Merculet is a blockchain network company founded by a Singapore Public Limited company Magic Foundation limited. Both the companies have been working together for the betterment of the service takers. It is the chief growth officer for the global entrepreneur.
It utilizes its service by maximizing the internet with its value and makes the vital explanation by putting into operation the attention of the users of the blockchain network as the development of the enterprise. It transforms the user’s attention into a valuable asset that helps its users to transform their advertising network in a valuable network. Merculet has the intention to blossom the next generation of the Internet by its goodness.
Reputation System
Every content tends to have a platform for own unique ID which will make an identifying content simple and efficient regardless. This is actually the place where the chains will lie. The reputation system should play a vital role in the maintenance of the quality of the Merculet community along with the content and service providing.
The reputation of the users is based on these dimensions. By the help of this platform, they will be able to produce credible and reliable reputations. This will be eligible for everyone whoever will be using the platform in a visible score for reputation may encourage people to behave positively on the platform. The reputation system of Merculet implements the asses every individual from the dimensions, such as:
Identity: Identity is the date of registration for the number of people following them. At some level of information, they provide an identity themselves by inviting them into the community.
Performance: The performance of the organization lies in its terms of community development. Their actions should have positive and negative impacts on the community.
Activation: This one is nothing but the user’s behavior in the community that posts as the users like, share and comment. Even all of these must be monitored by the full-fledged autonomous reputation system.
Wealth: This emphasizes the maximization of points by every user that has their points of circulation in types of points whatever they have.
Contribution: The users also can contribute to some kind of actions that will eventually affect the community that can put some impact on it.
Token System
Merculet introduces tokens for their clients to make their service even more valuable. The tokens releases under the banner of MVP or Merculet Value Protocol. The system includes some attributes like:
General Information: Being a cornerstone of Merculet platform, MVP tokens will become the main element of the platform. There will be 10,000,000 pre-determined MVP in total. Among this, 30% will be up for selling to the public, 20% will be kept b the development and advisory team.
Purpose: The purpose of MVP tokens is to advertise which will be used by the enterprises on the platform in terms of carrying out the transaction. This produces their own tokens which are UAT or User Attention Token. This rewards to the consumers by their attention. Users will wish to have access to special services providing the enterprises on the platform that will require the MVP tokens.
Value: Merculet is making the tokens in such a way which is going to act as currency. It will reward as a fee on the platform which basically will be the main concern. The tokens of Merculet platform will ultimately need to grow so that the tokens can pick a rise in the value of tokens.
Mercule has been working on the highly capable people with strong technological backgrounds along with a decent amount of experience. Such experience will help to advertise to the skillsets of the development which is relevant to the project and the executive members. The Merculet’s Enticement or User Incentive. Merculet helped the entrepreneurs to execute the golden triangle of user incentive from the creation. In the beginning, it will be positioned to the value attachments for some ordinary enticements from the business scenario that results in the accomplishments of grown healthy that will merely rely upon the performance of exchange.
This seems to complement each other and also worked with efficiency. Even the advisory team is impressive and has a lot of blockchain, technology, and business development related expertise. Therefore they are taking good care of their service and clients at the same time.
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