EQUI: The Democratization of Investing

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

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"The broken Venture Capital system is taking away the rights for individual to invest in early stage companies"

If you had invested in Uber ten years ago, you probably have a handsome amount of money today. With current $68 billion valuation, your $1,000 might be worth a few hundred thousands today. It won’t make you a millionaire but still 10,000% profit is quite a fortune.

But it is impossible to invest in Uber with only $1,000. The first angel-round investment for Uber is $1,250,000 from First Round Capital, a very well known venture capital firm. There is no way for a regular person like you and me to be able to join the investment round with our $1,000. Even if they do, they will require a huge sum of money to participate.


Seems like venture capitals always step ahead when it comes to early stage investment. They always know when to invest and where to invest. They have money and they have access. That’s why they got the opportunity to invest early in soon-to-be Unicorn startups like Uber, AirBNB, Facebook, Pinterest, Dropbox, and many more.

So what’s left for individual investors?

EQUI wants to change the way Venture Capital works, by allowing individuals to participate in an investment sector that has been traditionally reserved for institutions and ultra high net worth individuals, a.k.a venture capitalists.

Equi Capital is building a platform on blockchain technology to democratize the investing opportunities. By using blockchain technology, it means that all the process will be transparent, secure and immutable. These are the basics of the real democratization which will help a lot of individuals to participate and succeed in this competitive environment.

The concept is a no brainer, it will attract a lot of individual investors to join the platform. But the most important factor is the team behind EQUI Capital, Are they experienced in this field? Can they provide access to the early stage investment opportunity? Are they able to spot potential promising startups?

The answer is YES. The team behind EQUI Capital is a top notch. Take a look at the founder, Doug Barrowman, he spent the past decade at Aston Ventures and made 13 acquisitions of old economy businesses with a total turnover in excess of £400million. Another co-founder, Baroness Mone Of Mayfair, OBE, is one of the most influential ladies in UK. She was awarded an OBE for her outstanding contribution to business in 2010 by Her Majesty the Queen, and founded a multi-million dollar business Ultimo Brands International.

EQUI team of investment professionals has extensive experience in identifying good opportunities and have a demonstrable track record of delivering outstanding returns. Equally important, they have strong access to deal flow and the investment market generally.

By combining blockchain technology and high-calibre team, EQUI will transform the future of angel and venture investing in modern economy.