An Ethereum blockchain based token supporting the green movement and a more conductive environment.
Green movement consists of team of enthusiast environmentalistand team mission includes
Financing afforestation.
Green house gases reduction .
Favourable environment.
Ensuring low carbon future.
Maximising nature's role as climate solution.
Creating awareness about eco friendly activities and creating sustainable environment.
The Problem
Earth's atmosphere has many gases which act like shield or blanket to keep earth's temperature in control.As gases are needed to keep the earth warm ,but excess gases emitted in to atmosphere by industrialization which are causes of global warming.
Due to globalisation,industrialization,population increase,transport and other factors are the main reason of green house gases like methane,carbon dioxide,chloro flouro carbons causing damage to the atmosphere.we need to be concerned that this gases could increse the temeperature of earth.
Every person is liable for this stragnant problem directly or indirectly by burning fossil fuels like coal,oil and power stations.The burning of fossil fuel releases carbon dioxide which causes half of greenhouse effect by cutting down trees.
The Solution
There are many factor and things influencing the green house effect.We can overcome it by planting trees in large scale which brings on biodiversity which allows us breath easy.People should be awared the consensus of using bio fuels rather than fossil fuels we need to spread the need of planting trees which help to intake carbon dioxide which is main cause of green house effect.Planting trees more also helps us keep summers better rather using airc condition .Sustainable practices should be made mandatory to people for saving the earth.
GMV Token
In the quest to support environment GMV token is created on ethereum blockchain with
The Team GMV is committed for the afforestation,45% of the GMV token is reserved for financing afforestation,re-afforestation and sustainable practices.A community will be formed for the distribution of green funding accordingly.
Road Map
The team
Abraham Wilson(Environmentalist & Developer)
Wayne Bennerd(Environmentalist & Web Designer)
Cole Forry(Environmentalist & Social Media)
Crown Fresh(Environmentalist & Social Media)
Abioye Wisdom(Environmentalist & Promoter)
Vincent Alingato(Environmentalist & Social Media)
Lamp Williams(Environmentalist)
Roy Steve(Environmentalist)
Thompson Brown(Environmentalist)
Udom Godswill(Environmentalist)
Mary Larson(Environmentalist)
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etherwallet: 0xB2f5c102Ed9AC8391ECA39b45a021CD578380188
Telegram: @vamsidharreddy