Blockchain and decentralisation is an awesome innovation and phenomena. But the idea of its transactions being permanent and traceable (according to research details) leaves a scary and disturbing feeling to most people.
You may not notice the impact right now. And you may question if one is a politician, drug addict, child trafficker, fraudster etc to be that bothered about privacy.
What if you are a husband to a jealous and stingy wife who doesn't want any penny of yours to reach your siblings? Or a wife to a possessive and heartless husband who won't approve of your helping your parents? Or a new private company whose staff's stipends and salaries ought to be in the dark against the preying eyes of competitors and government(tax)?.
There's need most times for your data and financial activities to be out of public access and the truth is that no other blockchain can assure you of that outmost privacy except Beam and Grin..
Both are built from mimblewimble protocols. They make use of Proof of Work (PoW) system.
Now Grin of course has its own emission rules of fifty coins per block, while Beam is much ahead with embedding kernels and integrating blocks such that transactions are "bind" and stored permanently instead of the addresses/wallet involved.
Beam was written in C++, using equihash minning algorithm which means that it requires no pre-mine and holds no ICO because it's fully funded by a treasury.
Beam's Features
It has a graphical wallet app for Mac, Windows and Linux.
It has unique batch bulletproofs
It allows offline transactions through BBS system.
It enables chainwork and sublinear blockchain validation.
It provides compact history (using cutting through)
It equihash miner with periodic minning difficulty adjustment.
It has full node: transaction/block validation and UTXO state.
It has a secured and confidential wallet with key generator.
It provides atomic swap and BTC storage.
Beam also provides p2p market in its wallets etc.
In conclusion, Beam utilizes smaller blocks to process transactions which ensures that the results are swift, scalable and secured.
This is an entry to a writing contest organised by @Originalworks with more details here of cryptocurrencies and non-users can now fully participate in the world of cryptos being assured that their interests will be protected and at the same time solved.
For more details check out the website, whitepaper and telegramThis is an entry to a writing contest organised by @Originalworks with more details here
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