During an unplanned failure, the kraken exchange places an advertisement saying that he is looking for a C ++ developer. CEO binance announces on twitter that he is looking for a company that will be able to handle their support where they get 20,000 new requests per day. During an unplanned failure, the kraken exchange places an advertisement saying that he is looking for a C ++ developer. CEO binance announces on twitter that he is looking for a company that will be able to handle their support where they get 20,000 new queries a day and i think that is not very good sign.

The level of technical knowledge of cryptocurrency users is also low. Observes many channels on the telegram, questions that people ask there show only how low is the level of knowledge among most members of the cryptocurrency community. Such users should either learn or restrict access to financial instruments based on cryptocurrencies and because they can only harm themselves, and this will result in large legal regulations. There is no easy way to the "lambo" you will not achieve anything without learning :)

Yeah it is! That's because of the huge crypto trend over the passage of time.... Over the past few months, when Bitcoin started to grow unexpectedly higher, a lot of investors got profit. At that time, many newbies jumped into this market without even understanding the risk. Still a lot of them are struggling hard to gain some profit!
Yes i think most. Ppl loose money
That is quite true about users, their knowledge is really low, many of them just care about making money, not embracing the technology. When it comes to the exchanges situation is more severe since they should know better, and they should be trendsetters but many of them still do not have SW and I do not expect them to have LN by 2019, maybe even 2020.