a combination of many factors, that after decades of: Manipulation, Deceit and Fraud, have finally come to the end game that is now set to trigger its collapse.
Timing of the collapse
Regular readers of my Blog will know that I am not perfect at predicting when a specific event will occur, but simply focus my attention on the fact that it will.
The truth is, I do not know that 21st Century Capitalism is actually in its final end game and do not believe that anyone else knows that it is either, all I can say is that if it is not already here, it is for sure coming.
This I can guarantee.
It is always clear years after the event
What is always clear after any event has ended, it that it only becomes clear years later when the end occurred.
No one will know for sure exactly when the end of 21st Century Capitalism began, but for sure we are already in it.
With over +30 years experience in the field of: Construction, Finance, Commerce, Banking, Trade and Business, what I am confident to say that this is without doubt the worst condition of Global Capitalism of my lifetime and one that has also been for many decades.
Many so called “Experts” and leading Economists
Over the years I have studied many so called “Experts” and leading Economists from the left wing, the right wing and dead centre and not one of these experts can specifically tell you how the Global Financial System got itself into the current situation and what to do about it.
The interesting thing however is that everyone I speak to all agree that this is the worst condition of Capitalism we have all witnessed.
This is a great starting point and a very significant comment to appreciate and fully understand.
What are the conditions that everyone recognises
In order to move forward, we have to look at the conditions that everyone recognises are at the core problem of Capitalism, as this clearly lays the foundations of what is currently happening.
First of all, you have to look back at the end of the Soviet Union and the explosion in the People's Republic of China, which both happened at the same time as the opening up of Western Capitalism in North America, Europe and Japan.
It was at this time that we witnessed an immense explosion in the Working Class that were willing, able and eager to work as employees for Capitalist Companies.
In reality, they had no other choice.
Working Class born out of the Industrial Revolution
It is this huge shift in Working Class born out of the Industrial Revolution of the last Century shifting from the West to the East which has to be the starting point, as the equally skilled and lower paid workers were willing to carryout the same work as those that had previously demanded a higher pay.
It was the Capitalist Companies that looked at how best to take advantage of this Global shift in cheaper and more profitable labour that they quickly seized upon.
It was simply this mass number of poor and yet capable workers that were taken advantage of.
Desperate, willing and able to work for less wage
Some Capitalist Companies brought in immigrants, desperate, willing and able to work for a less wage.
Other Capitalist did everything in the total reverse by moving their production from their home Countries of Capitalism into those Countries such as: China, India, Brazil etc.
This major shift in the Working Class effectively plunged Capitalism into a major crisis, as while it makes a very small number of people very, very wealthy by substituting lower wage workers from the higher wage workers, it ultimately presents itself with a consequential and fundamental crisis now for the Working Class of Western World including North America, Europe and Japan.
Effectively what is really happening is that the Capitalist System is forcing the Working Class in the developed Western World down to that of the level of the Emerging Underdeveloped Countries rather than the reverse.
It is this plunging of the standards being met by the Working Class in the developed Western World downwards that is the major problem.
This has never been explained
This shift in Working Class has never really been fully explained to the Working Class of the Western World which has resulted in the ultimate net deterioration of the Social Welfare System and Democracy.
It is this deterioration in the Working Class and Democracy that has now resulted in agitated workers looking for change, as the distribution of wealth is effectively now concentrated to the new Top 5%.
Political impact of distributing the wealth to the Top 5%
Recognising and accepting that the distribution of wealth to the Top 5% is real, at the same time as plunging the Working Class into a declining and frightening situation has to be managed.
Failing to manage this declining and frightening situation will result in a political explosion that would be unthinkable and one that could never be defeated.
Management of wealth transfer
This management of wealth transfer is no different from the time witnessed in the transition of the Industrial Revolution from the past Century.
Without a managed transition, it will be the Financial Institutions that will be ultimately overthrown and this will be a catastrophic problem.
Capitalism is now the custodian of Democracy
What very few people know and fully understand is that the Political System has in fact been bought by the Top 5% who are now effectively managing everything in an attempt to keep a lid on this Global transition and migration of labour and the Working Class.
By taking control of the Political System by the Capitalists in essence tears up Democracy and the Democratic System.
Effectively, Capitalism has bought the Political System and is now the custodian of Democracy.
Anyone who still believes that there is true Democracy in the Western World are sadly mistaken.
If it works then everything is OK and if it doesn’t, this is a major problem
By effectively buying the Political System and the core foundations of Democracy is OK if everything works, however, should it fail, the consequences would be catastrophic and unlike anything seen before.
Shift of the 19th Century European and Western Capitalism. The Controllers and the Controlled
In the places that Capitalism has moved, that is: China, India, Brazil etc what has really happened is purely a shift of the 19th Century European and Western Capitalism.
It is simply a new era of Capitalism that has transformed those societies by moving hundreds of millions of people off the land and into the Cities and Industries.
It is the shifts in these societies that is also creating economic problems simply due to the speed in which the migration is taking place.
So, whether you are in the area that 21st Century Capitalism is moving out off or in the area that 21st Century Capitalism is moving into, there is very clear evidence of friction between those that are controlling the transition and those that are being controlled.
The result of this friction is still very much unclear by those controlling these Societies as to whether they are capable of managing this transition or whether they actually end up contradicting the shift.
21st Century Capitalism has created a network of problems that it cannot solve
The current system of 21st Century Capitalism has created a network of problems and Systemic Risk that it cannot solve on its own and this is where #Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Technology steps in.
Over the last few years it is very clear that there is a new emerging direction that will not only address the areas of: Law, Regulation and International Agreement, but one that will address the Systemic Risk of the current corrupt and fraudulent System.
It is by recognising the Systemic Risk we face in the current System that the only rational approach we can now take that will allow a more manageable approach to this fast approaching crisis, is a total rethink.
You have to be critical of 21st Century Capitalism and its dead end
In order to fully appreciate the problems the World now faces you have to be absolutely critical of not only 21st Century Capitalism and its dead end, but also the Socialist history from which we have come from.
The Socialism System we have inherited from over the last Century has been very successful but sadly insufficiently profound.
It is this insufficiently profound Socialism System that has to be now seriously addressed.
Public ownership of the means of production and planning
Socialism has always said the greatest problem with Capitalism is the privatisation and ownership of the means of production and the markets.
In essence, what really should have happened was public ownership of the means of production and planning only, as oppose to the public ownership of these and the entire market as a complete package.
To put it simple, The Capitalist System owns everything..!!
You have to go to the core of the work place and address the issue at source
In order to address this current problem of the ownership of production and planning you have to go to the core of the work place and address the issue at source.
Basically, in order to fully address the Systemic Risk of the 21st Century Capitalism you have to totally revolutionise the work place like it has never been done before.
Whatever you think about Government Ownership, State Enterprises or Central Planning has to be totally rethought and you have to think what it would look like if you radically transformed the working environment.
A complete reinvention of the whole System, starting with the Work Place.
Workers Co-operative
To make it very simple to understand, I am talking about a radically transformation of the work environment and one that can be simply looked upon as a Worker Co-operative.
Effectively, every work place would change and the decisions to working environments would be made by the workers in a democratic fashion.
In a nutshell, democratically, one Worker, one Vote..!!
What you will therefore see in effect in each Enterprise, in each Factory, in each Store and in each Office, the workers would collectively decide what to produce, how to produce, where to produce and what to do with the profits.
Like I said, a total re-think.
By giving the worker the role of both Employee and Employer it will destroy the foundation of Capitalism as we know it and at the same time as allowing a fully manageable and addressable measure of the Systemic Risk we now face.
Tokenized Economy
As more people wake up to the limitations of the way that 21st Century Capitalism can scale up, by simply accepting that there is not one Person, one Entity, one Institution, one Government, or one Central Bank on the Planet smart enough to calculate the Systemic Risk of the current System, then the sooner we move on to the New System, the better.
I have absolutely no doubts whatsoever, that #Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Technology will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism as we know it.
Cracks in the Capitalist System are already showing clear signs of failure and it is this failure in the System that is making way for a future that will now see a totally Global Tokenized Economy.
Capitalism is finished, simply because of the fact that no one thought about the management and measurement of the Systemic Risk of failure to the System and it won't be clear as to when the end occurred, until way after the event.
All I can say, is that by this mere lack of addressing the management to measure the Systemic Risk of Global Capitalism is by definition a failure of the System and it is this fact alone that I strongly believe that 21st Century Capitalism has already failed..!!
Thanks for reading.
Capitalism is dead, in the next 5/10 years we’ll witness the biggest wealth transfer in history from banking cartels back to the people, blockchain is disruptive. @stephenkendal what do you think about Steem? I know you predicted a potential 500+ billion target for it in the long term and it is already the most used blockchain out there, what about the competition coming from other social media blockchain projects?
This is great news that blockchain technology is going to end the capitalist making profit by dominating the working class and never gave Any opportunity to grow and to be part of economy as the economic system were controlled by them. In the name of Democracy and socialism government has looted general people killing their rights to part of economic and giving indirect support to capitalis to fund their elections and promotion.
World people has suffered a lot from capitalist as they are hookworm of the society. Cryptocurrency and digital Blochain technology has brought hope to those people who wants to end this capitalist state where people can control their economic themselves with their own wills and right..This is why many capitalis and rich people are very worried and spread nonsense news on cryptocurrency and Blockchain so people get afraid of it but people know well that cryptocurrency is their truemail future and power of general people. People like Mark Zuckerberg bill Gates and many rich leader are really tensed and they should coz it's time for us to run them not run by them.
All the cryptocurrency platform are doing great job but I personally would like thanks @steemit.com to bring hope in our life and teaching us that we are our own leader and we deserve better life than we have and can earn by sharing and learning knowledger and thought on steem. Special heartly thanks to great expert @stephenkendal for his tremendous effort to make us aware of almost everything in cryptocurrency market...We all are with you in the journey to end this capital system and bring our own real system of people.
Cryptocurrency blockchain is has given great equality and rights to people to earn their income and make investments without any domination where all are treated equally.Blockchain will help to end income inequality and poverty too worldwide too.
Capitalism is the biggest enemy of humanity and has looted poor people by using them for mass production in low level of wage and salary to earn more and more profit. Capitalism is the main seed of poverty and income inequality where rich people are getting more richer and poor are dying of hunger and starvation. Long time ago Karl Marx stated that working class will only rise when capitalism will end and @blockchain and cryptocurrency is the answer to end capitalism. @steemit.com has been a great place which really practice real democracy and gives equal opportunities to earn and also being promoted by experts and steemit family. @stephenkendal you are doing great job by guiding us like an angel in the world of capitalism and greed where people only think of themselves but you are working very hard selfless to provide us best of steemit experience.
Wow to start with in the end. you're a very proficient and committed guy to have had 30+ yrs revel in in this subject plus different fields like production, generation, commercial enterprise, trade, trade and Finance . that is a wonderful success and now not many are capable of to do it besides chosen few however you are rocking it. Yea you have executed and did and nonetheless doing greater than maximum market professional in their lifetime.reason being a follower and a reader of your weblog we've got come to realized that.
Blockchain will actually be the end of capitalism motive you are pronouncing it and as for being a part of a small member steemit we also can see that. The advantages are limitles and boundaries are none which seperates blockchain from the whole thing else in this category. This changed into like a trailer and we're searching forward to the weblog and the anticipation has grown and we're excited to read it.thanks for letting us recognise.
Finally the dream of the Karl Marx(Socio-economic writer) is going to be fulfilled Soon with digital currency <3
I know media and bankers are trying their level bet to stop the storm of this innovation of the technology but i am 100% sure they are gonna defeated soon because future already belongs to tokenized age.
Thanks for the valuable content the great Stephen <3
As you have explained,Capitalism has always been the disease of any economy infecting its core . There are many pointers that you mentioned one of which is the exploitation of the migrants for capitalist business for lower wage, i am from a developing country and youth are not able to find good pay because of the conditions here because of which they are compelled to work out in other develoed country as labours for not even the half of the pay that the person from the same country will get. These kinds of things are not new for any place on earth.
Even in movies there is shown that the rich landlords exploiting the poor ,filling their grain houses and gold but not providing the pay they deserve simply being treated as slaves. Capitalism sucks the poor till there is nothing left because of which rich keeps on getting richer and poor getting poorer, rich has too much to invest and earn but poor has no other way than labour or salary or simply wage. @steemit is a site that is a light against this darkness. Where even if you don’t invest it doesn’t matters. @stephenkendal thanks for sharing this amazing post from which we have gained alot of knowledge and can apply it on our studies too. Keep doing what you do best. @promo-steem is also going to be another milestone against capitalism.we know cause blockchain is the new messiah.
Begin with at last. you're an exceptionally capable and submitted fellow to have had 30+ yrs delight in this subject in addition to various fields like creation, age, business venture, exchange, exchange and Finance . that is an awesome achievement and now very few are equipped for to do it other than picked few anyway you are shaking it. Yea you have executed and did and regardless doing more noteworthy than most extreme market proficient in their lifetime.reason being a devotee and a peruse of your weblog we have come to understood that.
Blockchain will really be the finish of free enterprise rationale you are articulating it and concerning being a piece of a little part steemit we additionally can see that. The points of interest are limitles and limits are none which separates block chain from the entire thing else in this classification. This changed into like a trailer and we're looking forward to the weblog and the expectation has developed and we're eager to peruse it.thanks for giving us a chance to perceive.
Great post..Loved the amazing information and news..Yes i have been always reading your post and i and i got really great information about about capitalism.And i knew that you have 4 years experience..That is true now days because of it rich are getting richer and poor are getting more poor..This blockchain technology help to make poor into rich so really it will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism..blockchain technology is getting better and it will help people in need the most..
I totally agree with you that #Blockchain Technology taking on Capitalism because in blockchain many new cryptocurrency are releasing which is really amazing and had changed the whole world as everyone invest in cryptocurrency rather than other thing and bank are really being not used..Blockchain technology has really improved which very great for cryptocurrency user..That is really great that you have more 30 years experience in Construction, Technology, Business, Commerce, Trade and Finance, and reading about blockchain..Who would gave this information like you so very thank you for your post..Glad i am here to witness you stephen..@stephenkendal
You might be not perfect in analyzing but you did great analyzation for various crypto currencies and the current blog seems quite write because we all can see the market cap is becoming down day by day.
Its fail for 21st Century but don't know clearly about the future. It might be wrong to giving the both role to every individual or may be it is the biggest cause of failure.
FUTURE is absolutely of tokenism system. Thanks for bringing up a little light on this matter.
Thankyou for sharing valuable information sir keep it up 😇Yeahh! You are right Sir @stephenkandle its good to hear blockchain tecnology will be end the years century capitalism, its already happen in failur sigh. I know its changes through new blockchain, well i am sure 100% we seen good things about that in future. Its good blockchain through its end capitilism. Cryptocurrency its really good for this step and if we more investment its double good, we took more benefit through this amazing oppertunaity, crypto is do great work and we took more and mord crypto also in free.
well truely aggred with you sir that blockchain is the future and capilisms will be ended and the signs are really shown and we can surely says that crypto is the future curreny and it will down all the market and their will be just a single currency known as cryptocurrency and thats not far away!
This is great news that Block Chain technology is taking the space of Capitalism. Capitalism involves monoply of few influential person which exploits consumer by their own advantage. So we need some thing which is transparent and involvement of new middleman and block technology is the best option for achieving these parameters. All the best for smooth transition of Capitalism to Block Chain Technology. Thanks for sharing @stephenkendal
We for sure are seeing a new trend in the world. At the end of the century we are for sure seeing crypto market taking over the economy of the world. Hope but remains stabilised...
this is going to be great new for everyone just because of end of block chain as well as end of capitalism and according to me the whole credit goes to crypto currency and other decentralization system because it is possible just because of them, it is going to happen due to the possibilities of their efforts,
I am so much happy for the poor people who does the work on daily basis due to small amount of wages for surviving too their families even I also know the such people who remain hungry some time well its huge stories but I am so much happy and
Want to say thanks to @stephenkendal for giving us such a great news through this post,
special gratitude to @stephenkendal
There is No doubt the the ending of capitalism is coming soon due to development of the blockchain and cryptocurrency market. Digital blockchain has given the rights to all the people equally where they have own control and which is not controlled by the capitalist...Capitalist had looted peoples and economy by sucking the blood of all the labour class and bever gave chamce us to grow where Richer became more richer and poor became more poorer.
Since blockchain has developed the mentality has change and the economy is coming in hand of general people which is the ending of ruthless capitalist..Thanks to cryptocurrency market and @steemit.com this platform has changes million of life and made people realised that every one has right to earn and have better life. Soon all the bank and finance company will collarpse as they are in the phase...Now its time to take over capitalist @stephenkendal and it is only possible if we have expert leader like you in this journey in equal economy system...You are our leaders and we will follow you till end.
Blockchain is developing so quickly Since blockchain has developed the mentality has change and the economy is coming in hand of general people which is the ending of ruthless capitalist.
Crypto currency also going viral in the world because its feature a great artical you shared keep it up Since blockchain has developed the mentality has change and the economy is coming in hand of general people which is the ending of ruthless capitalist.
Thanks for sharing
There is No uncertainty the completion of private enterprise is coming soon because of improvement of the blockchain and cryptographic money advertise. Computerized blockchain has given the rights to every one of the general population similarly where they have possess control and which isn't controlled by the capitalist...Capitalist had plundered people groups and economy by sucking the blood of all the work class and bever gave chamce us to develop where Richer turned out to be more wealthier and poor turned out to be more poorer.
Since blockchain has built up the attitude has change and the economy is coming close by of general individuals which is the consummation of savage capitalist..Thanks to cryptographic money advertise and @steemit.com this stage has changes million of life and made individuals understood that each one has appropriate to win and have better life.
Before long all the bank and back organization will collarpse as they are in the phase...Now its opportunity to assume control industrialist @stephenkendal
and this technology will eliminate the need for centralized institutions like banks or governments to facilitate trade. . . I think this Technology is the next greatest invention of the time
And really we have to be critical of 21st Century Capitalism and its dead end?. . . You are right sir that 21st Century Capitalism has failed and The Tokenized Economy is Just WowwwExactly @stephen, Blockchain technology is going to change everything
I do believe blockchain is some amazing technology; question is how it will be used in the end. If bitcoin is really money or not. The narrative of "it will totally replace everything good bye old finance" is a bit simplistic and sounds cult-like tbh!
I completely agree with your statement ''Blockchain Technology will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism''. The premise of cryptocurrencies is that they don’t require a central banking system or government guarantees or large piles of gold in order to function as a unit of exchange. Instead, they depend on a public ledger system, usually one that works as a “blockchain.” A few times an hour, everyone who has a new currency transaction to report sends out an announcement on the network of fellow traders. The new announcements all get bundled up into a “block” and everyone competes to see who can authenticate it the fastest. Big groups of traders band together to authenticate the new transactions, and once a new block is authenticated it is attached permanently to the growing chain of blocks stretching all the way back to the launch of the currency. The whole purpose of the blockchain is to provide a transparent, write-once history of every unit of currency—a public ledger that anyone can use to make sure that their money isn’t being stolen or double-spent. All without having to contend with a central financial or governmental authority. Because nobody controls the blockchain, it is effectively impossible to rewrite without compromising the integrity of the software itself.
Cherished the stunning data and news..Yes I have been continually perusing your post and I and I got extremely incredible data about capitalism.And I realized that you have 4 years experience..That is genuine now days in view of it rich are getting wealthier and poor are getting more poor..This blockchain innovation help to make poor into rich so truly it will be the finish of 21st Century Capitalism..blockchain innovation is improving and it will help individuals in require the most..
I absolutely concur with you that #Block chain Technology going up against Capitalism in light of the fact that in block-chain numerous new digital money are discharging which is extremely stunning and had changed the entire world as everybody put resources into cryptographic money as opposed to other thing and bank are truly being not used..Block chain innovation has extremely enhanced which exceptionally extraordinary for digital currency user..That is extremely awesome that you have more 30 years involvement in Construction, Technology, Business, Commerce, Trade and Finance, and perusing about block chain..Who would gave this data like you so extremely thank you for your post..Glad I am here to witness you @stephenkendal
Truly block chain innovation 21st century free enterprise has just fizzled. Well its great yet you did incredible investigation, cryptographic money and advanced Blockhead innovation needs to end this entrepreneur, clearing a path for a future.
This is awesome you growing 30+ years to uncover this extraordinary project and still diligent work, I without a doubt you're make progress in this task. Its great if advanced money is accomplish by Karl Marx and going to abnormal state.
thanks for the info @stephenkendal
Yeah enormous feelings about this news great job.@stephenkendal
you are 100% right about the Blockchain Technology will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism..... it's already Cracks in the Capitalist System are already showing clear signs of failure, making way for a future that will see a Global Tokenized Economy, this major problem the Working Class effectively plunged Capitalism into a major crisis, as while it makes a very small number of people very, very wealthy by substituting lower wage workers from the higher wage workers, it ultimately presents itself with a consequential and fundamental crisis now for the Working Class of Western World it's also have been influence many more other countries which will definitely will be away soon @stephenkendal
Finally capitalism is going to an end because of the development of block chain and crypto.Decentralized system will definitely helps the people
Can someone please the term capitalism. 😊
technological influences in the last century of the world are very fast in shaping the changing world.
Nice post I resteem your post
Oh! really blockchain technology 21st century capitalism has already failed. Well its good but you did great analysis, cryptocurrency and digital Blockhain technology wants to end this capitalist, making way for a future. I hope in future we will see good result, All the best
This is wonderful you expanding 30+ years to reveal this great projectand still hard work, I surely you're achieve success in this project. Its good if digital currency is achieve by Karl Marx and going to high level.
Wow increíble, blockchain cada ves tiene mas poder, me encanta leer sus post amigo me ayuda a entender mas sobre los negocios y proyectos, le deseo mucho éxito y los mejores deseos para ti :D
thanks for information and nice post
I'm not sure how you're defining capitalism, and I think this post would have benefitted from your laying that out at the beginning, but what you're describing here is corporatism, really a lite fascism that's been around for over 100 years and was born out of Europe's mercantilism that went on for centuries before that. But you're not describing capitalism, 21st century or otherwise. Capitalism is easily defined: it's a system based on capital (savings - something not encouraged in any politico/economic system currently in existence) and competition (also something thwarted by pretty much every government on the planet). [This comment was written by @geke using her son's computer and his Steemit account. Sorry for any confusion.]
Cryptocurrency and digital Blochain technology has brought hope for us and i wish Blockchain Technology will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism.
Cryptocurrency and digital Blochain technology has brought hope for us and i wish Blockchain Technology will be the end of 21st Century Capitalism.
It seems to me that such a world would be extremely fertile ground for the rise of — you guessed it — a reputation economy. The key is that it wouldn’t outright replace a traditional monetary economy, at least not for some quite considerable time; rather, it would begin to thrive parallel to, and independent of, its capitalistic counterpart. Eventually, though, as I’ve argued before, since we are fundamentally social creatures, in the long run, “at some point it will be better to be awesome than to be rich.”
Blockchain is growing so rapidly Since blockchain has built up the mindset has change and the economy is coming close by of general individuals which is the closure of merciless industrialist.
Before long all the bank and back organization will collarpse as they are in the phase...Now its opportunity to assume control industrialist @stephenkendal
blockchain will is the future and it will make more people wealthy indeed. best wishes for crypto and 30 years experience is also great sharing with us
wow! @stephenkendal you just schooled me.
Blockchain along with artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and augmented reality technology are predicted to become technological trends in 2018. Of all that, blockchain technology is the most attention-grabbing.Blockchain, the technology that forms the foundation of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin has the potential to disrupt and change the world's finances, businesses, and society by using a variety of applications.Blockchain is an online global database system that contains a set of transaction data that can be accessed in general or open source. Like a parent ledger in a bank that records all customer transactions, blockchain also records all transactions made by its users.@stephenkendal
Good luck for youI'm very cool with your eyes, very good information mr. @stephenkendal, Allow me to rensteem this information.
Thank you for a thorough write up, Stephen.
This is definitely marking the emergence of a new era that we hope will just shape things to the best.
Yes capitalism has had its downsides for a long time now, and getting to a replacement system, crypto/blockchain, is hopefully the best alternative and the imminent move!
This is well written and laid out, but I'm not sure I follow your conclusions...
First, what are your thoughts about global poverty itself being reduced in the last few decades? Much of this is because of capitalism moving into these developing economies. Granted, the working class of the Western economies are stagnating, if not slipping backward, as far as standard of living. But is that necessarily a bad thing if global suffering is getting better?
I was hoping that you'd go into detail about some of the factors of 21st Capitalism that are the worst you've seen, and the worst many economistst have seen, in decades. Capitalism is in the worst condition in what specific way?
I agree there is a growing disparity between the wealthy and the poor, and if this is not slowed and reversed, it will lead into a powder-keg situation.
Most of all though - I was very curious to read this to see how blockchain specifically can/will alleviate this situation? But I don't think I saw those details. Would love to hear what you mean in that regard!
The backchoanlogye is a geat gorce in the trasitionand transformation of world.
A believe its the only change africa.
I thinks Capitalism is can be fail but not for owner who plays and control all over capital it self.
Right now in third country, Capital is still playing role as investor or what ever its called.