Bankera could be just like your regular bank but powered by blockchain technology

in #blockchain7 years ago

277308_low_jpg_srgb.jpgBankera is a blockchain platform designed with the aim to disrupt and revolutionize current banking system of the world.

Introducing creative and innovative solutions, Bankera also reduces fees for banking services. Bankera which is the product of SPECTROCOIN fork will be developed in three main areas.

Bankera serves ordinary customers
Just like other banks, Bankera provides customers with the ability to open all kinds of accounts.

It also accepts cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, Nem, Dash and so on alongside fiat currencies.

Bankera facilitates business with its blockchain platform
Real time settlement is no longer an imaginative concept with bankera’s solutions such as Know Your Customer.

Moreover, Lending process will be improved since the economic capacity of each customer is clearly transparent.

Bankera can decrease inflation and ease money circulation
In the realm of banking, bad and unreasonable investment to cope with inflation has become a serious constraint.

However, providing tradable baskets and cryptocurrency budgets are innovations by Bankera that give new insights into investment.