Science B.0 tweeted @ 22 Mar 2016 - 04:00 UTC
Universities, research institutes (libraries) … could be trusted third parties to secure a distributed research database (e.g.@BigchainDB)
Science B.0 tweeted @ 17 Mar 2016 - 10:28 UTC
In Ethereum that would be a few line of codes for a smart contract that could do that ……
Lambert Heller tweeted @ 18 Apr 2012 - 21:26 UTC
Censorship-resistant, distributed name registers (application e.g DNS) are possible w/ #bitcoin derived #namecoin
Science B.0 tweeted @ 06 Feb 2016 - 08:25 UTC
Science B.0 would allow anonymous publication that can still be signed with reputation and contribute to reputation / money
soenkeba tweeted @ 10 Feb 2016 - 15:05 UTC
Blockchain technology can be used for the IoT in science, e.g. research apparatus can directly publish their results for reuse #opendata