Intellectual incest occurs when a population subgroup like a political party, religious sect, or other segment of society defends a pervasive belief system based on false assumptions and maintained by propaganda.
To the extent that this subgroup relies entirely on internal feedback, “trusted” disinformation or fake news sources, false flag and other government sponsored propaganda that endorses the group’s worldview and no other we have intellectual incest in action.
Components of intellectual incest can include:
• Mainstream media, ie. Fake news, television and movie programming.
• University curriculum taught exclusively by adherents to the prevailing “dogma” endorsed by the university.
• Fake science or biased and corrupt scientific studies generally sponsored by the instigators of the false meme.
• Politically correct verbiage that corrupts and even bans words and unpalatable ideas in favor of meaningless “feel good” terms that prevent clear communication.
• Engineered false flag incidents that seek to warp public opinion in support of a particular ideology or false paradigm.
For those people living in countries with totalitarian governments like China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia, to name a few, the concept of intellectual incest should come as no surprise. The citizens may in fact, be so hypnotized that many would fully believe and approve of the ban on free speech.
These governments value a “lock-step” authoritarian orientation where all independent thought is to be sacrificed for the “common good”. Indeed, these cultures have a history of punishing dissident speech, thoughts and actions.
But, many living in the “land of the free”, the United States, would be shocked and vehemently deny that they also are victims of intellectual incest.
But, consider the facts:
The CIA program “Operation Mockingbird” is still active.
As far back as the 1950s under “Operation Mockingbird,” the CIA paid under the table journalists and authors to parrot the CIA’s “talking points” with their by-lines. Readers, believing they were reading a journalist or author’s true opinions, were duped into accepting government propaganda as truth.
This was the origin of “fake news.” Fake news is endemic today, primarily on mainstream news and programming. There is a reason that television broadcasts are called programming. The views of the television audience are being “programmed” depending on the network’s orientation.
This morning like clockwork the CIA emailed to its list of paid, lackey, lying journalists and authors the CIA “talking points." Journalists that attempt to “break cover” and explore forbidden topics soon find themselves out of a job and blacklisted. Those with integrity may have moved to the Internet.
Recently, in the case of RussiaGate, a private company, Fusion GPS, funded by the Democratic National Committee and instigated by Obama, paid journalists to spread information about the fabricated Russia/Trump dossier. See
for complete details.But, it was cognitive scientists and psychologists that first identified the concept of Intellectual Incest. They named it Confirmation Bias or myside bias.
Confirmation bias is the mind’s tendency to search out, identify and interpret only that data that reinforces a pre-existing, powerfully held belief or complete belief system. The scientists found that the subconscious actively rejects data and even objective sources of data that contradict the mind’s deeply held beliefs.
I relate it to incest in the sense that no outside information that contradicts a belief system is permitted. In fact, the outside data, regardless of how it has been objectively validated, is summarily rejected. Only “safe” sources of information, ie. Internal propaganda, from within “the family” so to speak, are tolerated.
This phenomenon results in an uncanny, closed-minded and non-analytical thinking process that is based on emotional bias by scientists, religious people, political people and many who defend any fervently held belief system.
America At Risk
2018 will be an interesting year as many of the strongly held belief systems held by Americans will be crushed by the outbreak of truth and transparency.
On the one hand, the continued, unrelenting destruction of American values, freedoms and even the currency itself is reaching the stage of critical mass. Even the most dumbed-down American will become aware of emerging issues that may irrevocably undermine their entire belief system.
Crimes by members of Congress, the former president, presidential candidates, the media and even by political parties will finally come to light.
The Federal Reserve’s private, corrupt and massively destructive fiat money system will finally unravel during 2018-2022. A relatively tiny but powerful evolution in money has been fermenting in the cryptocurrency sphere. Central control banking (authoritarian banking interests) will either be utterly destroyed by private, peer-to-peer decentralized cryptocurrencies, or, the emerging class of cryptocurrencies will be ruthlessly eviscerated by invasive and unwarranted regulations that completely destroy their intrinsic value and purpose.
The progressive democratic party’s increasing alliance with communism and it’s virulent but politically correct version known as socialism will not only come to light but will cause a major rift in the political fabric of the country. See Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future.
Meanwhile, the crushing stranglehold of trillion dollar point-one percenter owned multinational conglomerates with interlocking boards of directors will also be challenged by a new wave of off-the-books, private, decentralized, ethical and transparent entrepreneurial blockchain businesses that will rapidly displace entire traditional industries.
Watch closely! You will see that within several years if a business isn’t based on a true, decentralized blockchain (not a private, centrally manipulated blockchain), the public will shun it.
The blockchain will bring about a level of free markets and efficiency that has not existed prior to 2018. The blockchain is an entirely new paradigm and banksters like Jamie Dimon, Chairman, CEO and President, of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big banks, are doing everything in their power to destroy decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Cloudcoin.
In 2018 and beyond, the repression of health cures and scientific breakthroughs that actually cure diseases instead of symptom remediation will come to an end. As a new age of open source, free market information educates the public it will unseat the entire mainstream medical industry and the drug companies that invented it.
We will see a similar movement towards decentralized, clean free energy technologies that divorce many households from the stranglehold of central power companies and fossil fuel bills.
2018 and beyond will be a time of turbulence and chaos as the public finally awakes, sheds fake belief systems and embraces freedom. For those who are paying attention, the future will be one of risk as well as unlimited opportunity.
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