TGT is now available to trade on Bitforex with 2 trading pairs: TGT/ETH, TGT/BTC
We are glad to announce that Twogap is now listed on Bitforex and available for all traders and investors to start their trading journey.
First-time listing price started at 0.00000117 ETH and now is around 0.00000050.
Trading now:
Withdrawal can be made on August 29th, 2019, and TGT can be stored in MyEtherWallet (MEW), Trust Wallet and Twogap Wallet (APK file is now available on our website).
Twogap ( TGT) can be stored in MyEtherWallet (MEW), Trust Wallet and Twogap Wallet.Step-by-step instructions for withdrawal are below:
Step 1: Access to "Wallet" function on Bitforex and Find "TGT"
Step 2: Find "Withdraw" and Follow the following instruction.
Step 3: Fill in your wallet address, token, and the amount
About Twogap:
The goal of this project aims at releasing the Crypto market out of its middle-scale trap. The term "middle-scale trap" was founded when the market cap of the whole crypto market has been limited and oscillating between the range of 100–200 trillion USD. People have been waiting for the potential breakout but there was no trigger for its push. Within its innovative set of products and solutions, Twogap targets forming an underlying foundation called Cross-Exchanges Infrastructure to increase the liquidity of the market to trigger the historical breakout.
Read more about Twogap products and solutions here :
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