Capital Technologies & Research With The Revolution Communication System

in #blockchain6 years ago

For whom and for what should we mobilize communication and media to address the complexity of current global conditions? Because communication has an ambiguous potential, the assumption that it always does good needs to be problematized. On the one hand, if and when understood and framed as a social right and a dialogic practice, communication can facilitate the recognition of others, enable meaningful social attachments and afford what Paulo Freire once called ”the practice of freedom”. On the other hand, in line with media’s role as central component of the deployment of neoliberal capitalism, communication can break people apart, ignite conflict and promote increasingly individualized and consumerist forms of existence. What is the implication, if everything ‘important’ is discussed in the media? How do communities change if we are connected via the social web? And what is the impact of all these media taken together? Questions like these are reflected when discussing the mediatization of our present life worlds. The core argument is that we have to grasp our present ‘worlds’ as being ‘mediatized’. The increasing ‘mediation of everything’ impacts the way we articulate cultures and societies on various levels: our everyday living and community building, the way we entertain ourselves, how we live religion, the forms of our political participation as well as our constructions of ethnicity. Such a mediatization of life worlds has to be understood as something transmedial: It is not solely related to ‘mass communication’, but includes at the same time various other forms of mediated communication; for example, communication via the Internet, mobile phones and newer forms of ‘intelligent’ communication systems. This means we have to develop an integrative approach which considers the different forms of media communication in their relevance for articulating present cultures and societies. Conceptualising ‘mediatization’ in the frame of ‘mediatized worlds’ means that present cultures and societies are mediatized in the sense that media are constitutive for them and that their reality construction is highly ‘moulded’ by various media. This also entails that media are articulated as a ‘cultural centrality’: what counts as important within these cultures are the things which are communicated by the media - not only as celebrities, but also in everyday life. However, mediatized worlds are highly dispersed, which is the level where we can carefully investigate them. To do this, we have to look not only at the communicative and social networks people build across various media, but also at the communicative figurations build in total.
Capital Technologies & Research is the first decentralized private communication that offers cryptocurrency world to all of their users. This platform is built from blockchain technology system and encrypted through The Signal Protocol which is designed by Open Whisper Systems. In addition, the Capital also gives users the possibility to communicate to each other in real-time without any other specialized tools.
Capital has so many assets that you must to know such as Capital Platform, Capital Vote, Capital Store, Capital Apps, Capital Pool and also Capital Investment. The Capital technology behind them can empower developers so that they can design, test, build, deploy and research peer-to-peer protocols, decentralized applications (DApps) and communication standards. The Capital has the private communication tools to give their users the professional advice for future development. In other words, the Capital’s project will change your vision about the true privacy that can be fully trusted to protect your own privacy from abuse serious and also worldwide violations of human rights which is coming from the broken privacy data. Blockchain-based communications on the Capital apps solve this problem by replacing your centralized servers with the all-in-one program that can centralize all servers with nodes so you can receive your authority back.
This is new communication system communication with blockchain technology offer you more perform like :
-No limits on Capital design because they build cross-platform. This platform has a modular design to leads and to develop multi-platform apps.
-Capital has real-time communication for encrypted your data. Then Capital will break it into a small different piece which is distributed to nodes and relays them across the network. Finally, they will be linked up and decrypted at the destination
-The one and only All-in-One solution to makes the best privacy for your own world
-Capital has the smart payment system for you. According to hardware contribution, operators and nodes have their free will to set the price
-Capital using the shield from the blockchain technology to protects your real identity which using multiple random nodes.

After the successful Capital Technologies and research ico reach the softtcap, Capital tech network decided to launch the first mining pool hub. Capital Technologies and Research preparing the swap process between the Ethereum ERC-20 and the new Proof of Work (PoW) blockchain we have decided that we need to consolidate the network before transferring all balances.
At this moment, the mining difficulty of the Capital (CALL) network is very low so you can mine it even with your CPU or with your GPU/ASIC or even rent Equihash hashing power from NiceHash.
Follow the last update , there is a guide how to join Capital pool and step by step how to install pool and mine your own coin CALL. Mining pool is available for windows and linux Ubuntu.

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A very good review of the project. I have done the same project presentation. Please do check. This is a very good project. Up vote and follow done. Keep up the good work.