How Blockchain Technology Will Revolutionize Mobile App Economy?

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

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Bitcoin And Associated Developments: has some interesting things to say about profiting while traveling abroad. Physical currency and traveler’s checks are quickly becoming anachronistic. Digital currency solutions make it such that you can use the same Visa credit card overseas that you use in your home country. You can even use ATMs and print out currency.

Bitcoin essentially provides the same kind of service. With Bitcoin, you can go to any Bitcoin machine and extract cash as it conforms to current Bitcoin rates. Such machines are currently throughout the world; you’ve just got to find them in the cities you visit. Now all that’s easy enough to say—but the question then becomes: how does it work?

Well, in a word, blockchain—and this pertains to the subject of this writing. Blockchain solutions are positioned to utterly transform the current mobile app economy. Blockchain is what facilitates Bitcoin, but it’s not something which is solely related to cryptocurrency; it’s just what makes cryptocurrency valuable.

Understanding Blockchain:

Basically, a blockchain is a list of information that can’t be tampered with. Records, transaction details, etc., are all securely maintained in “blocks” which build on one another over time. Differing time-stamps primarily striate different “blocks”. Cryptography of a new type which compounds on itself with each new “block” secures the technology.

As more people buy into cryptocurrency, more blocks are created. More blocks equate to greater blockchain security, facilitating increased cryptocurrency value. It’s a self-feeding upward spiral. As pertains to apps, mobile app security is a key feature of an application’s dependability, reliability, and trustworthiness.

The digital world is abuzz with blockchain tech, as it provides a means of securing operations which continues to increase on itself positively as it is used. I.E., the more it’s used, the more secure it becomes. Think of it like Chinse finger-cuffs, as a rough analogy. The more you struggle, the tighter they become. Well, the more you use blockchain tech, the more secure it becomes.

Simultaneously, security is expedited and infrastructure is diminished substantially, reducing operational expense while expanding operational ability. In three years, the blockchain market is set to be worth $20+ billion.

Decentralized Financial Security:

With blockchain technology it becomes possible to securely decentralize computing in terms of financial institutions, allowing for instantaneous mobile banking solutions around the clock independent of location or day. So not only is infrastructure reduced in terms of security, but customer service and operational utility increases.

Applications secured by blockchain can now be used in a secure capacity on a non-corporate basis. That is to say: a small startup company who designs an application can compete with the most qualitative applications on the market securely by applying blockchain solutions to their app’s data encryption.

Additionally, companies who produce applications and utilize blockchain tech have the ability to provide small or large businesses with application services almost on-demand. The only temporal loss comes in the time it takes to properly develop an app.

Such application security isn’t limited to mobile applications used via smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other IoT, either. It additionally has security value for solutions at the enterprise level. Data needs to be secured between business locations which are located separate from one another.

Direct Application Of On-Site Security Solutions Via Blockchain
Consider this reality: you’ve got quality control protocols in place which must be disseminated securely between varying locations. These chunks of quality control data are rife with proprietary information, and documents of an otherwise sensitive nature. But they must be properly put to use regardless of such sensitivity!

An EQMS solution solidified in terms of security through blockchain tech stands to bear greater dependability than the same solutions not supported via blockchain. If you make the switch and your competitors don’t, you’re operating at an objective advantage in terms of security.

And it doesn’t end there, either. when you get right down to it, any software solution that can be encrypted stands to see an advantage through the application of blockchain solutions.

Transitions To New Tech Need Not Be Initially Comprehensive:

For those who have yet to fully embrace this technology, it makes sense to start making some transitions. You’ve seen how Bitcoin is apt to fluctuate madly in terms of profit expansion before everyone jumps on the bandwagon and the currency loses value for a period. Yet if you look at Bitcoin over the long run, it’s been on an upward trend. Read more...