Whitelist coming to Airtoken ICO. More info this coming week. Sale goes live 09/19 @ 14:00UTC
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First of all, let me say that I like the idea and the philosophy of airtoken. What I am trying to understand is the economics (I am hoping that you can help me make sense of it).
If the advertising is going to be providing data to those with very little money in exchange for interacting with advertising, then the advertising would have to be targeted at those with very little money. Wouldn't that likely mean that those who are doing the advertising likely have low margins or lower profits? If so, how much could those advertisers offer to users for interacting with the ads?
Even in western countries with higher profit potential among the populous, how much could an advertiser offer to each individual who interacted with the ad? If it were say, pennies per ad, then how much airtoken data time would that really provide? I assume that someone would literally have to watch ads all day in order to obtain any kind of meaningful airtime? Unless there is a way to obtain data cheaper than I know it to be.
Are there any numbers/projections/studies/advertisers signed up to detail what amounts of money an advertiser would be willing to pay and then also detailing how much data time that would translate into for the airtoken user?