I personally don't see the "failure" you're referring to. Two people at some company quit and that is now compromising your project?
I know there are numerous hurdles but it's the name of the game.
There are many ways to raise funds, some of which may or may not involve crypto.
You might want to check the ERC 1400s series tokens standards. They are related security tokens and some of them feature backward compatibility. https://github.com/ethereum/eips/issues/1411
Obviously, I'm not an expert, so not sure to what extent they are secure, advanced, etc. nor any examples of successful STOs based on those.
Some issuers have also relied on good old ERC-20 and filed an exempt offering with the SEC.
Also, as you pointed out, the regulatory landscape is immature and diverse which makes the task even more complex, yet another reason why I have been leery about pushing our token out too aggressively.
Again, not a lawyer or a consultant, so this is by no means any piece of advice.