Trading crypto currencies on exchange can be an act quite overwhelming when a trader is lacking in experience. Trading digital currency on different exchanges require long term experience and skill to navigate your way in the volatile crypto market space due to the volatility of the assets, and to be a successful trader. Newbies traders are often in most prey for the big guns traders often referring to them as weak hands as they are new to the system and yet to learn the dark art of becoming a successful crypto currency traders, and can easily be shaken by asset price volatility.
Trading bots is an acronym for the word trading robots: a technology deployed both in the centralized exchange market and decentralized digital asset market to help traders most specifically newbies trade safely amidst bearest minimum loss to traders. These bots can actually monitor the volatility in thé market and make future prediction in other to guide traders to minimize risk. But the problem of bots to the cryptosphere exchange is that whilst they can make trading easier for new traders and even existing traders, they tends to minimize risk, and a reduced risk will lead to a reduced profit or stagnant portfolio.
Problems of Existing Cryptocurrency Exchange Bots
●For a seasoned trader, the greater the risk the greater the profit. Bots minimized risk for traders leading to a small profit margin
●Scalability whilst a seasoned trader navigates amongst different exchanges to capitalize on price fluctuation to maximize profit, a bot designed för a particular exchange will not reconnaissance outside the exchange to pick on price fluctuations.
The Solution: WolfpackBot:World's fastest and most secure trading Bot
WolfpackBot is a decentralized crypto currency exchange bot built with the freedom to automatically navigate all crypto currency exchange platform connected to it in order to maximize profit for traders.
Built on the wolfcoin network which uses both masternodes and proof of work (Pow) X11 nlockchain which gives a faster, secure and scalable platform for WolfpackBot to strive. It is a crypto currency trading Bot developed to revolutionize the cryptocurrency trading bot market with it urgency and ability to cross trade on all exchange platforms.
WolfpackBOT Automated Trading Software
The WolfpackBot software is developed to execute trading process in lightning speed encouraged by it more advance werewolf proprietary algorithm that allows the both to trade in the space of compatible digital currency exchange platforms.
• Simultaneous tradingWolfpackBot can trade simultaneously amongst different exchanges like BitMEX, Binance, Bittrex, KuCoin, and Polonie for now and other cryptocurrency exchange platform that will be added in the future , with trading pairs available for trading, thus, increasing profit margin by capitalizing on price fluctuation on different exchange.
•Coin selectoras seen with existing bot assisted trading platforms,they only allow for a limited selection of cryptocurrency to trade while WolfpackBot allows for selection of all coin trading pairs available on the exchanges. Should a user not want to trade a certain coin on all exchanges, the WolfpackBot coin selector features allows för such coin to be successfully blacklisted from potential tradings.
•The shorting position allows traders to short their positions and then buy back at lower rate to maximize profit.
•Patent and Trademarked Crash Protectionwhen many traders can't actually predict a crash of a certain altcoin, the more sophisticated crash protection feature on WolfpackBot puts trader on a safe position as this feature is capable to detect background bearish behaviour of altcoins and as a defense converts traders position to a stable coin which can later then be buy back at bottom price thus improving profit and lowering risk.
•Multiple Technical Analysis Indicators WolfpackBOT offers the widest array of Multiple Technical Analysis indicators, oscillators, configurations and settings available in the world of Automated Cryptocurrency Trading Bots. WolfpackBOT provides Bollinger Bands, Double EMA, Elliot Wave, EMA, EMA Cross, Fibonacci Sequence, KAMA, MA Cross, MACD, RSI, SMA, Stochastic, Stochastic RSI, Triple EMA, and many more!
The WolfBOX Hardware Console
First of it kind, the WolfBOX is a altcoin trading console design for speed to aid WolfpackBot trading without the need for a VPN or ground computer. Built with it is a hardware wallet and RFID card reader to allow efficiency and easy functionality. The console is not design to be boring anyway as it has the ability to howl once a WolfpackBot transaction is completed, a real wolf you say! interesting.
The Wolfcoin (WOLF)
Is the traditional currency and will serve as the fuel for the subscriber of WolfpackBot. Also to be used as redeemable reward for mining and masternodes acquisition which in all manners makes this utility coin the more appealing to users. WOLF is a tradeable token that can be traded for other cryptocurrency on exchange.
Masternodes and Pow 11X Blockchain
In addition to rewarding wolfcoin miner through the more traditional proof of work (Pow), the masternodes allows for reward with wolfcoin for miners who posses a masternode. Masternodes is a technology that is responsible for instant send: a feature that allows wolfcoin to be transfer almost instantly completing transctions within two minutes, a private send feature that provides anonymity and is also responsible for the wolfcoin blockhain governance. Possession of a masternode required the acquisition of 10,000 wolfcoin which are not to be trade as it will be the fuel for the masternode.
The WolfpackBot with it state-of-the-art infrastructure will indeed revolutionize the automated crypto currency trading platforms and helps solidify the position of traders, increasing profit margin and helps lowering the level of risk via it trademarked crash protection feature, which in return encourages the trading of cryptocurrency. The WolfpackBot is indeed a breakthrough project.
For more Information and Resources
WolfPackBOT website
WolfpackBot Telegram
WolfpackBot Twitter
Bounty0x username: tonyryce