Have you ever thought of implementing blockchain in a different field than cryptocurrency?

in #blockchain7 years ago

Lots of the top cryptocurrencies already have real-world use cases in addition to the coin or token from the blockchain.

Taking some of the more well known examples:

  • VeChain (VEN) works with supply chain management, tracking products with unique characteristics and dealing with authentication / counterfeit issues.

  • Augur (REP) is a prediction market platform so could be used with insurance or risk management as well as gambling.

  • Steem (STEEM) uses the blockchain for content creation as well as having the underlying currencies.

In addition the large platforms (EOS, Ethereum, Cardano etc) will have all kinds or real-world uses through decentralised applications and companies built through smart contracts.

I would like to see blockchain used to give a more transparent voice to local communities on local issues. I have a vague idea to implement something along these lines at some point.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

As I see it, yes

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Yes, I'd love to see it implemented in online gaming, to help in authentication and prevent cheating.